Multiples of the same ore?!!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm messing around with making my own mod pack in the Curse Voice launcher and I have a lot of mods that add their own ores of the same thing. Like Copper, there's three different copper ores from three different mods. And not only that but there's more of that then regular ores. It takes me forever to find any Iron. What I want to know is if there was a mod that cuts down on multiple ores and makes it so the mods recipes can still work with ores from other mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Generally speaking, that means messing around with COFHCore's stuff, which controls ore spawning of various types. It gets kind of complex, but there's a thread in this forum that walks through the nitty gritty of it. Ultimately, you generally need to go into the configs for each mod that adds a new type of ore which you already have from another mod, then disable that mod's version from spawning. So long as people are registering their ores properly in the ore dictionary, you won't have any issues with one kind of copper not working with a mod other than the one that introduced it. Note that such a thing is done by the mod author, not necessarily you, so don't worry too much about the oreDict. Once all that is done, you'll probably want to regenerate your world or make a new one (I'd suggest a new one), as otherwise stuff that's already been generated isn't necessarily going to be removed. Best of luck with it!
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