No Mobs Spawning

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had this problem on my server as well. It has to do with, at least in my experience, the chicken chunk loaders.
Whenever I destroyed mine and replaced it an hour or so later mobs would start spawning. Mobs would also start spawning if I restarted the server, so you could try that too.

My guess is it has something to do with either chicken chunk loaders, or just chunk loaders in general
I have one guess, but I haven't check the code. Does it happen between different worlds (treating nether as world), or in one world? Mobs won't despawn in a world if there are no players there. If mobs from different worlds count to one cap (hypothesis), then mobs left in one world on loaded chunk would decrease spawn rates in other ones.'t (Spawn caps are per world).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I ran an experiment once with zombies that can pick up items and hold them. They don't despawn but can still be killed of course. I used a zombie spawner, those that could pick up items I sorted off to a holding pen, the others I killed. Once I had about a hundred, no other enemy could spawn in the entire world.

Maybe someone did something like that. I don't remember is switching to peaceful and back to easy would work for that, but it might since peaceful eliminates all enemies. Could try /difficulty 0 for a second and then back to /difficulty 1 to see if that takes care of this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a minor point, I did experience something similar in my world with the DW20 pack. The server was relatively low-spec. What was happening is that the mobs were simply not spawning naturally. Stuff wasn't despawning (my chicken farm was still fine), they were still spawning for spawners (vanilla and soul shards), and were still spawning in other worlds (nether and twilight forest). The issue would be fixed by a restart, and then would occur again after a day or so. I never really got to the bottom of it, and the world was deleted before I did any major bug hunting on it. It did make minium stones much more difficult to find, though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have one guess, but I haven't check the code. Does it happen between different worlds (treating nether as world), or in one world? Mobs won't despawn in a world if there are no players there. If mobs from different worlds count to one cap (hypothesis), then mobs left in one world on loaded chunk would decrease spawn rates in other ones.'t (Spawn caps are per world).

Mobs in the nether and end would spawn naturally; it was only the overworld where I had the chunkloader that had the spawning issues.

It might have something to do with the vanilla glitch where mobs would wander far enough to be stored in memory, but not be deleted; except the chunkloaders are causing it somehow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I removed all the chunkloaders in the world and waited hours and still no mobs spawned. I have no idea what is causing this issue but it seems to be pretty unsolvable. :/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I removed all the chunkloaders in the world and waited hours and still no mobs spawned. I have no idea what is causing this issue but it seems to be pretty unsolvable. :/
You try restarting it with or without the chunkloaders removed?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yup, tried that. Soon as I removed them I restarted it.

The only other thing I could think of is to try walking around for a while; loading new chunks and then unloading them before walking back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've actually had this exact problem on an Ultimate server I've just set up. I have noticed that restarting the server makes hostile mobs spawn (I'm on Hard difficulty), but still within a few hours they are virtually non-existent. If Mystcraft worlds' spawns have any effect on the Overworld spawn cap, then I'm sure that's the issue. I have two chunk loaders in that age and a crazy amount of hostiles that spawn down at the bottom of my pseudo quarries.

But like I said, restarting always fixes that for me. So if it doesn't fix it for you, then perhaps it is not for the same reason.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
and a crazy amount of hostiles that spawn down at the bottom of my pseudo quarries.

To be honest this might be the source of your issue. Maybe not the OP's issue but if your stop spawning after a few hours your pseduo quarries mobs might be capping out your servers mob limit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not the issue for me for sure, because we have no chunk loaders or quarries in the Twilight Forest (I assume that's what you mean by Mystcraft?). We still have no mobs spawning after a week of this...we're considering making a mob spawner house just to have things to kill for materials. :/

An idea I had was; Could it possibly be the Moonworms? We've been using a ton of them for lighting and I'm wondering if this affects the entity limit in some way. Everything else people have suggested here to fix the problem has not worked - multiple restarts, taking out the chunk loaders and leaving it sit that way for hours, etc. We're at our wit's end. No one wants to lose everything simply because of some glitch in FTB. :(

ryan autet

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im running MindCrack, and iv updated my server .... and i started playing thuacraft magic stuff ... and i noticed nothing is spawning at night ...

no MOBS spawn at night any were ...

I have the same issue as this guy...

has any one come up with a fix ???


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im running MindCrack, and iv updated my server .... and i started playing thuacraft magic stuff ... and i noticed nothing is spawning at night ...

no MOBS spawn at night any were ...

I have the same issue as this guy...

has any one come up with a fix ???

For this one, I'd suspect that it might be a flux issue. If you've been messing with magic, it's probably spawned a load of wisps. I'd suspect that it isn't anywhere above ground (or they'd be visible), but if they're in an enclosed cave, they'd remain spawned, but not able to get out and fight you for creating them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I experienced this issue with mobs not spawning. Try both of the following.

1) Reset your view-distance to be 10 in the server config files (and none lower). There's a bug in vanilla which mobs spawn drastically less for each point below 10.
2) Ensure that completely all chunk loaders have been moved. After that, walk far away from the location (I recommend 500+ blocks away; if you have a jetpack, this should be a non-issue). I recommended a high number not so much of distance, but to let time elapse.

In my instance, chunk loaders typically cause the non-mob spawning after several days of use (5+ days). I simply break my chunk loader and fly away and let the chunk unload or something. When I return, mobs start spawning again. Feel free to use your chunk loader again after. Essentially, you just need to refresh your area by letting it unload or something *shrugs*.

ryan autet

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To Posion wolf, the servers view-distance is 10 it was never changed.
and i have no chunk loader.

to bible, i was messing with flux... befor this happened i did notice a huuuuge amount of lighting pixies.
but they are gone now .... along with all the mobs ....

this was not in a cave though man ...

the coatic flux portal is out side my house... if there a way to remove them ??

ryan autet

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
at least i dont think i do ... whats a chunk loader cuz my quary is easy 500+ blocks away and iv spent weeks there(mc weeks)

but .... no mobs .... any where ...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what is a chunk loader any way ? : )

When you're more than a certain distance away from a chunk (I forget the distance,) it automatically gets unloaded and Minecraft stops simulating what happens there (so your computer doesn't melt.) Chunk Loaders basically keep chunks loaded so farms, pipes, and such keep functioning when you're away.