Whitelist Server Noobtators|v8|15 Slots|TS3

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
24/7 server with 3gb of ram running out of Chicago

-No griefing
-Use common sense
-Be friendly and respectful
-No exploits or hack mods like xray


-All mindcrack mods included
-http enabled for computercraft
-Normal difficulty
-Teamspeak 3 server
-For the most part kept updated to recommended version of the Mindcrack pack

We are looking to get a friendly, productive server started. We want people that will help each other, and build some awesome stuff. We want mature players, who mostly know what they're doing, or are at least able to learn quickly. Most of all, we want to be a fun server, where everyone can enjoy themselves. There are a few people doing youtube series on this server as well, so people can join in on those.

Whitelist Applications
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB:
Why you want to join our server:
Will you use Teamspeak:

New IP's
Server IP:
TS3 IP: pass: halin
IGN: Matty9172
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB:just getting started but quick to learn
Why you want to join our server:i would like to get the full experience of FTB and help people if they need it
Will you use Teamspeak: yes if im asked to
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: I know how to start and make some Advanced stuff.
Why you want to join our server: I need to play FTB With active players, Other Servers i have been alone in. :( And i will Help with Cummunite stuff. if needed.
Will you use Teamspeak: Mabye if i am forced too.
Age: 20
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: i would say i'm a noob. i've been playing FTB MindCrack for maybe 2 months. i've been following several Let's Plays in order to learn more about it. i know some of the things work, but i can learn a lot more.
Why you want to join our server: i enjoy meeting new people and i would like to find a sever where i can build, make friends and not get d/c'd every 10mins. :p
Will you use Teamspeak: i'm up for it, never used it before. but i know what it is. maybe i'll give it a go.
If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask. :)
IGN: Mahoney220
Age: 17
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: I have a very vast knowledge of Feed the Beast. My knowledge started accumulating when I found Tekkit. While I was playing Tekkit, my understanding of the mods grew exponentially. By the time Feed the Beast Beta Pack had come out I was already 10 steps in the future. I had not looked to much into forestry until recently, although I'm still a Forestry virgin I love what you are able to do with farms and such.
Why you want to join our server: I would love to join your server because it is very small and tight. Nothing can beat a small tight knit community. The community you are trying to start up looks identical to the real Mindcrack deal. That means everyone can help each other and make friends.
Will you use Teamspeak: If you would like me to.
IGN: themightytom
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB:Pretty decently high
Why you want to join our server:I want to play on a good server
Will you use Teamspeak: If you want
IGN: joopez1
Age: 16
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: enough to blow a noob's mind in 2 seconds. I just built a GraviSuitChestplate in survival after 4 weeks (but i use the mass fabricator for iridium :p ) and ive got the moderate to more-advanced-than-moderate understanding of how just about every mod works (even gregtech), minus MFFS. i love building fancy machinery contraptions, tho im not entirely reliant on auto-farming/mining/crafting/gathering
Why you want to join our server: Looking for a unique server with a wonderfully friendly community and other active/fun members while still enjoying playing MindCrack FTB :D
Will you use Teamspeak: oh definitely, but depends on mood
IGN: sigurd2009
Age: 15
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: i make some LUA scripts(computercraft) and i like the industrial craft. i like to build up stuff with my turtle
Why you want to join our server: it has no plugins and have the greyteck mod! u youse a comunication program to talk. I hope we will have a greate connection with eatch other.
Will you use Teamspeak: only if i get to know the people. i probaly do if they are active in the chat
IGN: rupert3642
Age: 15
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: im getting into computer craft right now, and i like build and industrial craft.
Why you want to join our server: im looking for a small FTB server that has no lag or griefers.
Will you use Teamspeak: sure
IGN: Baronbalistic
Age: 13
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: I Have experience with IC2, BuildCraft, and some of the other mods as well
Why you want to join our server: Sounds like a great Mindcarck Pack FTB server That I can continue to learn the mods involved!
Will you use Teamspeak: Yes
Hope to hear from you soon!
IGN: Brian6592
Age: 20
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: Several months playing on 3 different packs.
Why you want to join our server: I'm tired of my single player world, I've got just about everything there is to get. Also, looking for a good community of people to play with.
Will you use Teamspeak: sure will
IGN: DrShark12
Age: 20
Have you ever been banned from a server, if yes state why: I have been banned but it was a misunderstanding. For proof, http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/8a4b40b267b5209b13349c290f358dc6ccc8ffc3
Timezone: MST.
Experience with FTB or general Minecraft mods:I have plenty of experience with FTB because of tekkit, and i've been on plenty of other servers (they had either major lag, immature people, and rarely up).
Why you want to join: I am looking for a nice minecraft server to play on and the video shows/says no lag and mature people. Also I want a server where I have to restart rarely.

Other: I can play for a big amount of time, and anytime. :)
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: Thaumcraft,Thermal expansions
Why you want to join our server:Hopefully to find a gaming partner that i can call up and when i have time. Also to learn the rest of the mods, getting technical can get hard!
Will you use Teamspeak: Maybe. I had alot of troubles with teamspeak in the past.
IGN: KingBoland
Age: 21
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: I have been plaing on feed the beast since it was released and i know all the mods throughly except thaumcraft which i have recently began.
Why you want to join our server: I love to work and build with others and since you guys encourage that i would love to join and since people do youtube i can keep track of others and what they are doing and it could probably help alot through tough times.
Will you use Teamspeak: I will use Teamspeak most of the time to listen in but i am usually on late my time and except for on the weekends i don't want to wake up the girlfriend so i hope you would understand that and let me join the community
IGN: ForgedTrinity
Age: 16
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: I have played for like 2 months now. I started with IC2 but then got bored with it, and moved on to Thaumcraft. Really liking thaumcraft and trying to learn more about it.
Why you want to join our server: To find a nice community and build with my friend if he applies and gets accepted :D
Will you use Teamspeak: I do not have a mic, but i can listen if needed.
IGN: Kicker05
Age: 13 (very mature for age)
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: Low, but rapidly increasing, I'm very good with computer craft, and industrial craft, aswell as related mods. (Buildcraft, redpower .ect)
Why you want to join our server: I'm looking for a small server, my friend has one but he dosent know what hes doing as a host.
Will you use Teamspeak: I dont like to use my mic mutch, but I can if needed to.
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB:Basic knowledge of all the mods, watch a lot of the mindcrack guys, learned a lot that I know from them. Also been playing FTB for a while now.
Why you want to join our server:I want to join your server because I want to join a Mindcrack like community. Just a small group of people who are friendly and a pleasure to be around. Somewhere where everyone helps each other out, where everyone has fun doing some community things yet being able to do some things on their own. A server where there are no banned items or extra plugins that ruin the game.
Will you use Teamspeak: Not a fan of using a mic at first, but once I get comfortable with everyone it won't be a problem.
IGN: GreenRaver
Age: 16
Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: very little cant play SP and don't want an open server
Why you want to join our server: Becasue i don't like open servers plus i like variety
Will you use Teamspeak: if they have linux support sure