Need Advice on Power

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Nikkoli Willson

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I am using the Unleashed mod pack and I am at the point were I want to move towards making UU-matter so I can make iridium. However, the matter fabricator takes an INSANE amount of power to operate and I am at a loss of how to get there. Right now I am pumping in lava from the nether and using geothermal power which is enough to power my machines and ME system but thats about it. I also have a few low voltage solar arrays that I use to keep my MFEs charged for when I need them. The problem is, as far as I can tell, in this mod pack, you cant find iridium outside of UU-matter and you need iridium to move up to better solar panels. So what is a good in between power source that can power a matter fabricator until I have enough iridium to get it on solar power? I am fairly new to FTB but I know my way around most things.

Nikkoli Willson

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was hesitant on nuclear power because as I understand it can be dangerous and is dependent on uranium, so not exactly long term here. It is possible I am misinformed on that though


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was hesitant on nuclear power because as I understand it can be dangerous and is dependent on uranium, so not exactly long term here. It is possible I am misinformed on that though

I would go with the tree farm option. True, you will need a large number of generators and a tree farm that can keep up, but it is definitely the best long term solution if you don't want to quarry the world looking for uranium.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would go with the tree farm option. True, you will need a large number of generators and a tree farm that can keep up, but it is definitely the best long term solution if you don't want to quarry the world looking for uranium.

Even better, treefarm > coke oven, then use the creosote AND the coal to make fuel.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also IIRC you can use a steam turbine from railcraft for power(never used one before, though). Also powerconverters with buildcraft power if you have some MJ to spare


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was hesitant on nuclear power because as I understand it can be dangerous and is dependent on uranium, so not exactly long term here. It is possible I am misinformed on that though

Basically, build this and enjoy ;)


The one-time build cost may make you slightly uncomfortable, but once set up it only needs a bit of uranium and copper every couple hours. Also, every full run will give you 360 pieces of UU-matter out of 14 uranium if you have enough scrap handy to keep the mass fab running in amplified mode through it all. Builds more than a full quantum suit!
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
If you want to use Power Converters at all, Railcraft Steam Boilers are the way to go. Honestly, though that LV array will produce enough power to run the fab until you have enough UU to make the advanced solar, which will then make you much more effective at making UU, repeat continually.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What Omicron said. Nuclear Reactors are perfect for UU-matter. You pop in new fuel cells when you login, flip the switch, and walk away. If you stay logged in long enough, you can change fuel cells.

As for baseline, "always on power", I'm partial to lava in Geothermal Generators with the lava source being phosphorous from Infernal (ex. Sinister, Fiendish), you should be able to generate 200 EU/t or more from just 2 or 3 alveraries or a larger number of apiaries without frames and with just the Fast Productivity trait from any number of bees like Cultivated. Getting Sinister or Fiendish bees does not require a big/long bee setup/breeding chain. You can get those from apiaries in less than 10 steps (species).

If you go all in with bees and get to an alveary farm (10+ alvearies) with Impregnated Frames, all with 55% Simmering Comb Fiendish Bees, and all with Fastest Productivity trait from Windy Bees, you will be drowning in phosphorous --> lava and are looking at well over 1000 EU/t.

There are also Refined bees which produce Fuel and Oil at an insane rate, which can then be converted to EU. But, Refined/Oily bees take quite a bit more bee breeding than the lava-making bees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Basically, build this and enjoy ;)


The one-time build cost may make you slightly uncomfortable, but once set up it only needs a bit of uranium and copper every couple hours. Also, every full run will give you 360 pieces of UU-matter out of 14 uranium if you have enough scrap handy to keep the mass fab running in amplified mode through it all. Builds more than a full quantum suit!
The OP said Matter Fabricator, so assuming GregTech here.. So it's 16.6M EU/UU-matter. About 3.6 UU-matter per run.

I do totally agree about using Nuclear Reactors tho. What else are you going to use Uranium for? Breeding bees? Might as well use them as UU-matter fuel.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you dont mind useing power converters its fairly easy to use the MFR bio generators paired with a couple of farms to cover your power needs and then just convert the excess into EU and dump into the mater fab. I was feeding saplings, pumpkin/melon seeds, carrots, potatos and cactus green(dye) into a bank of 10 bio reactors(fuel producing block) which was then feeding a bank of about 40ish bio generators. Most of the time not even all the generators were runing to power my base if I didnt have the mater fab runing. Once I wanted UU I just made an EV producer, bridge, and MJ consumer transformered the output down to HV and feed all that power into my mater fab. Was producing UU every 10 seconds or so. Yes this was slow compaired to later when I had 10 ultimate hybrid solars feeding the thing but was a decent pace and all ran off compleatly renewable energy. Nice thing about the MFR generators is they are smart like geo thermals, they stop burning fuel the instant their internal energy buffer fills up and start agian as soon as more power is needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The OP said Matter Fabricator, so assuming GregTech here.. So it's 16.6M EU/UU-matter. About 3.6 UU-matter per run.

I do totally agree about using Nuclear Reactors tho. What else are you going to use Uranium for? Breeding bees? Might as well use them as UU-matter fuel.

If he had GregTech he could easily get iridium from other sources (native ore, sheldonite ore, platinium centrifuging). It doesn't look like that's the case. Plus, you'd have to intentionally wrestle GregTech into the Unleashed pack, it isn't included by default...

I thought the same as you did at first, but upon closely examining his post I think he just mistook the name of the device.
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Wiki Staff
FTB Mod Dev
Jul 3, 2013
So I am using the Unleashed mod pack and I am at the point were I want to move towards making UU-matter so I can make iridium. However, the matter fabricator takes an INSANE amount of power to operate and I am at a loss of how to get there. Right now I am pumping in lava from the nether and using geothermal power which is enough to power my machines and ME system but thats about it. I also have a few low voltage solar arrays that I use to keep my MFEs charged for when I need them. The problem is, as far as I can tell, in this mod pack, you cant find iridium outside of UU-matter and you need iridium to move up to better solar panels. So what is a good in between power source that can power a matter fabricator until I have enough iridium to get it on solar power? I am fairly new to FTB but I know my way around most things.

Insane? You think the amount it takes is insane? Try not to look at gregtech, that's what insane REALLY is.

Personally, I'd just pump in more lava, or put a quarry in the nether and use magma crucibles (from all the netherack) to make tons of lava. Of course, the last one only works if you have a lot of MJ, but you can always push some lava into making more MJ as well.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Adding GT to Unleashed is no more difficult than downloading Unhinged and using the FTB launcher to edit mod-pack>Add Mod> Unhinged GT. Unleashed has a GT config already, it only lacks the mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An option I have been using, a 3x3 MFR tree farm sped up with constant fertilizer from a MFR fertilizer machine collected from sewers under a large cow farm. 2 Harvesters 1 planter. The wood is thrown into 2 induction furnaces kept on max power and the charcoal i get is in excess to keep 9 x 36HP boilers fully stocked. And I am not utilizing it to the fullest as I have gotten over 2 million excess charcoal from this setup. 1 boiler by itself is enough to run all the machinery to keep the tree farm up and running, 2 i use for base power usage, 1 for my ME network and the rest are all used to power the matter fab.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I've taken to using Steam Ovens instead of Induction Furnaces. I'm making a rather hilarious surplus of charcoal, and running my entire base on just one HP boiler.
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