Optifine and Faithful Textures in FtB, HELP D:

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been watching videos on Youtube and I've noticed that Let's Players are using Optifine and the Faithful Texture pack in FtB.

My own computer is very laggy ( 4 fps when I open up FtB) and I'm not very tech-savvy, so can someone explain to me in detail how one gets Optifine and the FtB version of the Faithful texture pack?

I've tried MultiMC to get optifine but it doesn't work for me. :/

Thanks in Advance!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's a section of the forums for third party sources such as TP packs, you should visit them. This really isn't the place for that.
As for Optifine I can't speak for the current "build" that's been shoehorned recently, however during the last stable build, it was a case of downloading Optifine_1.4.2_HD_U_B5, loading the launcher, clicking the Edit Mod Pack button, then adding the mod to the Jar Mods tab. Once enabled, starting the launcher would install the mod for you.

BUT since they decided to update, I have no idea what version to use now. You should pester them about it.
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