No Iridium Spawning?

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Brian Mixon

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have done extensive cave mining, run a frame quarry for thousands of blocks, explored for hours in the nether, and have yet to come up with one iridium ore. Could something be buggy with my worldgen? I had no problem finding it on previous worlds, does anyone have any troubleshooting suggestions? I'm on Mindcrack v8, but started my world on v7. Any help is greatly appreciated because my UU matter production is horrible at the moment.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
by default it is ~1 in 5 chunks. It is not something you should depend on. And there is no longer any Iridium in the nether as it was a bug. As long as gregtech is installed an active and you didn't disable it in the config it should still spawn. Your best bet is to head to The End and get the ores there, one of which can be used to obtain iridium.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Iridium spawning in the nether was a bug that has been fixed.

However, in my Mindcrack v6 world, I am not finding any Iridium either. I've been playing in that world for pretty much a month now, have a humongous stripmine (4 layers of 3-high tunnels 100 blocks long, over 120 such tunnels in total), I have a 9*45 quarry hole down to bedrock in the oceanfloor, and I've had other players join me for extended cave spelunking trips. I have found some 200 emeralds, filled a 3x3x8 railcraft tank with liquid mercury from centrifuging stacks of redstone (and I still have to crate the stuff to keep my chests from overflowing), have an entire group of chests dedicated to nikolite, have full stacks of titanium, chrome and tungsten, have built a matter fabricator simply by centrifuging platinum dust obtained from pulverizing ferrous ore for iridium, and have created enough UU-matter to synthesize 25 iridium ingots.

Also, the worldgen for iridium ore is set to 25% (1 in 4 chunks), instead of the standard 20% (1 in 5 chunks).

But none whatsoever appears to exist. I'm hoping to run my quarry some more, but I'm always short on energy to process the scrap from the recyclers, so I can only infrequently do more runs.

Brian Mixon

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok thanks, I guess I won't waste my time there anymore :p... I guess I'll get a bc quarry started, and see where that takes me...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I did an MCEdit analysis of block distribution for another topic yesterday. I analyzed six areas of 6x6 chunks (96x96 blocks). These areas in total contained 21 iridium ore blocks - or an average of 0.097 ore/chunk. This is notably less than the expected 0.20 ore/chunk as advertised by the config, but not completely missing. I don't know whether this is due to a statistical anomaly, or something weird going on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's a lot less than advertised =/ But then again, with such an ultra-rare ore, you might see the numbers converge on the expected number with a larger sample.

Mind you, your test was run on a Mindcrack v8 world, while Brian and me have generated terrain in older versions. There is a non-zero probability that something involving iridium ore was changed/fixed in the latest GregTech updates, so it's not completely comparable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, that's a half of the amount. Also, as someone who has studied statistics, six 6x6 chunks is not exactly statistically valid. If you did ~100 tests and found that, I'd be more inclined to believe you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am planning to do much larger tests once I get my gaming computer back from repairs. That test was as large as my backup machine can comfortably handle.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just remembered another analysis by Draradech (link). In a 256x256 chunk area, he reports 6,119 Iridium - or 0.093 iridium per chunk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just remembered another analysis by Draradech (link). In a 256x256 chunk area, he reports 6,119 Iridium - or 0.93 iridium per chunk.
You missed a zero. Otherwise you are talking nearly 1 per chunk. But that is a nice point. Iridium in the overworld is not really a reliable way to obtain it though, so I don't find an issue with it being off myself. Using the Ender ores is probably the most reliable way to get it, aside from UU-Matter.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a theory: it depends on how Forge generates ores. My guess is an algorithm that goes something like this:
Pick a random spot in the allowed height range for the ore.
If this spot is a valid place for this ore, generate a vein.
Repeat (probabilistically) as many times as is the expected number of veins in the chunk.

This ensures that you don't get ores generated in grass, inside an ocean, or similar.

