Nuclear power and advanced tech. The good, the bad, and the mentally unstable (aka the USSR).

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As to nuclear weapons etc. we all agree that it can be reproduce wuth normal weapons so in my opinion tbere is no need to be afraid that iran will nuke us. If they can't obtain nuclear weapon they will use ordinary one if they have to. I would rather have them develop nuclear program and then at least we know exactly where the threat is and let's be honest with all the stations in that part of world any nuclear weapon will be destroyed before it leaves Iran air space.

In my opinion there is no difference if someone dies from nuclear explosion,gun fire or arrow at the end of a day they are dead. So saying that certain weapkns are bad and otger are less bad is just stupid.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As to nuclear weapons etc. we all agree that it can be reproduce wuth normal weapons so in my opinion tbere is no need to be afraid that iran will nuke us. If they can't obtain nuclear weapon they will use ordinary one if they have to. I would rather have them develop nuclear program and then at least we know exactly where the threat is and let's be honest with all the stations in that part of world any nuclear weapon will be destroyed before it leaves Iran air space.

In my opinion there is no difference if someone dies from nuclear explosion,gun fire or arrow at the end of a day they are dead. So saying that certain weapkns are bad and otger are less bad is just stupid.
Well, consider this:
The bad part about nuclear weapons is that the effect hangs around for a while. Also, all those particles bombarding you knock parts of cells of, killing them. Nuclear bombs kill you, literally bit by bit. And, while nuclear weapons are bad, biological weapons are worse. They're infections, so release it, you now have an epidemic. The only things stopping any country that hates the US from sending a virus our way are the international laws and that the virus could very well kill them as well. The worth of a weapon is measured in how effective it is.
That said, I'm still not against nuclear power. Go nuclear!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you really think that international laws stopped anyone ever. Law doesn't stop people from commiting a crime law allows you to prosecute the and put consequences when the do. Did interantiona laws stoped Putin from taking over part of Ukraine? Does law stop mass murder of citizens in N Korea? Did law stop girl from being stoned to death in Iran last week? The answers is no it did not.

