Whitelist Server NOM Gaming | Mature | Bukkit | PvE | Small Community | 20 Slots | Vent | Staffed

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About Us:
NOM Gaming is a mature community dedicated to a fun and enjoyable gaming experience! Our current pride and joy is Minecraft!
  • We have a phenomenal group of staff that are almost always online! You are available to freebuild on this server as long as it's not on others property! We will not tolerate any drama of any kind. If you have drama, go else where.
  • Whether you are a veteran mod user or new to the world of mods, we are willing to help and guide you through the process of installing Ultimate and any additional mods or texture packs that you may need.
  • We have disabled Mob Griefing (Creeper Damage/Endermen/Ghast Damage) so that machinery and setups are not damaged.
  • We are an 18+ community, if you are at least 16 years old you are still able to apply.
  • We do have a website, we encourage you to use it: nomgaming.com
Server Information:
  • Mods: Our server is always running the newest and full Ultimate version.
  • Server will NOT reset - Backups are saved daily.
  • Hardware: 100mbps+ port speeds, 3GB RAM, Solid State Drives, etc. We have a great host.
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • Ventrilo IP/Port: nomgaming.vent.nfoservers.com
  • Server is running Groups/Economy/Permissions
  1. No griefing allowed.
  2. You must ask before you take ANYONE's items or use their machines.
  3. Be social! You don't have to live next to each other but be social!
  4. PVP is only available for planned events.
  5. Respect others and their builds.
  6. This is a survival server, No spawned items unless server issue.
  7. Be courteous where you are building in regards to others locations.
If you are still here after reading these rules then we are glad you are here and cannot wait to get to know you! Please fill out the application below and we look forward to see what you are going to create! Please remember that we are all here to have a good time.
  1. Name:
  2. Minecraft Username:
  3. Age:
  4. Describe your Minecraft experience:
  5. Are you a social player?:
  6. Have you played with anyone within NOM Gaming before:
  7. Why do you want to join our server?:
You must post your application on our website, in our whitelist application forums. If you do not, you will not be considered for whitelist.

  1. Name: Derek
  2. IGN: the_un_creeper
  3. Age:19
  4. Describe your Minecrafting history:First on 1.7 beta I started using cracked to check out if the game was worth it, then on the release of 1.8 the improvements surprised me so I bought the game. I started on mods about 2 weeks after the day I bought minecraft. first I made my own set of mods (buildcraft, IC2 and, RP2). After that I played on modpacks first on tekkit then I moved to multimc modpacks, after that on FTB. So here am I now.
  5. How do you wish to contribute to the community:I HATE to work alone and I like helping people, its like I'm born with it xD.
  6. Are you a social Minecraft player or do you play and build on your own: Explained at #5 I hate working alone so you just got your question answered.
  7. Have you played with anyone within NOMNOM Gaming before:Nope, looking forward to it being good enough to invite my friends.
Hey Derek,
Thanks for taking the time to read out post and fill out the application. Feel free to join in vent sometime. My best friend just got into town so I will be on and off today but you will see a few of us around on vent if you wish to join. I have no problem adding you to the whitelist on our server - all I ask is that you hop into vent so I can chat with you for a minute. I'm also glad you like to help out and play with others; I am the same way. Some of us like to build alone, but that is everyone's decision!

Welcome to NOMNOM Gaming.

Hey Derek,
Thanks for taking the time to read out post and fill out the application. Feel free to join in vent sometime. My best friend just got into town so I will be on and off today but you will see a few of us around on vent if you wish to join. I have no problem adding you to the whitelist on our server - all I ask is that you hop into vent so I can chat with you for a minute. I'm also glad you like to help out and play with others; I am the same way. Some of us like to build alone, but that is everyone's decision!

Welcome to NOMNOM Gaming.

I wasn't expecting a reply this fast though my mic is currently broken and a new one will arrive in mail a few days later though I'll be looking forward for that :).
Don't worry about it. If you want to hop into vent I can just tell you a couple of things and you can always just reply in chat. I have added you to the whitelist. Most of our players play in the afternoon/evenings. I play at anytime I don't have school or work. Whenever you're ready and wanting to play just let me know.
  1. Name: James
  2. IGN: james_gillis
  3. Age:i would like to keep that to myself until i get to know you guys :) but Ive been told by lots that I'm mature.
  4. Describe your Minecrafting history: I've played some custom maps and done a little single player work.. but mostly on servers. i was on a whitelisted server called silver craft before. but I've gotten into FTB and I'm really liking it :D
  5. How do you wish to contribute to the community:cool builds and a nice community and overall helping people out. i will (probably) make community machines and things like that.
  6. Are you a social Minecraft player or do you play and build on your own:mostly social
  7. Have you played with anyone within NOMNOM Gaming before: no sorry :/... but i look forward to!
thanks for reading... hope you consider me! PS sorry i just copied and pasted the application forum. I'm short on time today :)
  1. Name: Chris
  2. IGN: Lmagi
  3. Age: 19
  4. Describe your Minecrafting history: Played Minecraft since alpha, helped run a 100+ person server back in beta
  5. How do you wish to contribute to the community: I want to "Pull a nebris" and Get a great machine room running
  6. Are you a social Minecraft player or do you play and build on your own: I tend to be social but for my home i wont want others around it
  7. Have you played with anyone within NOMNOM Gaming before: Nope =/
  • Name: Robert
  • IGN: MrFluffo
  • Age: 24
  • Describe your Minecrafting history: I've played minecraft for over 1.5 years, I used to run a small server for about 5-10 people, I am currently looking for a more advanced minecraft experience
  • How do you wish to contribute to the community: I'm looking forward to both harvesting and creating large machine complexes
  • Are you a social Minecraft player or do you play and build on your own: I am a social minecraft player, and am looking for a solid group of people to play as a community with
  • Have you played with anyone within NOMNOM Gaming before: No
Name: Michael

