I just updated my mindcrack pack, and I am trying to play with the new xycraft block.
I was wondering if any of you knew what they did. I found that
-fabricator are automated crafting table(cf direwolf forgecraft serie)
-valve make tank(cf direwolf forgecraft serie)
-xychorium ice turn instantly any water block(source or flowing) into ice
-fire bassin are just like netherrack
-xychorium soil to grow plant (didn't work with carrot, haven't tried potatoes) BTW does anybodies know a way to abuse those in automated farming, especially with steve cart tree farm/wheat farm
- no idea what to do with item IO
I'll keep looking.
I just updated my mindcrack pack, and I am trying to play with the new xycraft block.
I was wondering if any of you knew what they did. I found that
-fabricator are automated crafting table(cf direwolf forgecraft serie)
-valve make tank(cf direwolf forgecraft serie)
-xychorium ice turn instantly any water block(source or flowing) into ice
-fire bassin are just like netherrack
-xychorium soil to grow plant (didn't work with carrot, haven't tried potatoes) BTW does anybodies know a way to abuse those in automated farming, especially with steve cart tree farm/wheat farm
- no idea what to do with item IO
I'll keep looking.