Never-Ending Explosions

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, something REALLY weird just happened to me in MindCrack (8.0.1, modified). I was working on a secondary fuel storage place, working with tesseracts (which are marvelous) to make my oil farming more efficient, and without any kind of warning whatsoever, everything started exploding. I couldn't grab a screencap of it, because every time I got close enough to get a good one, it'd send me flying ~200 meters. I had a bank of 6 combustion engines, 2 of which were red-lining and recently shut down (were blue at the time of the explosion), so the only thing I can think of is something relating to the aura and the apparently hideous amounts of flux an ender dragon egg introduces into the environment. I'd been getting random storms and gettin hit by lightning, but nothing severe, since I had a fully-upgraded modular power suit (<3 that mod) and it didn't do any damage.

I dunno what the fuck happened there, but my entire refinement facility went critical mass, and the explosion never stopped. It went on for a good 2+ minutes. Anyone else had this happen to em?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
GregTech recently added a new feature where improper removal of a GregTech machine causes a cascading failure in the system that spreads through your power cables. Any GT machine in range will go boom. Did you forget to wrench a block perhaps?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nope. I had a few GT machines, but I'd not moved em, and I always wrench IC2-related machines by default. Also, no turtle charging stations.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
GT machines can explode in the rain, when hit by lightning, when on fire and are flammable and daisy chain the explosion along your power cables. I also recall reading something in the Gregtech thread about the Ender Egg Siphon being buggy atm, since you mentioned it did you have that set up? Possibly a combustion engine went off and took a GT machine with it which started a cascade.
Though the explosion lasting a good 2 minutes is weird unless it was large enough to slow the tick rate to a crawl.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only thing, that I can think of, with constant explosion is overflow of items in BC pipes. It causes small explosion, which doesn't destroy the pipe, so it will explode until you break the loop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
GT machines can explode in the rain, when hit by lightning, when on fire and are flammable and daisy chain the explosion along your power cables. I also recall reading something in the Gregtech thread about the Ender Egg Siphon being buggy atm, since you mentioned it did you have that set up? Possibly a combustion engine went off and took a GT machine with it which started a cascade.
Though the explosion lasting a good 2 minutes is weird unless it was large enough to slow the tick rate to a crawl.

I was above my GT machines, separated by a layer of freaking xychordite shield. I'd nix'd the egg siphons (along with the eggs) the moment I noticed the flux-fuckery. It'd been a good hour or two since I'd done that, as well. I setup some GT geo-gens hooked up to some IDSUs, one for each voltage category (HV Transformer on one, HV->MV, then HV->MV->LV). Also, all my combustion engines were off and in the blue at the time of the explosion.

The only thing, that I can think of, with constant explosion is overflow of items in BC pipes. It causes small explosion, which doesn't destroy the pipe, so it will explode until you break the loop.

Actually, I'd just gotten rid of the remaining BC pipes from my oil transport setup, replaced em with tesseracts. Unless energy conduits and liquiducts can explode, which I don't think they can...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is weird indeed Xychordite shield should stop any explosion (it can handle reactors going off), all I can possibly think of is a stray Redstone signal reversing a transformer? (that is if you were anywhere near them)
Liquiducts\Energy Conduits can't explode (thankfully)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where'd you hear that? I just tested with a stack of dragon eggs and no flux appeared. Could be you're near an unstable node?

Didn't hear it anywhere. I'd had some flux in the air for a bit, but that was because of my infernal furnace. I might have been near an unstable node that just went completely out of control, but it was across 3 nodes, all at dangerous flux levels. I was just guessing that they were the cause, since it only started after I'd started running the egg experiment, and I'd not used anything ThaumCraft in days. Though, it was on my Peaceful Challenge map, so it might've gone hog-wild without the wisp-killing involved in killing high flux levels.

Also, my transformers weren't anywhere near a source of redstone current. Tis one hell of a mystery...


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
EnderEgg Siphons are notorious for exploding randomly. In fact, I've heard they are worse than nukes when they go off, so they may well have been able to get through the xy shield blocks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
EnderEgg Siphons are notorious for exploding randomly. In fact, I've heard they are worse than nukes when they go off, so they may well have been able to get through the xy shield blocks.

I'd suspect them, were it not for the fact I'd gotten rid of them at least an hour before things went tits-up.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
I'd suspect them, were it not for the fact I'd gotten rid of them at least an hour before things went tits-up.
GT also likes to make machines emit a crapload of EU, which can cause a cascade of explosions. Individual ones might not go through xy shield blocks, but the combination might have been enough to punch through.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guess I'm never trusting GregTech for anything ever again. I'm not losing another damned base because of some retarded cascading failure mechanic and machines that are (however realistically) sensitive to a little lightning, or whatever might be the case. I can't stand overly-finnicky machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's in the Gregtech config if you want to disable the cascade\fire\lightning\boom, I did disable lightning since if it chooses to it can strike through solid blocks and transparent blocks might as well not be there at all, to hit something underneath apparently so there is no actual way to guard against it if you are incredibly unlucky.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
AFAIK, The thundestorm thingie hasn't been introduced by GT, it's just there to let you know that he will introduce it later, but better disable it..

Oh well, he will test it first for sure, It will be funny if he destroy his own base due to the stupid lightning going through the roof and strike one of his machine LOL.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just in case, I think my next world's gonna take it a bit easy on Thaumcraft. Or, if I get it goin, I'll take it somewhere faaaaaar away. Thankfully, I found 4 portal spawners in a dungeon chest, sooooooo...luck!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the only thing flux does is spawn giant angry zombies, wisps and lightning strikes on living things.

and as soon as you have 2 siphoons in the world both explode with the force of 4 reactors each.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the only thing flux does is spawn giant angry zombies, wisps and lightning strikes on living things.

and as soon as you have 2 siphoons in the world both explode with the force of 4 reactors each.

I've turned off that config option, though. Whenever there's an update, the first thing I always do is reconfigure GregTech to be less annoying.