Mystcraft question...when do the worlds get removed?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When a book dies, I noticed that the world (database and directory) still exist. If you have tried several worlds, this takes up space. I am guessing that these are safe to delete, even if the book exists as it will just regenerate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, you can delete them yourself and it won't harm anything. Mystcraft itself does not delete ages automatically at this point in time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, you can delete them yourself and it won't harm anything. Mystcraft itself does not delete ages automatically at this point in time.
So.. I have 5 mystcraft worlds that I want to keep. How do I delete the worlds without deleting the ones I want to keep? I have the books renamed so they're not like Age 46 or anything anymore. I have one named Diamond Tendrils, another named Dense Ore Cave, Autum Skylands, etc. Problem is, they're not saved under those names in the save files.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Go to the world and make a new link book there, it should have the age number as it's name


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if chickencunks are installed typing
opens a new window and there you can switch the dimension. just look where you as player are in (loog for your loaded chunks)the you have the id of the dimension you are in.

I have installed BechillTPS on our server
and with /tps
i see all ages with name and id (and the tps :p)

You can savely delete every age you like (loosing everything in there) even if you revisit an age deletet on the disk the game will generate the world again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can understand why they have not implemented auto-delete, as you would have to check every book in game to verify that no book to that age exists (basically, foreign key checking similar to a database parent-child delete scheme). Compound that with there is no book, but there is a chunk loader/player entity in the world (i.e. a quarry, active or inactive).
But, I am sure that world removal could also be made easier....
I can see mystcraft being on a server full of people taking up a lot of backup space that you never know what is actually in use. Maybe an external tool that could do the FK check and display worlds without parent keys?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can understand why they have not implemented auto-delete, as you would have to check every book in game to verify that no book to that age exists (basically, foreign key checking similar to a database parent-child delete scheme). Compound that with there is no book, but there is a chunk loader/player entity in the world (i.e. a quarry, active or inactive).
But, I am sure that world removal could also be made easier....
I can see mystcraft being on a server full of people taking up a lot of backup space that you never know what is actually in use. Maybe an external tool that could do the FK check and display worlds without parent keys?

It shouldn't be harder than using the original descriptive book to "destroy" the age (or an admin-level tool) which means all linking books to that age will, when opened, be greyed out. Portals will not work, and all of that. Anyone in that age will either be ejected (a possibly very bad idea), or get a message saying something along the lines that this age feels like it is fading away. From there, after all people leave, the age is removed. If anyone had been logged in the age but was not logged in when the age was removed, the next time they log in they are teleported to the original spawn (just like a star fissure).

The downside of this system is that it is too easy to remove ages which could mean accidental/purposeful griefing (maybe make ages bind to the player that created them in the case of removing them), and it is manual and not automated. Perhaps a secondary tie in which allows admins to see how long it has been since someone was last in an age (either all ages, or a specific age)?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The larger downside is that it is not very user friendly at all.
I can see the original descriptive book being the key though.
Maybe when it is destroyed, the world gets destroyed...all linking books are returned to just being normal books. The problem is player entities in the world. I would be pissed if someone killed my quarry world...a quarry is a lot of diamond to build...then the ender pearls for my tesseracts... not a happy camper.[DOUBLEPOST=1361936465][/DOUBLEPOST]
If you happen to have a link modifier around, it can tell you the dimension number of named ages.
Unfortunately, it is a debug block...non-cheaters would not have access to this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The larger downside is that it is not very user friendly at all.

I am not sure how that is not user-friendly, but I am not a very user-friendly person. Could you explain in what regards you mean that?

I can see the original descriptive book being the key though.
Maybe when it is destroyed, the world gets destroyed...all linking books are returned to just being normal books. The problem is player entities in the world. I would be pissed if someone killed my quarry world...a quarry is a lot of diamond to build...then the ender pearls for my tesseracts... not a happy camper.

It shouldn't turn all linking books back into normal books. It should disable the linking books (try and link to the overworld from the overworld to see a "disabled" linking book as an example). Turning back into normal books would end up with confusion as to why you had a book, as opposed to notify you that the age you had a linking book is gone. That also means that you don't then have to search EVERY inventory for EVERY possible linking book and, instead, just deal with it when the call is made to quarry if the linking book in your hand is a valid book.

Players in a world that is deleted would end up going back to the original spawn. That isn't a problem at all, I'd say. I agree that it would be a problem if someone were to destroy your descriptive book, thus ruining your age. But, of course, that then means that descriptive books are something to be treasured and protected.

Also, as I stated, you could make the removal system player-specific to admins and the player that made the book.

A quarry is thirteen diamond in MindCraft which is, after you've played for a bit, pretty much nothing. Make some IC2 miners to start getting diamonds for your quarry. And ender pearls are extremely easy to get after you beat the end, and only uncommon before then. And actually, "beat" could be changed to "get to the end and run around killing endermen, sending the pearls into an ender pouch before dying to the ender dragon" if you'd like.

Unfortunately, it is a debug block...non-cheaters would not have access to this.

Actually, before the latest MystCraft update, the Link Modifier was a perfectly acceptable craft for eight diamond block around one chest block in a crafting table, so you are incorrect that only "non-cheaters" have access to it.