The only thing that stops anyone attacking US is the fact that us has the biggest army in the world. Moment that is no longer a case you will see how little international law means to anyone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, consider this:
The bad part about nuclear weapons is that the effect hangs around for a while. Also, all those particles bombarding you knock parts of cells of, killing them. Nuclear bombs kill you, literally bit by bit. And, while nuclear weapons are bad, biological weapons are worse. They're infections, so release it, you now have an epidemic. The only things stopping any country that hates the US from sending a virus our way are the international laws and that the virus could very well kill them as well. The worth of a weapon is measured in how effective it is.
That said, I'm still not against nuclear power. Go nuclear!
Thorium > Uranium. The fact that we are still using nuclear power is absolutely absurd, it's potential in ending life on this planet is too great to be considered an option at this point. I guess the main reason thorium isn't used abundantly is that it is not as easily to weaponized as uranium. Nuclear power plants are idiotic imo as they just pose too much of a threat to us at this point; up until we have colonized another planet and can easily do so I don't think we should be resorting to nuclear power. There are so many other options to look into and so many things we are yet to understand as a species, free/new energy is what i'm getting at.
Nothing is really stopping other countries from using biological weapons as they could be so easily disguised and administered. The amount of people that still get 'immunisations' is ludicrous... just be healthy, that's all that needs to be done to avoid sickness. It's a dangerous world, that of biology; one to be feared as well as respected.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uranium isn't easily weaponized... you need a specific isotope to weaponize uranium, which is very rare.
Also there is very little life ending danger, chernobyl still has very high radiation spots, but it is starting to have life come back to the area.
And solar power is not the "WE HAVE INFINITE FREE ENERGY THAT IS SAFE BUTTON!" It is fragile, and hard to build.
And just "being healthy" doesn't seem to help any of the 7 billion people on earth from the evolving cold, or a man made virus which would give no fucks for your natural immune system.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uranium isn't easily weaponized... you need a specific isotope to weaponize uranium, which is very rare.
Also there is very little life ending danger, chernobyl still has very high radiation spots, but it is starting to have life come back to the area.
And solar power is not the "WE HAVE INFINITE FREE ENERGY THAT IS SAFE BUTTON!" It is fragile, and hard to build.
And just "being healthy" doesn't seem to help any of the 7 billion people on earth from the evolving cold, or a man made virus which would give no fucks for your natural immune system.
"as easily to weaponized as uranium" ... the wording is important.
Well if we are just going to let incidents such as chernobyl and fukushima slip then why not..... It took 30 years for anything somewhat serious to be done about the problem with chernobyl, if you're fine with that, then sure continue the idiocy.
Never said solar power. Not once did I mention it actually, i'm talking about free/new (either way is fine) energy. That same energy that has been theorized to have been used thousands of years back by people in south africa. Also more recent attempts into free energy, however any that turned out promising had funding cut, projects destroyed and scientists credibility ruined. Obviously someone wants people to suffer for their energy, one of the main things that could end all human suffering (as well as abundance of food and water).
Being healthy has seemed to help me, with no accounts of sickness in the past two years (since I stopped eating shit food), while in that time all of my family members whom I live with have been sick a plethora of times, catching sicknesses off each other. This is however somewhat anecdotal evidence and I cannot really prove this to you.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uranium isn't easily weaponized... you need a specific isotope to weaponize uranium, which is very rare.
Also there is very little life ending danger, chernobyl still has very high radiation spots, but it is starting to have life come back to the area.
And solar power is not the "WE HAVE INFINITE FREE ENERGY THAT IS SAFE BUTTON!" It is fragile, and hard to build.
And just "being healthy" doesn't seem to help any of the 7 billion people on earth from the evolving cold, or a man made virus which would give no fucks for your natural immune system.
Congrats, you're being sensible, unlike the two above you.
So, feniks, you want an international sanction?
Mr. Imthatguyjordan, do you honestly THINK that immunizations are useless? They TEACH your immune system how to fight against diseases. Also, 'Potential for ending life on this planet'. Lesee, fusion = clean. Also, for something that big, you would need a MASSIVE reactor. So, damagingbill, ty for being smart and logical.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have never heard more nonsense in my life. Being healthy didn't stop people from dieing to black death, being healthy didn't stop influenza taking thousands of lifes. Vacancies did.

As to free energy thing yes we should explore in that area and I am all for it but at this time even the most powerful solar plant is weaker than crapy coal energy station. Nuclear powerplants are extrimely safe. How many nuclear disasters can you name? 3? In the space of 65 years since we learn how to split attoms I would say that is pretty damn good safety record.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have never heard more nonsense in my life. Being healthy didn't stop people from dieing to black death, being healthy didn't stop influenza taking thousands of lifes. Vacancies did.

As to free energy thing yes we should explore in that area and I am all for it but at this time even the most powerful solar plant is weaker than crapy coal energy station. Nuclear powerplants are extrimely safe. How many nuclear disasters can you name? 3? In the space of 65 years since we learn how to split attoms I would say that is pretty damn good safety record.
*trajing claps
Good job, you managed to say what I was going to in less words.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Congrats, you're being sensible, unlike the two above you.
So, feniks, you want an international sanction?
Mr. Imthatguyjordan, do you honestly THINK that immunizations are useless? They TEACH your immune system how to fight against diseases. Also, 'Potential for ending life on this planet'. Lesee, fusion = clean. Also, for something that big, you would need a MASSIVE reactor. So, damagingbill, ty for being smart and logical.
Fusion is decent, however I did not feel I needed to make any point on that as it is. Fission was mostly what I was referring to, much more dangerous. I don't trust immunisations as I have no reason to trust the people giving them to me. I didn't have bird flu/swine flu shots, yet here I am. Until I see a serious need for an immunisation, I will make no effort to have one.

I have never heard more nonsense in my life. Being healthy didn't stop people from dieing to black death, being healthy didn't stop influenza taking thousands of lifes. Vacancies did.

