New Post!
Updated LogisticsPipes. new dl link:http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes/74/
OLD POST*:Hello everyone.
I have been running a (dedicated)server a couple of days now with:
FTB DireWolf20 Modpack +
ArsMagicka, an advanced Magic Mod.
SecretRooms, a way to hide your stuff.
And offcourse we would like other people to join in with us on our server
Other Mods Links:
Ars Magicka:
Forum Post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...s-magica-an-advanced-magic-mod-for-minecraft/
Secret Rooms:
Forum Post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/546192-146v440secretroomsmodsmpforge-hide-your-diamonds-forever/
Logistics Pipes:
Download Link: http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes/74/
Installation Guide:
(How to join)
- Download ArsMagicka and MCore on the ArsMagicka Forumpost (Bottom of the forumpost on there are the download links.)
- Download the Latest Recommended Build of SecretRooms Mod.
- Extract the ArsMagicka ZIP and the SecretRooms ZIP into your Direwolf20/minecraft/mods folder... THE ZIP FILES NOT WHATS INSIDE THEM!
- Then Extract the MCore Jar File into your Direwolf20/minecraft/coremods folder.
- Then download our config file so your ID's are correct with the server. link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bvnreaydhxiigxc/ArsMagica.cfg
- Then extract that ArsMagica.cfg to your Direwolf20/minecraft/config folder and then you're done.
- Download the LogisticsPipes mod from the download link at the mods links.
- Extract the LogisticsPipes jar file into your Direwolf20/minecraft/mods folder..
- Download our config file so your ID's are correct with the server. link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jp0lobeesq4c792/LogisticsPipes.cfg
- Extract the LogisticsPipes.cfg into your Direwolf20/minecraft/config folder and your done.
The rules are:
- No griefing of any kind.
- Do not steal from other people.
- Be considerate of other people's builds.
- Do not flame other people.
- Use locks to protect your blocks.