Whitelist Server New Crazycraft | Unhinged 1.1.0 | 20 Slots | EU |

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New Crazycraft
Think minecraft is way too easy? Already got those ultimate solar panels? Taking baths in diamonds on regular basis?
Then join our Unhinged pack server where everything is way too expensive!

IP: newcrazycraft.airdev.nl (
  • Use common sense
  • No griefing/cheating/hacking/exploiting
  • No random PvP
  • No excessive use of server resource intensive blocks
    • eg. chunk loaders, mystcraft ages, mob spawners
As for anything else: knock your socks off!

Server owner:
Admin(s): Nathie1000

Server specifications:
  • Private machine
  • Located in Netherlands
  • 4GB RAM
  • SSD storage
  • 100 Mbit/s up, Fibreoptic
  • This server has Biomes o' Plenty and Underground Biomes enabled, make sure to enable them in your client!
Reason why would we want you:
Which mods are extra enabled on this server?:

If you have any questions feel free to contact me on skype (Nathie1000).

Town project:
We are starting a town project led by Vojczejk aiming to start a small (max. 8 player) democratic community working on one common goal, building a working and nice looking settlement.

We have not started yet, no decisions have been made yet. We have a few spots where we might like to build but that would be agreed on between first three players.

Our spots include:
  • An nice peninsula consisting of orchard biome.
  • Coastal meadow biome area.
  • Inland plain with a testificate village.
  • Near-coast island perfect for starting a base on sea. (My favourite!)
If that made you interested feel free to write Vojczejk a PM on the forums. No exact application format has been given, just write what do YOU think can make us interested. (for example: What your personality is like? Why do you want to join? What are you good at?)

And please apply only if whitelisted on the server!

We hope to hear from you soon!
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IGN: Timelife
Country:U.S. (West Coast)
Why would we want you?:I am a decent planner and builder, I like to make my buildings as visually appealing as possible while stretching the limit when it comes to effective use of space. I understand the workings of Gregtech and really enjoy the added complexity and difficulty. Personality-wise, I am generally agreeable and enjoy working cooperatively with other players to create big projects. Other things of note, I am currently in collage, studying physics, and as such do have work to do, which will pull me away from playing for excessive amounts of time, however, I am a night-owlish person and often play for a large chunk of the night. In addition, if anyone wants to discuss ethics, that is in a philosophic manner, I do have a large bit of knowledge under my belt and an axe to grind on that subject.
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled: Yes, while I am familiar with BoP, I have never used UB.
IGN: fuhl
Age: 34
Country: Germany
Why would we want you?: I'm pretty active and like to build complicated contraptions. I have some deeper knowledge of the mods since I'm already playing modded minecraft since Tekkit and am glad to help where I can.
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled: I am; I don't like all the new cobblestones but both mods look pretty nice.
Server's nice so far. I wish there were more people playing. Go, apply for this nice server :)
hmm ill sign up!
Why would we want you?:I'm really active and i know my stuff around many mods, i could be a help to players who don't know how to set up sorting systems etc
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled: Yes i am, i really enjoy these mods and it adds new types of wood i could use to build my houses.
IGN: Bl4ckR41nB0w
Age: 16
Country: Germany
Why would we want you?: my favourite mods are Gregtech and IndustrialCraft and i love to do complicated stuff with these mods. I would try to be very active on your server, cause there are not many servers with longtimed maps and expensive recipes.
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled: Sure, never had problems with those mods
IGN: commandergeneral
Age: 21
Country: us east coast
Why would we want you?: been playing ftb since it lauched love to play with ic2 and want to get back into playing with gregtech
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled: yes used BoP alot will be fun to play with UB since i never have
IGN: Levytskyy
Age: 18
Country: Canada
Why would we want you?: Because im friendly, like playing with other people and dont cause much trouble or am annoying. cant think of any other reason. it makes no difference how long i have been playing a game that can be learned.
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled: Yes i have some limited experience with Bop but not UB

Age: 16

Country: USA

Why would we want you?: I really love tech, automation, building giant bases, etc. I've been playing since some of the first releases of the first Tekkit, and I love teaching new players stuff. I also like playing with others and collaborating toward bases with them.

I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled: I love you to death for this. I really like extra biomes, and I LOOOOVE underground biomes. Already enabled, 'cause I like the mods.
IGN: Utterablehawk675
Age: 15
Country : U.S.
Why would we want you?: I love automation, and community builds.
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled: Aware, and i love having new biomes :D
Im a casual mature player looking to kick back, relax and create stuff. Playing alone obviously gets too boring, and i enjoy that endgame is miles away.I also like to make big projects with others, huge buildings etc. for a little eyecandy. and sense of achievement.
BoP and UB approved
IGN: ewokrage
Age: 30
Country: USA
Why would we want you?: Im a mature player with a good sense of humor. I enjoy helping out on big group builds
I'm aware that BoP and UB are enabled: Yes, I am excited to check out ub