Request Mystcraft help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone,

I have disabled all instability options in my mystcraft config for FTB Unleashed and in the general section the instability option is also disabled as I'm trying to make a really awesome paradise world in a creative world. I'm going to write underneath what I'm trying to make my world, if you can't write the order of the symbols that I should put in my tome, this thread I mainly expect people to atleast help me with seperate or general aspects of writing this. Eventhough I'm like reading other tutorials and watching Direwolf 20's tutorial on MystCraft Age writing for my MystCraft version, I'm putting the pages very slowly and I so afraid to put something in the wrong place because its going to be so anyong to re-write it. However, I would appreciate the most if you could write the order of symbols and the symbols that I should use, and I wouldn't have to ask again because I could use it as a template if I wanted to write different worlds.

Mystcraft Age Features:
  • Single plains biome
  • No lakes, if any liquid then water
  • Standard world without caves, tendrils or ores
  • White (not yellow) normal speed sun, rises north, goes down south
  • White normal speed moon, rises north, goes down south
  • Normal Lighting
  • Star fissures
  • Forest Green Grass and Foliage
  • Light blue, sky blue (spring) Water Color
  • Black night sky
  • Light blue like normal Sky Color
  • Normal stars, same direction as moon, white
  • No weather
  • If boundless sky means no clouds, then yes
  • If boundless sky doesn't mean no clouds then white clouds
  • White fog
  • One rainbow
  • White sunset Color
Also I heard sometimes when ages are created a modifier can be slipped in even if one already exists, so like color is white and a yellow color is added making light yellow, and you can put many whites to neutralise that yellow, how would I have many colours with other modifiers? Again, if you can put this in order THANK YOU so much! But, I don't really expect anyone to do this, just please help with anything that you know about mystcraft, I have a difficult time following tutorials :(, thanks!

How you wrote it there, do that.. Few hints:

Boundless sky removes the bright ring on the horizon, nothing to do with clouds.
Not sure if u can specify day and night sky colour seperately, will have to choose either rainbow or normal sky colour to get black at night.
Add a "clear modifiers" page right at the end.
You'll need a terrain modifier or it may add in for you. I recommend using ones you can't see like caves, dungeons, strongholds etc so it doesn't ruin the aesthetics of the world.
You only have to specify the "rising" direction for sun and moon, will go down the opposite side.
Use "normal length" for sun and moon to set their speed
Well I'm reading mystcraft wiki for my current version and this is what it says, but I followed the instructions and it doesn't work for me, I get random crap and nothing like I put in my descriptive book:

My pages:
Link Panel, Plains Biome, Single Biome, Stone Block, Water Block, Standard Terrain, Bright Lighting, Water Block, Surface Lakes, Green, Foliage Color, Green, Grass Color, Blue, Water Color, South, Full Length, Setting, Normal Moon, White, Sunset Color, North, Full Length, Rising, Normal Sun, White, North, Full Length, Normal Stars, No Weather, Boundless Sky, White, Blue, Sky Color, Black, Night Sky Color, White, Cloud Color, White, Fog Color, Clear Modifiers.

I get like two moons going in different directions, a sun that's underneath the world, red grass, blue water and some other random things. I want specifically like a plains biome world like normal minecraft, with water rivers, bright lighting, green nature color, blue water color, sun rising at the north, moon setting at the south both at normal speeds, regular stars like normal minecraft, no weather, boundless sky, sky blue like regular minecraft sky color, black night sky color, white cloud color, white fog color and nothing else. I want to make this Paradise Perfect world.

Can I use any popular tools or something to create my world outside game without any problems, like cheating? I just really want to make this world, and its so annoying, I've watched so many videos and can't find what's wrong, I always keep getting this random world. I've tried other combinations of pages that fit with the requirements of the mystcraft wiki for my version and videos describing the same ****.

I have MYSTCRAFT from FTB Unleashed, in the Unleashed/minecraft/mods folder, it's mystcraft-uni-1.5.2-! C'mon...! Thanks for helping me, I really appreciate this because this is what I spend most of my day trying to figure out for the past two days. Uhh!
Link Panel, Plains Biome, Single Biome, Stone Block, Water Block, Standard Terrain, Bright Lighting, Water Block, Surface Lakes, Green, Foliage Color, Green, Grass Color, Blue, Water Color, North, Rising, Full Length, Normal Moon, White, Sunset Color, North, Rising, Full Length, Normal Sun, White, North, Full Length, Normal Stars, No Weather, Boundless Sky, White, Blue, Sky Color, Black, Night Sky Color, White, Cloud Color, White, Fog Color, Caves, Dungeons, Strongholds, Clear Modifiers.

