I didn't have a clue what's was eating my server CPU, was it soulshards? no. Was it a lag machine? no but.. it's was my own automated chicken farm.. At first there were only 5k or so eggs on the ground! so I thought okay just add a DSU to the line and problem solved! But no the quantity of birds in the farm was the real problem after I auto deployed all the eggs in the DSU (1.6k eggs) the server was getting to be unplayable even though they were babies, so I had to shutdown our future supply of fart gas cause birds can break servers even in not so large quantity.. I wanted to house 15k birds for a Methane cell per second running 250 centrifuges but no chickens eat too much cpu. Man mobs in Minecraft are real cpu eaters even in medium quantities, no wonder why soulshards is hated from time to time. New thing I learned and maybe even you make sure you don't have an auto deploying chicken farm running! Or any medium sized automated mob breeding farm. Soulshards can be used if you kill the mobs Instantly but not housing animals for mass fart gas production..