EnchantmentTrades - Buy enchanted books from villagers
So this is my first attempt at a mod. Basicly i only made this as a way to get into forge coding. That being said i also wanted to create something that could fix a thing that has bothered me for a long time : Villager Trades.. Those horrid offers they give you.. Useless stuff for insane prices. It has never made sense to me why a flint and steel, that you can make your self without any material in like 10 mins, should cost something that you can spend hours on trying to find.! And this is where this mod should come in handy.
EnchantmentTrades is a very small mod that only has one purpose: To let villagers trade enchanted books for your precious emeralds at a higher rate. The offers aint cheap though, but i also wanted some balance in the mod.
The pricing of the enchanted books is divided into 5 price tiers coresponding to the levels of enchantment the book offer. They start at 32 emeralds for a level 1 enchanted book with whatever enchantment. After this each level higher costs 8 emeralds more. A level 3 enchanted book as an example costs 48 emeralds.
TL;DR: Villagers offer you enchanted books for emeralds. Number of emeralds depend om enchant level of the book.
Download & Things you should know
Post Author: Da9L
So this is my first attempt at a mod. Basicly i only made this as a way to get into forge coding. That being said i also wanted to create something that could fix a thing that has bothered me for a long time : Villager Trades.. Those horrid offers they give you.. Useless stuff for insane prices. It has never made sense to me why a flint and steel, that you can make your self without any material in like 10 mins, should cost something that you can spend hours on trying to find.! And this is where this mod should come in handy.
EnchantmentTrades is a very small mod that only has one purpose: To let villagers trade enchanted books for your precious emeralds at a higher rate. The offers aint cheap though, but i also wanted some balance in the mod.
The pricing of the enchanted books is divided into 5 price tiers coresponding to the levels of enchantment the book offer. They start at 32 emeralds for a level 1 enchanted book with whatever enchantment. After this each level higher costs 8 emeralds more. A level 3 enchanted book as an example costs 48 emeralds.
TL;DR: Villagers offer you enchanted books for emeralds. Number of emeralds depend om enchant level of the book.
This can all be configured though. You can configure the following in the configuration file like every other mod:
- Price of the different levels
- Which villagers should offer these trades
- Hows the chance of getting such a trade
- Special high priced enchantedbooks and price of these (Default: Silk Touch, Infinity <- These are only level 1 but should cost more)
Version 0.1 for 1.7.10 (Forge
Things to note:
Things to note:
- This is tested on Forge and it works.
- This should also take enchantments added from other mods into account. If they support enchantments on books, they should be included here
- Works on both SSP and SMP
Post Author: Da9L