For those of you who follow KirinDave's Resonant Rise series, this may sound familiar, because I largely agree with him on this topic. For those of you who don't, here we go...
Overpowered is a relative term, because you have to have something it is more powerful than in order for it to be applied.
EE3 IS OP! is a bad usage, because you have nothing you are comparing it to.
EE3 IS OP in the Ultimate Mod Pack! is proper usage, because you have the context of what you consider an 'average' power level that EE3 is over and above. It might be a topic which could be debated, but at least it is a valid usage of the term.
Being a mod pack compiler myself, one of the things I do look at is the average power level with respect to the other mods in my mod pack. A perfect example of a legitimate concern within my mod pack is the MFR Bio Generator.
Because I tend to ramble on, I've spoilered what I feel is a good example of what might constitute OP within a mod pack, and because it's really talking specifically about my mod pack.
Does this mean the Bio Reactor needs to get nerfed by the creator of the mod? Not in the least. While it has a balance problem within my specific mod pack, it is only one out of MANY mod packs which are out there. It would be the height of arrogance for me to say that this block is OP in every instance, as though my mod pack is the only metric which is relevant to the discussion. There are mod packs that it makes perfect sense for in its current state.
Now, I might state that I would like a config option to drop the output to something a bit more reasonable. I'd probably drop it down to about 4-6 MJ/t. This would still make it a valid option if you want to run on biofuel, but it doesn't make it the end-all-be-all of power output. However, having a config option to tweak the MJ output of the Bio Reactor can be used by every mod pack compiler to fine-tune the settings of their mod pack to present a more enjoyable and varied playing experience for their players. In other words, I'm not demanding that the mod author change his mod because it is OP, I'm requesting a feature which will help all mod pack compilers. See the difference? And, as it so happens, there IS a config option. So I can adjust this. Of course, if a player disagrees, he can adjust it right back, and that's fine too.
So... 'X' IS OP is incorrect usage. 'X' IS OP In <situation> is acceptable, but generally <situation> also means within a mod pack either from a launcher or privately collected, so it is just referring back to 'X' IS OP In <mod pack>.
Overpowered is a relative term, because you have to have something it is more powerful than in order for it to be applied.
EE3 IS OP! is a bad usage, because you have nothing you are comparing it to.
EE3 IS OP in the Ultimate Mod Pack! is proper usage, because you have the context of what you consider an 'average' power level that EE3 is over and above. It might be a topic which could be debated, but at least it is a valid usage of the term.
Being a mod pack compiler myself, one of the things I do look at is the average power level with respect to the other mods in my mod pack. A perfect example of a legitimate concern within my mod pack is the MFR Bio Generator.
Because I tend to ramble on, I've spoilered what I feel is a good example of what might constitute OP within a mod pack, and because it's really talking specifically about my mod pack.
The MFR Bio Generator runs on Biofuel and produces 16 EU/t. Just a flat comparison to a Biomass Engine at 4 MJ/t is a hint that there may be some balance issues. However, it runs on Biofuel, not Biomass. But, when you look at a 36 HP Boiler, which DOES run on Biofuel, you begin to see the problem.
You can run 144 MJ/t off of one 36 HP Boiler. However, it requires 36 HP Boiler blocks. Each HP Boiler Block requires 2 steel plates, or 72 plates total. Each steel plate is 4 steel per 3 plates. That's 96 steel there. And because I don't have Mekanism or GT or IC2 or any of that sort of thing in my mod pack, steel is pretty well gated with the Blast Furnace. So that is a very non-trivial resource investment. It's also pretty big. Then, for it to actually produce that kind of energy, you need 18 Industrial Steam Engines. Each one requires three steel plates and two steel gears. That's 54 steel plates and 36 steel gears, in addition to the 72 steel plates for the boiler itself.
Nine Bio Reactors will produce the same MJ output, requiring some plastic and smooth stone and a handful of blaze rods. In a smaller space. Off of the same fuel consumption. And it can produce Power On Demand and shut itself off, conserving fuel when power is not being drawn, wheras a boiler has to be on constantly or lose fuel efficiency.
Therefore, a Bio-Reactor can be considered OP when compared to the Steam Boiler in the ShneekeyCraft Mod Pack.
Now, as a Mod Pack compiler, I consider it part of my job to present a well balanced, integrated, and entertaining experience to the players of my mod pack. This is the sort of thing which has to be carefully considered. On the one hand, I want to give players some options. On the other hand, the Bio Reactor is so damn good that any other option for power generation is really sub-optimal. Even Magmatic Engines running off of Nether Lava is going to cost you more in terms of resources to get set up, plus has the negative effect of lagging out your nether with a ton of flowing lava blocks. Therefore, for the purposes of the ShneekeyCraft Mod Pack, I am strongly considering nerfing/removing this block. Not because it is OP in an absolute term, but because its power is so much higher than any other option in the mod pack.
One of the things I am strongly considering adding in the next update is Mekanism, and its generators, to give the players additional options for power generation. Honestly, right now, there's not many. There's Steam, there's Coal (hobbyist, TE steam, and BC Stirling), and there's Magmatic and possibly Combustion. There's also Biomass from Forestry, however MFR so completely blows Forestry away on biofuel production these days that it really isn't worth the hassle. Oh, and the Bio Reactor, which is clearly the superior option here.
When adding a mod, I have to consider: "Will people actually use this mod?"
Mods take up resources. The more mods you have, the more resources it requires. Therefore, I like to run a 'tight ship'. I need a real and significant reason to add a mod to the mod pack before it will be seriously considered. Mekanism's Generators would give people a plethora of early to mid to even late game power options. Since Energy Cubes can output MJ quite readily with no awkward conversion nonsense required, it will plug seamlessly into my mod pack.
