Nuclear Reactor Help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So me and 5 of my friends decided to start playing feed the beast. We ground out a ton of hours and now have our matter fabricator, at the moment we need to power it with a nuclear reactor. All of the threads posted about good nuclear reactors are outdated, could someone post a good nuclear reactor setup (300+ eu/t please)
modpack is ftb recommended update for mindcrack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Euclid, the Nuclear Engineering section of the IC2 forum is still applicable as far as i know.

I'm curious, are you using a very up-to-date version of industrialcraft experimental in that pack?
Well my problem with using places like that is i am unable to open the reactor program that they use, and i am using whatever ic2 comes with the recommended mindcrack


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Well my problem with using places like that is i am unable to open the reactor program that they use, and i am using whatever ic2 comes with the recommended mindcrack
Download the version you run on your computer and then copy the links into that. The web simulator have been broken for me for years.

And btw most of the time they just use the simulator to give you the layout. It is often not using the correct components(like the correct up to date fuel rods), so dont pay attention to the simulation values. Test it out in a test world instead.
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