Minecraft Username: Mr_Danielz
Age: 14
Time Zone/Country? - UK - Edinbourgh
How many hours a week do you think you'll be on? - Around 5 - 6 Recording for youtube.
Why do YOU want to join: I want to join so I can start A FTB Series for youtube on there.
And gain respect.
How can you benefit our server community (ex. knowledge of mods) Well I'll be recording on there So hopefully I will learn more and gain more respect
On your opinion, how much experience do you have with Feed The Beast / Tekkit: Not much... But I am learning
But I know alot about the mods.
Do you agree to follow all server rules? Of cource!
Anything you'd like to add about yourself, or any questions that you wish to ask: What modpack is it? Mindcrack? DW20? Ultimate?
Are you aware / do you agree to the below statements? I do.
Age: 14
Time Zone/Country? - UK - Edinbourgh
How many hours a week do you think you'll be on? - Around 5 - 6 Recording for youtube.
Why do YOU want to join: I want to join so I can start A FTB Series for youtube on there.

How can you benefit our server community (ex. knowledge of mods) Well I'll be recording on there So hopefully I will learn more and gain more respect

On your opinion, how much experience do you have with Feed The Beast / Tekkit: Not much... But I am learning

Do you agree to follow all server rules? Of cource!
Anything you'd like to add about yourself, or any questions that you wish to ask: What modpack is it? Mindcrack? DW20? Ultimate?
Are you aware / do you agree to the below statements? I do.