Well I have a very small server that is just me and one of my Irl friends on it atm. I'm running the Mindcrack v8.1.1 pack.
I wanted to bring in maybe 2 more people but I'm really paranoid about griefing.
I have been kind of out of the loop lately on the development of server protection since it was just me and a friend on the server for so long.
I have forge essentials installed on the server but there still is not much documentation out there for it yet as far as protection goes. I know it has a protection module but I can't figure out what exactly its features are or how to use its features.
Also I see I guess people are using plugins for protection now also? can someone explain to me how that is? I guess there are mods that let you use some bukkit plugins on ftb servers now? Would it be better for me to just uninstall forgessentials and instal some plugins instead?
Also What would you recommend for grief protection on a small server like mine?
I know with forge essentials I can ban certain items but can I Define a region and have it so that only the owner of that region can modify things in it? I have used the world edit features of Forge essentials before so I would guess you define a region with the wand and then use some type of command to set the region and its owner?
Sorry for asking such simple questions and thank you for anyone who takes the time to help me out.
I wanted to bring in maybe 2 more people but I'm really paranoid about griefing.
I have been kind of out of the loop lately on the development of server protection since it was just me and a friend on the server for so long.
I have forge essentials installed on the server but there still is not much documentation out there for it yet as far as protection goes. I know it has a protection module but I can't figure out what exactly its features are or how to use its features.
Also I see I guess people are using plugins for protection now also? can someone explain to me how that is? I guess there are mods that let you use some bukkit plugins on ftb servers now? Would it be better for me to just uninstall forgessentials and instal some plugins instead?
Also What would you recommend for grief protection on a small server like mine?
I know with forge essentials I can ban certain items but can I Define a region and have it so that only the owner of that region can modify things in it? I have used the world edit features of Forge essentials before so I would guess you define a region with the wand and then use some type of command to set the region and its owner?
Sorry for asking such simple questions and thank you for anyone who takes the time to help me out.