Mmmkay, going to try to keep this non-technical, so if I lose you, let me know so I can clarify.
An Autocrafting Table is from a mod called Buildcraft. It's similar to a crafting table, only you can leave a recipe in the table (this mechanic is also handy if you forgot something for your combine, you can leave the stuff in place, grab that last item, and come back to finish it). If the autocrafting table receives more than one 'set' of materials, and you pipe out of it, then it will automatically craft that item as long as you keep feeding it supplies.
In practice, it's not that useful, unless you have a mod called Logistics Pipes, which can be set up to automatically throw stuff in and pull out the result and send said result to you, wherever you might be.
You might, however, wish to look up the Project Table. Basically, it lets you make a bunch of stuff from the built-in inventory. So if you wanted, say, a dozen circuit chips, and you had the materials in the project table's inventory, it's just a single click to make them all. You can also use paper to make templates that you can use to make crafting stuff even easier.
Your problem is that you were searching for a direwolf wiki, when such does not exist. This is a Mod Pack, meaning it has a whole BUNCH of different mods, each one has their own wiki. FTB is trying to create a wiki of their own which will eventually be a one-stop shop for all your 'what the heck is that' needs, but it is still very much a 'work in progress', considering how many man-hours is required for a massive project like that.
If you just want to get started, you can look up my blog. I've got several Guides on different mods that help you get started from 'I've punched some trees and collected some ores... now what" on up. In particular, I suggest to you the Thermal Expansion and IndustrialCraft2 guides. I'm still in the process of writing the RP2 guide.
As a caveat: I'm not a big fan of Factorization, and my guide on that mod reflects this. Perhaps I'm being a bit unfair to the mod, and you might wish a second opinion on it.