Whitelist Server New Dawn [ FTB Direwolf20 v1.7.10 (whitelisted) | 24/7 | +16 | Space Limited ]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A New Server in town, A 'New Dawn'

About Us

We are a small community who is now willing to expand further and meet new people. So a brand new opportunity has been brought up to gather more people.
We all get together to have lots of fun and make possible recordings streams, so collabs will be there! We are all really casual and just enjoy the wonders of destroying things and have nuclear explosions. With that said we are a really fun village with awesome people from all over so dont be scared to pop in and claim your place!

About the Server
New and healthy, running with powerful specs that will cause no problems to the Direpack 1.7.10 what so ever. A lot of time and effort has been put towards it to make sure that there is no such thing as lag! Just note that the server is being hosted from Auckland, New Zealand, so I wont be able to guarantee the best latency if you are far away but we do have players on from all over and no complaints about issues have been logged!


1. MATURE (a must)
2. No Griefing
3. No hate speech
4. No Stealing or removing things from chests that are not yours
5. Pranks allowed but must be done in a mature way
6. Most important one, have FUN and make new friends

I dont really hang too much on terms but the one thing that I do keep in mind is how active players are. In the past we would have people who join for a day and then is never to be heard of again. So when you join the server, think about a few things before you join:

1. How long do I tend to spend on the server?
2. Do I live far away from Auckland where the server is being hosted from?
3. Will I get unhappy/rage if I get stumped on by the mobs and die 100 times?
4. Am I willing to spend time with a group of people on the server and ts?


We try and stick to the age of 16 years and older!


Reason of joining:
Do you agree to the terms and rules?:
Time Zone:
Creativity 1-10:
Mod Knowledge 1-10:
Youtube Channel:
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate:

Hope to hear from you soon!
IGN: Ryan784
Skype?: Once again, Ryan784. The picture is the same as my avatar on here.
Age: I am 18 years of age.
Reason of joining: Looking for a laid back DireWolf20 Server that is preferably Whitelisted. Looking for a nice community to play with and delve into 1.7 with, this Server is one of the better ones.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Of course.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard, US.
Creativity 1-10: Well, depends on how you define creativity. I would rate myself around an 8 if you mean in terms of problem solving, however, aesthetically wise I am pretty low (although I try!) and maybe a 4 or 5.
Mod Knowledge 1-10: Around a 7 or 8 once again - the thing about Mods is there are Wikis for them, and I am a fast learner.
FUN LEVEL 1-10: Up there, maybe a 8 or 9. Of course, if I am with people who aren't in that mindset I can also be very reserved, but if the community is very light and playful I will of course be so too.
Youtube Channel: N/A
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: If I end up really enjoying/committing to this server (most likely will), and it needs the money, I would be willing to donate some. Although, I probably wouldn't donate more than 10 dollars at a time to be completely frank.
IGN: TrpkGod
Skype?: trpkgod.dev
Age: 16
Reason of joining: Looking for an new active community,
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Yes
Time Zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Creativity 1-10: About an 8
Mod Knowledge 1-10: Around 8 to 9
FUN LEVEL 1-10: I love having fun with people.
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TrpkGodDev/
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: If I really like the server and stays active and so on, I will most likely end up donating to keep the server up
IGN: SKarate
Skype?: Don't typically use
Age: 23
Reason of joining: Looking for a less laggy server.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Yes
Time Zone: Eastern Standard, US.
Creativity 1-10: 8.
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 9.
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 9.
Youtube Channel: N/a
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: Possibly, depending on situations.
IGN: jjjet42
Skype?: the_jet42
Age: 19
Reason of joining: I wanted to play the new DW20 pack, but Single Player is a bit boring.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Sure
Time Zone: Arizona (It gets its own timezone.)
Creativity 1-10: 5 (I've forbidden myself from box houses now, 1.6 was the first time I didn't build a cube for a home)
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 7 (Haven't played any of the new updates, but I can figure it out pretty well.)
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 8 (varies depending on how exhausted and what kinda mood I am)
Youtube Channel: N/A

