Neutral Gregtech Config


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like the things I read about the machines that Gretech adds, but I want its use to be optional to my players. I am looking for help configuring Gregtech in a way that it does not interfere with other mods or worldgen, but its own machines can still be used.

There are 4 config files and hundreds of options, and I really don't want to completely screw up worldgen in the process or mess up item ids. Perhaps whatever I learn from you all I can compile into a guide.

Also, will it be completely different if I am tweaking Mindcrack, or adding it to Direwolf20? Am I wasting my time if the Ultimate pack is around the corner?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Set the following to restore most defaults from other mods:

-- Features
-- -- B:ForestryBronzeNerf=false
-- -- I:UpgradeStacksize=16
-- quantumsuit
-- -- B:QChestInvincibility=true

-- circuitry
-- -- all settings to "false"
-- ic2recipes
-- -- B:Massfabricator=true
-- storageblockcompression
-- -- all settings to "false"
-- storageblockcrafting
-- -- all settings to "true"
-- storageblockreversecrafting
-- -- all settings to "true"
-- storageblocksmelting
-- -- all settings to "false"
-- usefullrecipes
-- -- all settings to "false"
-- -- I:TincellsPer4Tin=16
-- -- B:ToolAndArmorMaceration=true

That should give you a fairly good start. You should however be aware that in doing so, you're effectively throwing game balance out the window, because GregTech adds and does a few things that rely on certain things from other mods being nerfed (reusable tin cells, for example).

Also note that there may be some thing you cannot unnerf or turn back. One example is the wooden scaffold recipe nerf (recipe only yields 4 instead of 16 wooden scaffolds).

I have no clue whatsoever about RecipesAdvancedConfig.cfg, by the way. There's zero documentation about it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The RecipesAdvancedConfig.cfg is the confifurations for all the machine recipes (Bauxite dust in Industrial Electorlyzer) Gregtech adds, but only for Gregtech items. Vanilla items in Gregtech machines are found in Recipes.