Mystcraft Instability - Why?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I've read the book writing guide here on the forums and the Mystcraft wiki too, and I wrote the following book:

Meadow Biome, Single Biome

Standard Terrain

Noon, Zero Length, Normal Sun

Full length, Dark Moon

Dark Stars

No Weather


Crystals, Villages

As far as I know, it should be a stable age, yet it has the Slowness instability (and everything works aside from that). If someone could poit out, why this age is not stable, I'd be happy.


Ps.: I have also tried adding full length for the stars or omitting full length from the moon, but those also resulted in unstable ages.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would have done it, if I had had it.

But still (and until I find the Clear Modifiers page), as far as I know, the Clear Modifiers Page is not mandatory for writing a stable age (or is it?), so I would like to understand, why this age becomes unstable even though, to the best of my knowledge, it should be stable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pritty sure Full length on a dark moon is invalid, thus instability.

Elsewise yes you DO need clear modifyers at the end of a book to prevent a certain bug.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pritty sure Full length on a dark moon is invalid, thus instability.

Elsewise yes you DO need clear modifyers at the end of a book to prevent a certain bug.

So, you are saying, that if I left out the Full Length page from before the Dark Moon, the age should be stable (but it will not be, I've tried already, as I've said). BUT, due to a bug, all ages become unstable, so you (at least for now) are indeed required to put clear modifiers at the end, to have a stable age?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm told playing in Hard Mode add instability, so whenever I first use a new descriptive book, I switch over to peaceful then back to hard after loading - just in case that's true.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm playing on normal, so that shouldn't be an issue here.

But I have also tried going to an age on peaceful, which resulted in no instability or just mining fatigue, and when I switched to Normal mode in game, instability turned to poison or scorched surface.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, you are saying, that if I left out the Full Length page from before the Dark Moon, the age should be stable (but it will not be, I've tried already, as I've said). BUT, due to a bug, all ages become unstable, so you (at least for now) are indeed required to put clear modifiers at the end, to have a stable age?

Yes. Thats pritty much exactly what I am saying. I am not 100% sure if you can get a stable age without clear modifyers or not (just that you need it to garentee it), so writing the same book multiple times might work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know there was a bug in the recent Mystcraft version that made Clear Modifiers almost mandatory. Based on the pages you list that should be a stable age. The order also looks to be right. Try removing the features such as villages and crystals and see if you get a stable age, then add them back in one by one. I don't think Crystals adds instability.

Also there was a bug fix patch that came out recently for Mystcraft. If you are playing singleplayer you might want to try updating to that, it fixes the bug that requires Clear Modifiers.

You could also try adding something like Charged to force instability and then it will be in a form that is managable.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I made one with glowstone and crystals ... worked fine, no instability. VERY rarely I am afflicted with mining fatigue for about 8 seconds then it goes away for about 30 minutes or so. So, seems like it could just be normal flux messing with me there.[DOUBLEPOST=1363632713][/DOUBLEPOST]Charge and eternal storm for the win. :) I love a rainy night.