As to free energy thing yes we should explore in that area and I am all for it but at this time even the most powerful solar plant is weaker than crapy coal energy station. Nuclear powerplants are extrimely safe. How many nuclear disasters can you name? 3? In the space of 65 years since we learn how to split attoms I would say that is pretty damn good safety record.
Healthy people in the 1300's? You aren't serious right? These were times when streets were riddled with garbage and feces. These people were not healthy, so do not try to make that an argument.. Influenza indeed more recent and more health was actually involved. One of the very few times that a vaccine should be considered. Once again I never mentioned solar power and I will avoid using solar power as an argument for two main reasons; 1. It is weak right now and could likely be improved with more knowledge and 2. They are not entirely clean. Their production is quite polluting actually. These are nuclear disasters that affect the entire world, this should not be forgotten.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fusion is decent, however I did not feel I needed to make any point on that as it is. Fission was mostly what I was referring to, much more dangerous. I don't trust immunisations as I have no reason to trust the people giving them to me. I didn't have bird flu/swine flu shots, yet here I am. Until I see a serious need for an immunisation, I will make no effort to have one.

Healthy people in the 1300's? You aren't serious right? These were times when streets were riddled with garbage and feces. These people were not healthy, so do not try to make that an argument.. Influenza indeed more recent and more health was actually involved. One of the very few times that a vaccine should be considered. Once again I never mentioned solar power and I will avoid using solar power as an argument for two main reasons; 1. It is weak right now and could likely be improved with more knowledge and 2. They are not entirely clean. Their production is quite polluting actually. These are nuclear disasters that affect the entire world, this should not be forgotten.
Name one instance where a single nuclear power plant will be able to end human life as we know it.
No, really. I'm interested.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name one instance where a single nuclear power plant will be able to end human life as we know it.
No, really. I'm interested.
Never said one instance of it would end the world, more of an accumulated effect. You should learn to read as you seem to be taking my words and turning them into something they are not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Never said one instance of it would end the world, more of an accumulated effect. You should learn to read as you seem to be taking my words and turning them into something they are not.
I know very well how to read, but for some strange reason, I can't imagine a nuclear power plant disaster affecting the whole world.
And that's what 'These are nuclear disasters that affect the entire world' sounds like.
Tact. Learn it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what about tetanus, meningitis, polio? Being healthy as well? There is no one single medical evidence against vacancies but there is a hell of a lot to support it.

As to nuclear disasters 1 day of car trafic around a world has more impact on world than all nuclear disasters in history so far and noone considers banning cars.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know very well how to read, but for some strange reason, I can't imagine a nuclear power plant disaster affecting the whole world.
And that's what 'These are nuclear disasters that affect the entire world' sounds like.
Tact. Learn it.
Well the radiation in the air from chernobyl traveled the entire world, therefore affecting it as such. Fukushima was actually worse than Chernobyl as the radiation spilled into the ocean and spread throughout the world more so than Chernobyl. Tepco really fucked us over on this one.[DOUBLEPOST=1401632037][/DOUBLEPOST]
what about tetanus, meningitis, polio? Being healthy as well? There is no one single medical evidence against vacancies but there is a hell of a lot to support it.

As to nuclear disasters 1 day of car trafic around a world has more impact on world than all nuclear disasters in history so far and noone considers banning cars.
As I said, I don't trust vaccinations as we obviously aren't controlled by loving governments, otherwise there would be no such thing as suffering. Slightly off topic but I feel as though someone may ask; The case of money, banks and debt.
Yes cars are a problem, which is why I prefer travelling by foot.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well the radiation in the air from chernobyl traveled the entire world, therefore affecting it as such. Fukushima was actually worse than Chernobyl as the radiation spilled into the ocean and spread throughout the world more so than Chernobyl. Tepco really fucked us over on this one.

And yet we still live world population is on increase health records in most developed countries show improvement on health across population. So your point is?[DOUBLEPOST=1401632354][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW: your believe or trust isn't required for vacancies to work. so against my hard evidence you put "I don't trust government because of my gut feeling". You can see how hard it may be to any to take your arguments seriously after that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And yet we still live world population is on increase health records in most developed countries show improvement on health across population. So your point is?
My point is how often are you ill? Do you consider it normal to go to the doctors and get antibiotics that interfere with your body's internal bacteria? I do not, which is why I consider achieving actual good health to be a better way to go about your life rather than taking pills that supposedly give you better health.