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1. In-Game (MC) Name: Rploeger
2. Age: 18
3. How many times have you been banned? None
4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it? The first book in "His Dark Materials". Mainly because i really like the way it's written and the surroundings are very well described.
5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most? I really like games like Rust and DayZ, then there's non-standard FPS games like Team Fortress 2, action RPGs like the Bethesda's games and hack and slash games like Dark Souls or Devil May Cry
6. Timezone: GMT +1
1. In-Game (MC) Name: Crezetique
2. Age: 20
3. How many times have you been banned? Clear Record.
4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it? A Child Called 'It', it's quite a dark non-fiction I would only recommend if you were into seeing life from a different point of perspective.
5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most? Firefall & Hearthstone
6. Timezone: GMT+08
1. In-Game (MC) Name: Excitar
2. Age: 25
3. How many times have you been banned? Never
4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it? Et liv på kanten. A book from a man from the danish Jæger Korps(Military special forces), about the challenges in his life how he has dealt with them and become stronger.
5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most? MOBAs, RPGs.
6. Timezone: GMT+1
1. In-Game (MC) Name: pilchar 2. Age: 18 3. How many times have you been banned? Once. It was just lag though, msg me for full story. 4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it? The fault in our stars, It was a beautiful novel about love life and death and how they intertwine 5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most? RPGs, RTS 6. Timezone: Mountain standard time
My references are Me, Notch, and Lewis Brindly
Hey, so my buddy is trying to apply but the website wont send him the confirmation email. anyways i told him id do his app for him.
1. In-Game (MC) Name: Krimbo 2. Age: 20 3. How many times have you been banned? None 4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it? The Hobbit. 5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most? FPS, RTS, MMO, pretty much everything. 6. Timezone: +0 (Uk)
Oh herro! Looking for a spot to kick it, be social and build.
1. In-Game (MC) Name:
2. Age:
3. How many times have you been banned?
4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it?
The Dune series. Frank Herbert is the shiiiiit.
5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most?
I'm a recovering LOL addict. Casually play Planetside 2. Pre-ordered Titanfall cause it's so good. I'd play multiplayer Civ, but that takes too much time.
1. In-Game (MC) Name:xcythemc
2. Age:21
3. How many times have you been banned? 0
4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it? Dune series,all of them. Very nice sci-fi books.
5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most? card games and moba
6. Timezone:eastern europe time
3. How many times have you been banned?
From what I know, zero times
4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it?
Uh, I don't really have one. I've read a couple of the warcraft books quite a while ago but they weren't so good that I'd say I would call any of them a "favorite"... Alice between the worlds was interesting but not that great either. I'd like to still find a great book but I'm rather picky about them and have rather niche interests.
5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most?
MMORPGs (though old-type ones have gotten rather boring at this point, waiting for next-gen ones like CubeWorld [if it ever becomes an MMO] or EverQuext Next)
also in general games that give me a lot of fun tools to tinker with (sadly aside modded MC that section is quite lacking)
6. Timezone:
UTC+1 [CET (Central European Time)]
7. Please provide at least 3 references of people you've known for more than a year and are not directly related to you.
Theres Jodie, Christian and Lara, my imaginary friends I had since i was young </sarcasm>
PS: What is the reason you choose whitelisting over greylisting?
1. In-Game (MC) Name: Bladezz88
2. Age: 25
3. How many times have you been banned? 0
4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it? World of Warcraft Rise of the Horde
5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most? World of Warcraft and skyrim
6. Timezone: pacific Time
1. In-Game (MC) Name: Mysticore.
2. Age: 18.
3. How many times have you been banned? Never been Banned before on Any servers.
4. What is your favorite book and why would you recommend it? The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Best book set Ever, and a good read. Such storyline, big amaze, very wow.
5. What other types of games do you typically enjoy playing the most? League of Legends, Vanilla Minecraft and Diablo III.
6. Timezone: GMT + 0 (United Kingdom - God Save the Queen!)