I have a bunch of chests connected to each other and a request pipe to be able to search for things and send them to me. The chests closest to the request pipe get there very fast while the ones at the end of the chain take forever. I only know how to use provider, supplier and request pipes atm. See pics below for setup.
Also, I tried putting and iron pipe to keep things from going to every pipe on the way to the request pipe but they still get sucked through it.
The request pipe is under the crystal chest in the bottom right corner of the image.
All chests connected in series.
Each chest has a provider pipe and an iron pipe before connecting to the main gold pipe. I can replace the iron pipes to speed things up but I was hoping not to have the item stop at each chest along the way, instead an item will still get pulled through the iron pipe.
When I request an item that is in the last chest it takes about 52 seconds to get to the crystal chest because it has to visit each provider pipe along the way. Any help on speeding things up would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I tried putting and iron pipe to keep things from going to every pipe on the way to the request pipe but they still get sucked through it.
The request pipe is under the crystal chest in the bottom right corner of the image.
All chests connected in series.
Each chest has a provider pipe and an iron pipe before connecting to the main gold pipe. I can replace the iron pipes to speed things up but I was hoping not to have the item stop at each chest along the way, instead an item will still get pulled through the iron pipe.
When I request an item that is in the last chest it takes about 52 seconds to get to the crystal chest because it has to visit each provider pipe along the way. Any help on speeding things up would be greatly appreciated.