Need an update on protection for ftb servers these days

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Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I have a very small server that is just me and one of my Irl friends on it atm. I'm running the Mindcrack v8.1.1 pack.

I wanted to bring in maybe 2 more people but I'm really paranoid about griefing.

I have been kind of out of the loop lately on the development of server protection since it was just me and a friend on the server for so long.

I have forge essentials installed on the server but there still is not much documentation out there for it yet as far as protection goes. I know it has a protection module but I can't figure out what exactly its features are or how to use its features.

Also I see I guess people are using plugins for protection now also? can someone explain to me how that is? I guess there are mods that let you use some bukkit plugins on ftb servers now? Would it be better for me to just uninstall forgessentials and instal some plugins instead?

Also What would you recommend for grief protection on a small server like mine?

I know with forge essentials I can ban certain items but can I Define a region and have it so that only the owner of that region can modify things in it? I have used the world edit features of Forge essentials before so I would guess you define a region with the wand and then use some type of command to set the region and its owner?

Sorry for asking such simple questions and thank you for anyone who takes the time to help me out.
Does anyone atleast know if Forge essentials protection does anything? I have some ppl that are waiting to come onto the server but I cant let them on until i figure out a protection system.

I went through a few pages of posts here.

So it seems some people are using FE with Fihgus Protection module.
Some people are using FE with MYtown & Pex
Some people are using MCPC+ and the grief provention pluging.

I will only have 4 people on my server its a very very small server Im debating even bothering with protection.

What would be the simplest way to add basic region protection?
After a lot of testing, the best solution atm for our server (MC v8.0.1) was to use MCPC+ with a bukkit protection/ anti-grief plugin called Prism. It is by far the most supportive of all the modded blocks; it will log and rollback anything ive thrown at it.
@WS...where does one d/l MCPC+ and Prism? Also, where are good instructions on how to install/implement? Thanks!
Just installed prism myself so thank you going to test it out here soon as I figure out what perms system I want to use.. Any advice for a Perms system to use with MCPC+?
I've been using bPerms with no problems so far.

I've just installed bPerms but never used it before. I see there is a folder for each regular world. Can I set permissions for everyworld without having to add them in all the worlds folders? and what about mystcraft ages? If you have any videos or anytihng that you might have used to learn bPerms if you could please post them i would appreciate it. thanks

Also a really newbie question but what is the permission node for alowing block breaking / placing? I have worldedit/world guard/commandbook/prism plugins installed and not sure what handles that permission node.
I've just installed bPerms but never used it before. I see there is a folder for each regular world. Can I set permissions for everyworld without having to add them in all the worlds folders? and what about mystcraft ages? If you have any videos or anytihng that you might have used to learn bPerms if you could please post them i would appreciate it. thanks

Also a really newbie question but what is the permission node for alowing block breaking / placing? I have worldedit/world guard/commandbook/prism plugins installed and not sure what handles that permission node.

Yeah in the config.yml do use-global-files=true

Then use the groups.yml file in the main folder and ignore the seperate world folders.
Yeah in the config.yml do use-global-files=true

Then use the groups.yml file in the main folder and ignore the seperate world folders.

Thanks well the permissions seem to be working. Edit; think i figured out why my prefix wasnt working didnt have suffic there in the code

Also I like the idea of editing permissions from game but you have to select a world when doing it that way. So how do I edit global perms from in game /world global doesnt work lol. and /world world just edits the overworlds stuff.

Thanks much!
Actualy I cant fiure out why my prefixes are not showing up. I have Suffix in the code but left blank but when I upload the file it removes it anyway. Any idea whats wrong with my prefixes?

When I uploaded my perms here it changed there layout a bit. the perms work but not the prefixes.. It moved some of the stuff around to when i uploaded the perms like I have minnow first then gupy then bigfish
default: Minnow
    - commandbook.away
    - commandbook.home.set
    - commandbook.home.teleport
    - minnow
      priority: '20'
      prefix: '[&1Guppy&f]'
    - commandbook.rules
    - commandbook.spawn
    groups: []
      priority: '10'
      prefix: '[&8Minnow&f]'
    - bPermissions.admin
    - commandbook.bans.ban
    - commandbook.bans.isbanned
    - commandbook.bans.unban
    - commandbook.barrage
    - commandbook.barrage.other
    - commandbook.clear
    - commandbook.clear.other
    - commandbook.firebarrage
    - commandbook.firebarrage.other
    - commandbook.freeze
    - commandbook.gamemode
    - commandbook.gamemode.change
    - commandbook.gamemode.change.other
    - commandbook.gamemode.check
    - commandbook.gamemode.check.other
    - commandbook.god
    - commandbook.home.other
    - commandbook.return
    - commandbook.rocket
    - commandbook.rocket.other
    - commandbook.shock
    - commandbook.shock.other
    - commandbook.slay
    - commandbook.slay.other
    - commandbook.spawnmob
    - commandbook.spawnmob.many
    - commandbook.teleport
    - commandbook.teleport.other
    - commandbook.thor
    - commandbook.time
    - commandbook.warp.list
    - commandbook.warp.remove
    - commandbook.warp.set
    - commandbook.warp.teleport
    - securechests.lock
    - guppy
      priority: '30'
      prefix: '[&bBigFish&f]'