Need General Guidance (Direwolf20 Pack 1.6.4 Recommended Patch)

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Tyler The Builder

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know what to do for upgrading energy supply, organizing a machine room, I don't know what liquid exp is for but I have some, I don't know what biofuell is but I want to try it out if it's good, I know 0 about any magic mods too :/

*not important*
I'm currently settled down in a pretty nice area, next to a ravine with 2 connected abandoned mineshafts (lucky :D, still exploring it) I'm not very intellectual on anything in this pack besides TiCo and Thermal Expansion. I know just about everything there is to know on those 2 mods but just about nothing everywhere else. I'm going to toss in a few screenies of my house and the area and my special stuff chests to let you guys get a feel for what's going on and how far I am. I looked into forestry on a youtube video and wow does it look wayyyy too complicated so I'm going to ignore it, but I'm open to just about everything else you guys can advise me to do :). Without further adieu, the album:

Watch as many as you can bear. He will get around most common mods and how to use them. He don't always do things the smartest, but he explains stuff in a good and understandable way.

Other than that, start reading wikis and watch some mod spotlights.
this is really the best thing that I can think of, other then watching Direwolf do his thing you can ask about anything else you don't understand.
I would suggest getting into Thaumcraft. Lot's of neat toys in there for you.
Any good way to farm ender pearls? I've killed the only 3 Endermen i've seen spawn ever.. Any sort of good mob grinder I can build pertaining specifically to endies?
Minefactory Reloaded Mob Spawner, Pnumaticraft Ender Plants (I think) or you could find your end portal..
Just a heads up though, for some reason in the DW20 pack the end portals sometimes aren't there at all, no fortress, no nothing. Took me a while but I finally found mine!
Any good way to farm ender pearls? I've killed the only 3 Endermen i've seen spawn ever.. Any sort of good mob grinder I can build pertaining specifically to endies?
Look for dungeon chests as they can contain Ender lily seeds. You can plant these to grow enderpearls(slow process, goes faster of grown on End stone). This can be automated by several means like TC golems and MFR farms.

The MFR autospawner is great for spawning specific mobs, but you need to feed it mob essence to work. You can set up cursed earth farms to produce this essence or get it through other means like XP oreberry bushes. The cursed earth mob farm will also produce quite a bit of enderpearls on its own.
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Two ways to unlimited Ender Pearls:

(1) Make a mob spawner where you kill mobs with an MFR grinder. A Cursed Earth spawner is best, but it needn't be - you'll need the Division SIgil for that, and that's either extremely rare or extremely dangerous to get (the Wither drops it). Let it run and store the mob essence. Eventually, you'll get a few Ender Pearls. Use your first Ender Pearls to make a Safari net and go out capturing an Enderman with it. Build an autospawner, use the safari net in it and kill the spawned Endermen with an Autonomous Activator containing a Tinker's Construct sword with Looting III. You can draw the Endermen to the AA using a Corporeal Attractor from Thaumic Tinkerer. This will be the end of all your Ender Pearl problems. I had such a contraption running and got a stack of Ender Pearls per minute from it, though that was with a bedrock sword from RotaryCraft (infinite durability, built-in Looting V) which you won't have in the DW20 pack.

(2) Explore Dungeons a bit. Eventually, you'll find an Ender Lily seed. Get a few Ender Pearls the hard way (either kill Endermen or build a mob spawner as in (1) above). Use the TC smeltery to make End Stone and plant the Ender Lily on it. Use Ars Magica 2 Sigils of Nature's Bounty and/or Thaumcraft Lamps of Growth to speed up growth and set a Thaumcraft Golem to harvest the lilies and another one to gather the Ender Pearls. You'll have a 2% chance per growth cycle to get a second Ender Lily seed from each plant. This will take quite some time, if you play enough you'll end up with a big Ender Lily farm.

For your power problem: watch the LP videos, they'll show you better than we could do here in a short post. For an alternative: if you manage to build the autospawner in (1) and you can keep it supplied with mob essence, you'll have enough Ender Pearls to use them in Extra Utilities Ender generators to generate power.
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