Whitelist Server New Crazycraft | Unhinged 1.1.0 | 20 Slots | EU |

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im applying for 2 people

IGN: metalbuster101 (me)
Why would we want you?:im looking for a new server since my old one is dead, just wana hang out and make some cool stuff and enjoy playing with ya guys
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled:yup

IGN:meach69 (cousin)
Why would we want you?: i just wana play with my cousin and have a good time and just build some crazy stuf
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled:yup
Reason why would we want you:im david's (slivoice's) buildmate from strawsgaming server, he sent me the link, im no girefer, know alot about plugins (was basicaly runing straws server for him), i love ftb unhinged, but the dork switched to unleashed, now there is on one on ever, so looking for diff server to play on
Which mods are extra enabled on this server?: whats a mod? jk both the BOP mods are enabled
IGN: Bob_Sack
Age: 21
Country: Canada
Reason why would we want you: I'm an accomplished builder, as any previous server mate of mine would attest to. I'm highly knowledgeable of the mods in FTB, as I've played it since Beta Pack A, and played Minecraft itself since Alpha 1.2.6. I'm a pretty nice guy, I enjoy long walks on the beach, and believe I'd be wonderful to join you guys in your hours upon hours of Gregtech resource grinding :)
Which mods are extra enabled on this server?: Biomes o Plenty & Underground Biomes of course
IGN: bunheyfool
Age: 23
Country: America
Reason why would we want you: I would love to play on this server because I've heard great things about it. :) And I don't want to be griefed!! Many other servers I've been on I've been griefed and it sucks.
Which mods are extra enabled on this server?: the BOP and UB are enabled.
IGN: deathbones044
Age: 21
Country: America
Reason why would we want you: I would love to play on this server because I've heard great things about it. I also love the freedom of these kinds of servers but there are none for crazy craft.
Imaginative builder(mostly in creative). I can copy with near perfect accuracy patterns/designs (if needed). I can help with organization, farming, etc... and often go spelunking, so I'll be able to retrieve many resources from caves.(basically, I'll be the helping hand)
Some exp. with BoP, more than willing to learn UB

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IGN: Papupata100
Age: 13
Country: Finland
Reason why would we want you: Because I like Crazy Craft and I was looking for good server and finally I found one :)
Which mods are extra enabled on this server?: Biomes o' Plenty and Underground Biomes.
My Gmail: [email protected]
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