My work schedule is weird and can be kinda random. Sometimes I might even decided to play a few matches of LoL. I'll try to be on often if I can. I have a mic for TS, but there are certain times it cannot be used. Most Likely times I'll be on is during the few hours before my Evening shift. I'll probably let you know if I did intend on leaving for whatever reasons (hectic schedules, family problems, etc.), although I may not specify why.
IGN: ninbrandon3
Skype?: Nin-Sama
Age: 17
Reason of joining: Looking for a relatively small community of mature people to play the new DW 1.7 with, I hope I'll find that there.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Yes.
Time Zone: Central (US & Canada)
Creativity 1-10: About an 6
Mod Knowledge 1-10: About an 6 or 7, not really knowledgeable on the new 1.7 mods.
FUN LEVEL 1-10: Depends on my mood, but always at least a 6.
Youtube Channel: N/A
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: Depends on the situation.
Reason of joining:Just coming back from a long break
Do you agree to the terms and rules?:I sure do
Time Zone:EST
Creativity 1-10:7
Mod Knowledge 1-10:9
FUN LEVEL 1-10:10+
Youtube Channel:Working on one
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate:Sure

1. How long do I tend to spend on the server?3-5 a day
2. Do I live far away from Auckland where the server is being hosted from?USA
3. Will I get unhappy/rage if I get stumped on by the mobs and die 100 times?I love that stuff
4. Am I willing to spend time with a group of people on the server and ts?Hell yea
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IGN: sigsus
Skype?: sigsus (dosnt use it much)
Age: 16
Reason of joining: boring to play alone and want to join an community
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: yes, why wouldnt i? rules is there to follow
Time Zone: +1 or something
Creativity 1-10: 4
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 9
FUN LEVEL 1-10: i dont get this question... ill just say 5
Youtube Channel: sigsus
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate:
if i like the community and wanna help out only if i can
IGN: Great_Sphinx
Age: 18
Reason of joining: Ready to get playing with the new mods.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: yes
Time Zone: EST
Creativity 1-10: 8
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 9
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 10
Youtube Channel: N/A

This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: If I get to know you guys and enjoy the community

IGN: strane111
Skype?: strane111
Age: 17
Reason of joining: I am returning to FTB after a long Hiatus and am looking for a new server to play on. I am looking to make new friends and learn about all the new mods.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Yessir
Time Zone: EST
Creativity 1-10:7
Mod Knowledge 1-10:7
FUN LEVEL 1-10:9
Youtube Channel:StraneGaming
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate:Yessir
IGN: CGasper
Skype?: CGGaspar
Reason of joining: I need a new server to join, i had to leave the last server i was in because i was having some problems at work.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Yes.
Time Zone: UCT -3:00
Creativity 1-10: 7
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 8
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 7
Youtube Channel: N/A
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: Yes. I like to support stuff that gives me free content, but its kinda hard to donate to other countrys because i dont have a International Credit Card, so that could be a problem.
IGN: Nasalmirror1
Skype?: bobr993
Age: 21
Reason of joining: Looking for a server to play since I finally decided to play multiplayer instead of singleplayer
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: OFC
Time Zone: GMT +1
Creativity 1-10: 8, I'm not a fancy-build guy but I love automating stuff, and my builds aren't the ugliest in the world.
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 9, I've played for quite a while the direwolf20 1.6.4 mod pack, don't know much of the new mods, but can learn easily and fast.
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 9, love playing videogames in general, but MC is so much fun, and in multiplayer it may be even more fun then playing it alone.
Youtube Channel: none

