I'm trying(and failing miserably) to create a Mystcraft age in which I'd like to create a new base. I have a lot of symbols but I suck at Mystcraft and always get an age completely unrelated to what I put in the Age Book.
So, what I'm trying to get is an age with the following:
Bright Light
No Weather
Extreme Hills Biome
Autumn Biome
Large Biomes
2x Normal Suns(I can stick with one if 2x is not possible)
2x Normal Moons(I can stick with one if 2x is not possible)
Normal Stars
Ravines in a decent amount but not too many
Dungeons in small amount(so 1 symbol will do)
Villages(1 symbol)
Standard Terrain(Do I need to specify this if I already specified the Biomes?)
Boundless Sky
Can anybody help me out here?
In what order do I need to place the symbols? Do I need to cut out some? I'll take any help I can get.
So, what I'm trying to get is an age with the following:
Bright Light
No Weather
Extreme Hills Biome
Autumn Biome
Large Biomes
2x Normal Suns(I can stick with one if 2x is not possible)
2x Normal Moons(I can stick with one if 2x is not possible)
Normal Stars
Ravines in a decent amount but not too many
Dungeons in small amount(so 1 symbol will do)
Villages(1 symbol)
Standard Terrain(Do I need to specify this if I already specified the Biomes?)
Boundless Sky
Can anybody help me out here?
In what order do I need to place the symbols? Do I need to cut out some? I'll take any help I can get.