However, the Bio Reactor pretty much blows all of them away as well. Which means they probably won't see a lot of use. Now we are seeing the Bio Reactor not only being the only 'optimal' option for power generation, but we're also seeing it hurt the mod pack by discouraging me from adding in extra mods that would give the players more options, because they simply won't be used.
Now you see that the Bio Reactor is not only the single most powerful AND cheapest MJ resource to use in the mod pack, but it is also going to get in the way of adding new cool things because they just won't be used. That's a problem. Now I think it is fair to call it OP within the context of the mod. Not just because it is a strong option, but because it significantly blows away any and all other power generation options, both in terms of absolute power output AND cost in resources and time to create and consume.
Now we aren't looking at a single metric, we're looking at it as a piece of a larger puzzle... and it just isn't fitting in well.
You can run 144 MJ/t off of one 36 HP Boiler. However, it requires 36 HP Boiler blocks. Each HP Boiler Block requires 2 steel plates, or 72 plates total. Each steel plate is 4 steel per 3 plates. That's 96 steel there. And because I don't have Mekanism or GT or IC2 or any of that sort of thing in my mod pack, steel is pretty well gated with the Blast Furnace. So that is a very non-trivial resource investment. It's also pretty big. Then, for it to actually produce that kind of energy, you need 18 Industrial Steam Engines. Each one requires three steel plates and two steel gears. That's 54 steel plates and 36 steel gears, in addition to the 72 steel plates for the boiler itself.
Nine Bio Reactors will produce the same MJ output, requiring some plastic and smooth stone and a handful of blaze rods. In a smaller space. Off of the same fuel consumption. And it can produce Power On Demand and shut itself off, conserving fuel when power is not being drawn, wheras a boiler has to be on constantly or lose fuel efficiency.
Therefore, a Bio-Reactor can be considered OP when compared to the Steam Boiler in the ShneekeyCraft Mod Pack.
Now, as a Mod Pack compiler, I consider it part of my job to present a well balanced, integrated, and entertaining experience to the players of my mod pack. This is the sort of thing which has to be carefully considered. On the one hand, I want to give players some options. On the other hand, the Bio Reactor is so damn good that any other option for power generation is really sub-optimal. Even Magmatic Engines running off of Nether Lava is going to cost you more in terms of resources to get set up, plus has the negative effect of lagging out your nether with a ton of flowing lava blocks. Therefore, for the purposes of the ShneekeyCraft Mod Pack, I am strongly considering nerfing/removing this block. Not because it is OP in an absolute term, but because its power is so much higher than any other option in the mod pack.
One of the things I am strongly considering adding in the next update is Mekanism, and its generators, to give the players additional options for power generation. Honestly, right now, there's not many. There's Steam, there's Coal (hobbyist, TE steam, and BC Stirling), and there's Magmatic and possibly Combustion. There's also Biomass from Forestry, however MFR so completely blows Forestry away on biofuel production these days that it really isn't worth the hassle. Oh, and the Bio Reactor, which is clearly the superior option here.
When adding a mod, I have to consider: "Will people actually use this mod?"
Mods take up resources. The more mods you have, the more resources it requires. Therefore, I like to run a 'tight ship'. I need a real and significant reason to add a mod to the mod pack before it will be seriously considered. Mekanism's Generators would give people a plethora of early to mid to even late game power options. Since Energy Cubes can output MJ quite readily with no awkward conversion nonsense required, it will plug seamlessly into my mod pack.
However, the Bio Reactor pretty much blows all of them away as well. Which means they probably won't see a lot of use. Now we are seeing the Bio Reactor not only being the only 'optimal' option for power generation, but we're also seeing it hurt the mod pack by discouraging me from adding in extra mods that would give the players more options, because they simply won't be used.
Now you see that the Bio Reactor is not only the single most powerful AND cheapest MJ resource to use in the mod pack, but it is also going to get in the way of adding new cool things because they just won't be used. That's a problem. Now I think it is fair to call it OP within the context of the mod. Not just because it is a strong option, but because it significantly blows away any and all other power generation options, both in terms of absolute power output AND cost in resources and time to create and consume.
Now we aren't looking at a single metric, we're looking at it as a piece of a larger puzzle... and it just isn't fitting in well.
Does this mean the Bio Reactor needs to get nerfed by the creator of the mod? Not in the least. While it has a balance problem within my specific mod pack, it is only one out of MANY mod packs which are out there. It would be the height of arrogance for me to say that this block is OP in every instance, as though my mod pack is the only metric which is relevant to the discussion. There are mod packs that it makes perfect sense for in its current state.
Now, I might state that I would like a config option to drop the output to something a bit more reasonable. I'd probably drop it down to about 4-6 MJ/t. This would still make it a valid option if you want to run on biofuel, but it doesn't make it the end-all-be-all of power output. However, having a config option to tweak the MJ output of the Bio Reactor can be used by every mod pack compiler to fine-tune the settings of their mod pack to present a more enjoyable and varied playing experience for their players. In other words, I'm not demanding that the mod author change his mod because it is OP, I'm requesting a feature which will help all mod pack compilers. See the difference? And, as it so happens, there IS a config option. So I can adjust this. Of course, if a player disagrees, he can adjust it right back, and that's fine too.
So... 'X' IS OP is incorrect usage. 'X' IS OP In <situation> is acceptable, but generally <situation> also means within a mod pack either from a launcher or privately collected, so it is just referring back to 'X' IS OP In <mod pack>.