IGN: CrazyCocoK

Age: 14

Describe your Minecrafting history: I've played Minecraft since 2010, but I started playing and experimenting with many of the mods included in the FTB packs with Tekkit in the middle of 2011. Since then, I've watched Direwolf20's let's play videos of Season 3, 4, and now 5, and have played with the mods almost every time I play Minecraft. I know practically every vanilla recipe, and much of the mods' functions. The only thing I consider myself not too familiar with is items that have to relate to programming, such as Turtles and Computers. I do love redstone, and have learned from my redstone friend a lot about it. I will be experimenting with Thaumcraft 3, however, as I have not managed to play the newest version yet!

How do you wish to contribute to the community: I'll (try) to build an aesthetic house, that looks appealing from the outside, and I will definitely be helping others if they need any help with the mods. Of course, I may need to ask for some help myself! If people ever need something and I have some to spare, I will absolutely help them out.

Are you a social Minecraft player or do you play and build on your own: Most of the time, I usually play and build on my own, but if the server were to ever do anything such as contests or events I will definitely be participating. And as I said earlier, if someone needs help, I would not mind at all to help them out.

Have you played with anyone within NOMNOM Gaming before: No I have not.
@James, @Chris, @Robert: You are all more than welcome to join vent at anytime and chat with us. Whenever you are ready to play, please join vent so that we may chat with you for a minute before you are whitelisted. We are very serious about preventing griefers and would like to keep our community tight. Thank you all for your applications and we are here to build a community!


PS I have all your names ready for the whitelist; however, we must speak with you first. Look for the vent information in the original post.[DOUBLEPOST=1357948338][/DOUBLEPOST]@Michael: Currently we are only accepting players of the age 18 and over. We are willing to make some exceptions; however, we must speak with you in vent before we make a decision like that. It is nothing against you, we would just like to keep an older member base. So, feel free to join in on vent and hang out and we can make a decision later.
I believe we have all of you in the server now! Let us know if there are any issues and also check out our website at nomgaming.com
  1. Name: Ryan
  2. IGN: rhinohawk
  3. Age: 19
  4. Describe your Minecrafting history: jump between bukkit servers a lot after i get bored because i establish myself quick and run out of activities to do. ftb is a much larger mod pack than im normally associated with so i should be around for a very long time trying to make myself the best on the server.
  5. How do you wish to contribute to the community: i would like to build off to the side but if anyone would like to use my base for any other the materials they want they are free to do so i will help the community once i have established myself more and be active with them
  6. Are you a social Minecraft player or do you play and build on your own: im social but i tend to build on my own but when others do play with me i take the role as the leader to get stuff done as fast as possible
  7. Have you played with anyone within NOMNOM Gaming before: nope
@Ryan - Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application. Whenever you get a chance, hop into vent sometime and talk to either myself, clave, or imogen before we whitelist you. We always like to get to talk to someone personally before just accepting anyone.

A reminder to all - We are not recruiting massive amounts of people - We are keeping this community of players tight.
  1. Name: Enrico, however, on gaming platforms I'm mostly known as Morg or Fen
  2. IGN: morgainneko
  3. Age: 19
  4. Describe your Minecrafting history: Well, I started playing Minecraft with a friend, as real nerds we plowed our way through snapshots, updates and the release. We both started toying around with modpacks, things like Tekkit, continuously talking with each other about the little things we discovered as we played. Nowadays I play on my own, looking for a dedicated server with friendly people.
  5. How do you wish to contribute to the community: I'm a crazy fellow, and I got these big ideas and builds in my head, which I want to put down on a server. The idea I'm having right now, is a collection of spheres with various machines/farms. Like a futuristic building complex. I don't know how I got the idea.
  6. Are you a social Minecraft player or do you play and build on your own: I usually build on my own, but I can be a very social player and like seeing people build.
  7. Have you played with anyone within NOMNOM Gaming before: No actually not, but I'm anxious to c:
@Enrico - Thank you for applying enrico! Seems like you have some grand ideas and plans and I personally like that! Big builds are great. Come on and join in vent sometime and we can get you whitelisted! Thanks for applying and thank you for your interest. BTW: Modern/Futuristic looking builds are best.
  1. Name: Matthew
  2. IGN: Xx_Manaa_xX
  3. Age: 16
  4. Describe your Minecrafting history: I mostly play on my mates servers and single player, i started playing minecraft a couple years ago
  5. How do you wish to contribute to the community: i want to the make this community larger
  6. Are you a social Minecraft player or do you play and build on your own: I am a social minecraft player but i like to things on my own somtimes :)
  7. Have you played with anyone within NOMNOM Gaming before: No
Alright matthew - We would like to talk to you in vent and get a chance to know you. Hop on in sometime and we can talk about the white listing.