Try that... Remove where I've striked and I've underlined what I changed. Oh and the link panel you putting first generates a random age ignoring all your symbols I think, I really can't remember if it's needed or not.
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I will try what you're saying, as I've tried with so many other ways, but have you even looked at the binaryimage website links defining the syntax of writing ages in mystcraft which is a part of the MystCraft wiki and how to use modifiers. For removing the Link Panel, i've tried, trust me, it won't even let me create a book, and that's been told for me to do in direwolf20's video for Mystcraft.
Nope, but I've made dozens of ages and helped many people on this forum with mystcraft, learn by doing... You're over complicating this.

Ok wasn't sure about the link panel, clearly has to be in so ignore that...
Well if you think this is overcomplication, wow, just wow... It's the wiki, the same site contains MystCraft forums too, and it has the syntax for Mystcraft age writing for like every version, this is probably created by the developers of this mod and I'm not saying it's the correct syntax, it's layed out simplify for easy use. It's not a 20 page website, it's two regular images with barely any information but enough and in a proferssional form enough for users to understand, I'm not saying that the site is right and you're wrong, but I'm just saying it's extremely unlikely that people who created those images, which may be the dev(s), for each version that contains different syntax, be wrong. I'm not overcomplicating anything, it's just that I've asked my friends, who are good at Mystcraft, and I've tested many orders of pages but something still is wrong, and I'm forced to go into a bit more detail to avoid any further hassle of explaining more, not that it's a problem, no where near a problem for me. You probably assume that I had time to test your solution, but instead I had to make sure if you read those website links and then I asked you, whereas I could've just tested your solution. Well, no, I couldn't play at the time, and just incase, again to avoid further hassle, I made sure when I had access to the forums but not to the game. You could've easily just checked those links, and you wouldn't tell me I'm overcomplicating anything, you might disagree now. It's a very valid reason for me to look at the main wiki of the mod to help me use the mod if I'm stuck on something, it's not overcomplicating since I'm already stuck on this issue for a long time.

Anyway, I've moved onto MystCraft v11 and the syntax is a bit different as shown by the wiki and I'm gonna test my way, your way and then check these forums again. But thanks for trying to help me.

Kind Regards,
Firstly you are over complicating it in your head with "syntax" and what not, I can see this by the way you wrote your previous age... It's specifically coded to be like english, modifiers before the things they're modifying(adjectives before nouns). Once you get that it becomes easier. The only thing you then have to worry about is the random adding of pages, my workaround to this is to define as much as possible. This usually comes up in terrain gen so you add in the caves/dungeons/etc which won't impact the visuals of the world but will stop random stuff you can see.

I never once said the wiki links you provided are wrong, I just don't need them. That age I gave you will more than likely work but could need a bit of tweaking/regenning if something unexpected turns up.

Lastly, calm down, use paragraphs and accept advice when you specifically ask for it... Or you won't be getting any more assistance from me
How is using the word, "syntax," to describe how the mod reads pages in descriptive books to create an age overcomplicating? For example, the wiki says, <direction> <length> <phase> Normal Sun, Dark Sun. The possible directions in the wiki: North, South, East, West, lengths: Half, Full, Double... and phases: Nadir, Rising, Setting, and another one. I literally followed this to construct my ages. What's wrong with using the word syntax, do you even know what it means? Google's Definition: the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language. And it even gives you an example, "the syntax of english."

It's specifically coded to be like english, modifiers before the things they're modifying(adjectives before nouns). Once you get that it becomes easier.
The way you place nouns and adjectives in a sentence is already a syntax, so what's wrong with using that word? It just used that word to describe my problem, which makes it easier for people to understand if they know english. It's not as simple as just like adjectives an nouns, the mod uses a specific syntax and anything outside that is made to create instability or literally change an aspect of the age you're writing since it was formed incorrectly.

I did use your advise because I could try anything by now since I'm stuck on this issue for so long, but only then I had access to testing it, as I've already mentioned earlier. But I did have access to going to these forums, and just incase in my free time I started talking about the wiki and all this just to make sure that the advise you're giving is correct, because I couldn't use it just yet. It saves time... I've tried your advise and it doesn't work, I get surface lava lakes, whereas I wanted water showing the need to define the fluid block, and I get cyan grass rather than green, there are two moons one south and one north and the sun is rising north-east.

I moved onto version 11 of Mystcraft and I followed the wiki's syntax for that version and everything worked, thanks for helping anyway.

Kind Regards
Good luck getting a myscraft world to not have a lot of unwanted features in it. If the author would just do away with oceans of liquid metals and dense ores then there wouldnt be any need for annoying attempts at "balance". I once edited out all of the things I didnt want to see in mystcraft world in the config which was 90 percent of it. I could easily generate stable worlds then but stable is a bit of a misnomer because I also got a few crashes complaining about missing symbols.