Iridium ore can spawn anywhere up to layer 128. However, not any random place under y=128 is a valid position for an iridium ore - namely, most of layers 70+ are air. Therefore about half of spawning attempts actually fails. I don't know if Forge tries to generate another vein if one spawning failed, but 50% of veins missing due to failed spawn would agree with our observed numbers.

To test this, I created a superflat world consisting of 256 layers of solid stone, with ore generation enabled. Using MCedit I analyzed a few hundred chunks (roughly a 20x20 chunk area), and came close to 0.153 iridium ores per chunk. This is notably more than the 0.09 - 0.095 observed in normal generation, but still short of the 0.2 expected from the config files. I can't explain the difference.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is also probable that some got erased by other ores that spawned later in the process.

I mean, you do see veins overlapping sometimes, so it is definitely possible.

The only way to be sure is through code, but I don't think we can access this one that easily.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Iridium ore can spawn on any level, but due to the way ores are typically generated in Minecraft, it has to replace stone, so if a chunk is marked as an Iridium chunk, it's likely that the block picked would be air. I would be very interested to know the results of a 256x256 chunk test with Iridium set to 100% chance of occurring per chunk in a Miner's paradise type world (whatever the one it that makes it super flat at like Y 240), as if that test results in a much lower than 1 per chunk percentage, you would be able to verify that there is a problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is also probable that some got erased by other ores that spawned later in the process.

I mean, you do see veins overlapping sometimes, so it is definitely possible.

The only way to be sure is through code, but I don't think we can access this one that easily.

Very, very unlikely. In the 256 test, less than 1% of all blocks was not stone. Less than 0.05% was not stone or dirt. Therefore, statistically, 1% of iridium ores would be overwritten (assuming Iridium spawns first, which it doesn't. Vanilla ores do.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Vanilla spawning (which most mods use/derive their algorithms) works by selecting random place in given range for an ore vein, then tries to place ores next to this place in clustered fashion. However it will actually place the piece of ore, only if block which is on selected space can be replaced by ore, from vanilla blocks stone can be replaced (dirt and gravel are ores), from modded blocks I think only marble can be replaced. So any other ore generating earlier (dirt/gravel!), cave, ravine or mineshaft will reduce spawning. There can be also issues involving RNG which could cause further reduction of spawn rates, but it is not something easy to trace. FYI diamond generation will place one vein of "size" 7 (random size, but on average 7) once per chunk, but with vanilla worldgen you will get about 3,1 diamond per chunk. This result are almost exactly as reported 0,093 iridium per chunk, assuming vein of size one generating in every fifth chunk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a theory: it depends on how Forge generates ores. My guess is an algorithm that goes something like this:
Pick a random spot in the allowed height range for the ore.
If this spot is a valid place for this ore, generate a vein.
Repeat (probabilistically) as many times as is the expected number of veins in the chunk.

This ensures that you don't get ores generated in grass, inside an ocean, or similar.

Iridium ore can spawn anywhere up to layer 128. However, not any random place under y=128 is a valid position for an iridium ore - namely, most of layers 70+ are air. Therefore about half of spawning attempts actually fails. I don't know if Forge tries to generate another vein if one spawning failed, but 50% of veins missing due to failed spawn would agree with our observed numbers.

To test this, I created a superflat world consisting of 256 layers of solid stone, with ore generation enabled. Using MCedit I analyzed a few hundred chunks (roughly a 20x20 chunk area), and came close to 0.153 iridium ores per chunk. This is notably more than the 0.09 - 0.095 observed in normal generation, but still short of the 0.2 expected from the config files. I can't explain the difference.

I think this is correct, that's why Greg mentioned about getting less iridium at the ocean biome and more of it at extreme hills biome..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So by placing my quarry in the ocean I actually picked the worst possible spot for finding iridium...? :oops:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I honestly thought that because the ground was so low, all the iridium spawning would have to be in that available space. :p I didn't know ore generation could even select air as a spawning location. Instead I thought that it would only randomize a piece of smooth stone in the chunk, not check any random block in the chunk if it was actually stone or not.