I just realized I skipped the last point of the application so I'm sorry for the mistake. As for the question, yes I'd definitely donate if I enjoyed playing with you, not much because I'm only a student, 10 euros occasionally :)
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IGN: Cogneto
Skype?: Cogneto
Age: 29
Reason of joining: Always wanted to join a multilayer server , work on big projects , have a laugh that sort of thing
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: I do
Time Zone: GMT Ireland
Creativity 1-10: 5 I'm not to artistic but it doesn't stop me from trying then failing and then being laughed at :)
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 7-8 been playing for a long time with the last two direwolf packs , there's a few changes in 1.7.10 but I will get on top of that sharpish
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 5 gonna say middle ground here , like to have a laugh but also like to put my game face on when there's a project going down !
Youtube Channel:
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: Yea I don't see a problem throwing some cash if the server is good fun
IGN: Seb677
Skype?: renegademessiah
Age: 18
Reason of joining: I like multiplayer, and I like friendly people.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Yes, I do.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard. (US)
Creativity 1-10: 8
Mod Knowledge 1-10:7 (I specialize more in magic and tinkering.)
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 7
Youtube Channel: N/A
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: Full time student, so if I can, I will, but otherwise, no.
IGN: kai765
Reason of joining:
Interested in the new Direwolf pack and looking for a server to join that will hopefully not dwindle into nothing.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?:
In the words of churchill - Ooooh yes.
Time Zone: GMT+0
Creativity 1-10:
Mod Knowledge 1-10:
Youtube Channel:
Ultimata (no minecraft involved as of yet)
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate:
IGN: CheatingChicken
Skype?: None
Age: 22
Reason of joining: I want to get back into playing minecraft and singleplayer never catches my interest for a long time. All of my old servers have died by now i think :/
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Absolutely
Time Zone: GMT+1 (Germany)

Creativity 1-10: On building nice looking things? 3-4 Problem solving and building working things? 7.84
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 7-8
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 6.2035
Youtube Channel: None
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: I might be, depending on circumstances
Reason of joining: Looking for a community driven server where I can record and livestream from!
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Yes
Time Zone: US Central TimeZone
Creativity 1-10: 7
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 10
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 10
Youtube Channel: TheZorLegacy
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: Possibly?
IGN: Levytskyy
Skype?: Baloony2
Age: 19
Reason of joining: I'm looking for a smaller server under 20 people that are very community driven and like t build awesome contraptions together instead of going into the middle of nowhere and building alone. I would go to ssp if i wanted that.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Yes
Time Zone: Mountain time (MST)
Creativity 1-10: This one is going to be answered in 2 part.
1) My creativity when i comes to building is probably only a 5. I'm not the best when it comes to designing something truly original or very unique. This does not mean that i build things that are ugly and styand out too much, if i build something it will be nice. However it will not be something that awe inspiring in its creativity.
2) My Creativity when it comes to building awesome contraptions with the mods available to me is an 8 i would say. This is where i would say i really shine.

Mod Knowledge: 8-9. Unless there have been some truely sweeping changes in the mods since 1.6. But even then i should learn fast.
FUN LEVEL: 8. I try to always have fun at whatever i do. but there are always those tedious things like digging out huge holes that are just boring.
Youtube Channel: N/A. I dont have the creativity for editing and making interesting videos.
This wont make any difference whether you would be selected or not but would you be willing to donate: If everything goes well maybe a little bit 10-15$ or so every once in a while. i only work part time so my money is rather tight.
IGN: GU_MindFreak
Skype: austin.cottrill33
Age: 15, 16 relatively soon, but I am very mature and would love a chance
Reason of joining: I have been looking for a small whitelisted server to be a part of. I love to play on small servers where everyone knows everyone.
I do agree to the terms and rules.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard, U.S.
Creativity: Problem solving- about an 8 while my building skills, I am trying to be better at it, are maybe 6
Mod knowledge: 8-9, I am still dabbling about in different, new mods.
Fun level: 9, I am serious, but love to have fun
YouTube Channel: I do not have a channel that I upload videos on, I haven't a good enough PC for that yet.
Donate: I might donate, possibly when I have a job, if I become a steady, stable player on the server and it stays live, I may donate.
Skype?: Spencer SSM121
Age: 16
Reason of joining: The last server community I was in kinda tanked a bit ago and I want to play with people on the new pack.
Do you agree to the terms and rules?: Yes
Time Zone: Mountain Standard/Daylight U.S.A GMT -6
Creativity 1-10: 5 Higher if I have a reference image.
Mod Knowledge 1-10: 8 Most mods I have played with a lot in the past but there are a few I haven't used.
FUN LEVEL 1-10: 9 I like being involved with people including competitions, pvp tournaments colabs and pranks. I enjoy being around other players.
Youtube Channel: N/A until I get a new mic