Mystcraft in 1.7.10 DW20 pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like Mystcraft but it can be a pain to get the age stable sometimes. All I want is to create a age that is like the overworld to do my mining in. I thing that bugs me more than anything else is when people quarry the overwolrd.

Pascal van Ratingen

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Today made 21 random worlds, all 21 have instability, like hunger / poison. It starts feeling like there isnt any normal mining world possible. (dont like mining in the overworld). anything i am missing?


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
After creating 20 ages (of which about 7 were too unstable to even remain for a few seconds and 4 were unstable but ok if you stayed underground) and exploring all libraries that I could find I still haven't found a single biome controller, void panel or flat world panel. This motivates me even more to work further on my own version of an RF-based dimension creator :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I personally dont like Mystcraft at all. Its true that some of the ages can be awesome, but its such a pain to get it right.

I just use dimension form other mods like the Deep Dark from Extra Utilities or the Twilight Forest Dimension.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mystcraft can be a pain, sure. That is kind of the flavor though, isn't it. Writing stable ages is an art form, and even the masters have a few ages that they can't quite fix. Random and/or incomplete ages are supposed to be unstable, and they should be viewed as failed experiments from which you can sometimes learn (libraries, for instance).

Bagging on a mod for keeping its flavor while performing its function is silly. Does it take work to get what you want? Yes it does. If you aren't prepared to do the work, don't expect the fruit of that non effort to be worth a damn.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
I also like Mystcraft a lot to be honest. Except for *one* thing. I have been exploring for a long time now and I haven't been able to find a single biome controller, void page or flat world page. And those are things I really need to go further. That's what annoys me a bit and that's what I want to avoid in my RFTools dimension builder. There will still be exploration but at least the common things like 'void age' will be craftable without having to explore.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2013
Does it take work to get what you want? Yes it does. If you aren't prepared to do the work, don't expect the fruit of that non effort to be worth a damn.
To me, the problem is that it takes work to get what I don't want. Mystcraft used to have zero randomness once you had gathered enough symbols. I found the mod much more entertaining back then. It felt like I was flying around looking for pieces of the age I wanted to build, and I knew that once I had found them, the age could be written exactly as I had planned. Then things changed and suddenly it felt more like I was flying around looking for coins for a slot machine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mystcraft for me just doesn't add anything new. I don't ever feel like I'm creating new and exotic worlds. It feels I've created profane warped homunculi stitched together with familiar vanilla/ other modded parts.

Mystcraft adds very little of it's own things to play with, all I can think of world wise is the crystal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I have a quick fix suggestion (would do it myself but I honestly don't know to much on how to get it done). Can you make some of those basic pages craftable using Minetweaker? It seems it allows you to change just about anything these days.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Go to the instability configs and false them all. Need to police yourself a bit, but at least you don't have to deal with constant crap ages.
For me I make a single biome flat mine age with dirt spheres and stay away from a world made of diamond ore with large lakes of mob essence :)

Note for server folks: Nanner Nanner :p SSPFTW

Niels Henriksen

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the current mystcraft in DW20 pack is bugged and on last FC video (today) he showed what command to use to remove that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The most simple thing to do,but somewhat cheaty is to turn off instability in the config


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
the current mystcraft in DW20 pack is bugged and on last FC video (today) he showed what command to use to remove that.
It's not really a bug in Mystcraft. DW20's ore spawn config generates significantly more ore than vanilla, which Mystcraft interprets as an instability factor. How they'll fix this interaction I don't know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A, not so, simple solution would be to do the following.

1: let your world generate as normal and play on it for a while to generate land around you.
2: when your ready to explore Mystcraft, go into the config files and turn "OFF" custom ore generation in the COFHCore config file.
3: create a mystcraft age to explore with the custom ore gen off
4: turn the custom ore gen back on when your done exploring that age.

While the custom ore gen is turned off, and handled by vanilla minecraft, the mystcraft ages will have a much higher chance of being stable. Meaning you should be able to actually get stable random ages. This is not a full solution though... When the custom ore gen is turned back on, the ages you already have will most likely gain instability as well. And it requires that you shut down and restart the game every time... If only there was a way to whitelist the custom ore generation for only the overworld, end, nether, and possibly the "promised land" and twilight forest. That would make it a lot easier.

Edit: Ok, that was dumb of me, slightly simpler fix. alter all the ore generation json files to white list them. In each spot where it says dimension restriction: blacklist, change the blacklist too say whitelist instead. then just change the dimensions from what it currently says, 1 and -1, to say 0 and 7(twilight forest). Once this is done, mystcraft ages will no longer generate using the custom ore generation and should not suffer from the same instability problems. Note: this is not a final solution, but should be a workable stopgap allowing Mystcraft exploration again.
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