So I've been relatively bored, without motivation to play modded, bored of vannila survival and finding vannila minigame servers having bitchy communitys, I was thinking of how I could put a twist on eighter a vannila, or modded survival. I thought of doing the UHC thing of No-Regen, but meh. So, I kept thinking... I was now thinking pretty much only modded. I was thinking of how I could limit myself somehow, maybe force me to use mods I never used before, and then I had an idea.
What if I made a whole new pack, with no ore generation, not even vannila, and you had to use alternate methods to get ores, aswell as other things. For example, after quickly thinking, I think I'd have HQM for some quests, guiding you through the start to tell you what to do, and have you get bees somehow. You'd slowly get on, and see yourself needing more resources. That's when you learn the power of chemistry with MineChem. There might be a few couple more through, but the last one which I think would be really satisfying/fun is MystCraft Liquid <X Ore> Ages.
Now, I have no problem setting up a modpack, tweaking the configs, making the HQM quests, maybe write MineTweaker scripts for it, but my problem is distribution. When this came to mind, I decided I'd try atleast build it up, but if I manage, I wouldn't know where to put it. Technic Platform, not only has its terrible history, as it's really hard to get your pack known. So... I was wondering about a good platform to use. Along with everyone's opinion, of course.
What if I made a whole new pack, with no ore generation, not even vannila, and you had to use alternate methods to get ores, aswell as other things. For example, after quickly thinking, I think I'd have HQM for some quests, guiding you through the start to tell you what to do, and have you get bees somehow. You'd slowly get on, and see yourself needing more resources. That's when you learn the power of chemistry with MineChem. There might be a few couple more through, but the last one which I think would be really satisfying/fun is MystCraft Liquid <X Ore> Ages.
Now, I have no problem setting up a modpack, tweaking the configs, making the HQM quests, maybe write MineTweaker scripts for it, but my problem is distribution. When this came to mind, I decided I'd try atleast build it up, but if I manage, I wouldn't know where to put it. Technic Platform, not only has its terrible history, as it's really hard to get your pack known. So... I was wondering about a good platform to use. Along with everyone's opinion, of course.