Whitelist Server M's FTB V2.0 [FTB ULTIMATE] [Hard] [Whitelisted] [18+]

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Age: 18
Location: USA/Canada
Experience with Mods: Quite a while. Been playing with Ftb since the day it came out, and used the same mods previous to that.
Creative Builder: 6/10, I am not a vary good builder but I try.
Activity Level: High-weekdays 4-5 hours per day, and weekends vary.
Secret password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we Whitelist you?
I have been hunting for a good server for a good time period. I have been banned once, I was wrongly banned. I like to do community stuff and make small but functional bases. This would be the first server with a mining age I have been on so, YAY! Hard mode FTB is also a great challenge.
Sentences about: I am friendly, mature and wont wine for things. I also will only take up the space of 1 mountian and its surroundings.
So, Yea.
IGN: Ninta
Age (18+): 23
Location: The Netherlands
Do you agree to the rules? yes i do.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : quite a bit. been playing a lot even before FTB came out. during those times it was mainly BC2, IC2 and redpower2. been playing nothing but mods since FTB came out. favorite has to be RP2.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: it depends if i get inspiration or not. i generally try to build something that fits in with the landscape. i also like Japanese structures. i can definitely be creative but it might take a while before i evolve from my "starter cave". I'm not the type to make epically huge stuff tho with the exception of 1 project mentioned below. I'm good with redstone related subjects.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): weekdays around 3-4 hours. weekends depends on my plans but can range from 1-8 hours per day.
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? im a type of person that will always try to keep the mood good in a group. even tho I'm a bit of a hermit living wise i always tend to help people if they need information about a certain mod or if they need a certain block/item to complete their current project. I know alot about mods so i wont be constantly asking about stuff either. seeing as im a programmer irl i also know when something im doing might be approaching the limits of the server and ill not quickly build lag creating contraptions.
Few sentences about yourself: I'm a 23 year old male living in the netherlands. im in my last year of becoming a game programmer and currently running an internship at a software company. my main interests include computers (both programming and hardware), anime/manga and random facts.
Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:
this is the beginning of my first huge project: http://imgur.com/Hy1GgYS
its on a vanilla server. the only plugins it runs are related to grief protection. its going to be a giant floating city. the picture shows the central island and the (WIP) main tempel. the pilar and small platform underneath are my base of operation and my staircase up in case i fall (i fell a lot already). its temp on hold tho due to interest in mods :3
IGN: lurkerman
Age (18+): 30
Location: Miami Fl
Do you agree to the rules? they seem fair and promising
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : BEEE's!
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: love to draw pixel art ..... so much i made a simple automated process to sheer da sheep
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): too many
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly ..... kinda sick ....
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I am a passive player that enjoys building and crafting on public servers ... also enjoy talking on VOIP programs to other players the last server i tried was kinda cruddy the server admin reset the map every 3 days and that dosnt let no one progress
Few sentences about yourself: ^ ^
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:
Hello and welcome to:​
You are whitelisted now.
IGN: Gankinjenkins
Age (18+): 19
Location: PA
Do you agree to the rules? yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : yes, Love them all
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:1-10 (7)
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 1-2
Secret Password: hamsterjelly.... is it tasty ?
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? Because I love to play with a great community and do things as a group while still being active in my own creations and overall just having a great time.
Few sentences about yourself: I am currently a full time college student with a part time job who loves to play video games when I get a chance and not out hangin with friends. I love all kinds of music and try to be open minded to all new things. Im actively involved in all types of sports and yeah Im just a chill dude who does what I love.
IGN: Lordomix
Age (18+): 35
Location: Sweden
Do you agree to the rules? Sure, in line with my interests
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Tekkit, technic
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Very dedicated builder when coing up with a nice idea. Building big with a big thought about the look. Castle builder, Machinery engineer and railroad builder.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): As i'm a family man, it differs a lot. Family goes in first room. However, my family consists of computer nerds in all ages and genders, so more than the avarage family man.. ;)
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I'm thrustworthy, fun and mature player that may become a good part of the community.
Few sentences about yourself: I'm a 35 year old man that has played Tekkit with a couple of my best friends for quite a bit of time. Unfortunatly, i'm quite alone on the server now, as i'm by far the most dedicated of us. The rest have moved on to other games, have seen it quite a few times now and I start to be fed up with it. So here i am, first time trying out public server. As a little bit older gamer, it's very important for me that it's a mature and intelligent enviroment, and no kid care center. One of the most intresting parts of your server description is the nature caring part, always struggled with this part on our servers, as i seemed to be the only one caring.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: May sort it later, got a few pics on tekkit forums of my castle builds, but on work laptop atm.
Don't waste your time if you are not 18+ years old. Affirmative!
IGN: Levven
Age (18+): 21
Location: British Columbia, Canada (PST)
Do you agree to the rules? Yeah, they seem very reasonable and they look like they will allow everyone on the server to enjoy their time.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Play a lot of the Mindcrack Pack, FTB is really the first time I have gotten into mods.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Fairly creative, I wouldn't say I am the most creative builder though.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): Around 1-2 hours a day, it always depends on what I have going on.
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?: I feel as though I would be a good addition to the server, I have a decent database of FTB knowledge and am willing to help others while learning new stuff in the process.
Few sentences about yourself: I'm a laid back dude, currently going to university in BC. I'm in university studying to become a Pharmacist.

Hope to hear from you guys soon!
Thank you, sir.. :)

Got the error about Twiligt forest mod version, not existing on my machine i think? I know i have read about it somewhere, just can't find it.

Ah wrong version, My forest is V. x.x.4, and yours are x.x.3

It seems that there was a very small update to the mod, making all us that are new to FTB and just downloaded it got a fresher version than the server software. May i, as my first thing on your server, ask for a small server update, so I don't have to fiddle with my files?
@Omix, Malvin

Hey guys,
to due some issues with CreeperHost I can't access the server right now. That means I'm unable to update the server.
But I found workaround for that:

1. Download 1.15.3 from the forum thread:
2. Delete the twilightforest.zip in your /Ultimate/minecraft/mods folder
3. Paste the downloaded twilightforest-1.15.3.zip in that folder
4. rename the zip to twilightforest.zip

You should be able to join.
I tested it and had no problems.
IGN: Mysticpoisen
Age (18+): 19
Location: East USA
Do you agree to the rules? Yes as well as support them,
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Hard to explain really my experience with mods, I know what i am doing for most thing that i attempt, as for a favorite, I am in love with ComputerCraft, i am an amateur coder with lua so i know how to make a few programs

How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Well, Bulding was never really my thing, i can make clever pipings and machinery, but building things and making them look good, i kind of suck at, but ibuild my eye sores away from other players' homes.

Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): Tough to judge, my course load is pretty heavy during the week, so maybe an hour or two a day, during the weekends i tend to go a little overkill

Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I am a very clever (if i do say so myself) person, and also friendly, i can help others with machinery and i know quite a bit about computer craft which is always useful.

Few sentences about yourself: I am a friendly, community loving guy. I am very nice and will never meaningly break the rules. I live in New Jersey, USA studying computer science. I love FTB and am quite frankly addicted.

Added to whitelist! Be sure to be here on sunday when we christen the new map :)
Age (18+):34
Do you agree to the rules? i agree the rules
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Played tekkit and ftb long time now but still like ftb more
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 6/10 I like to hide my Cables and stuff when i build so no sloppy works here. :)
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): i will say high activity about 2-3 hours a day
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? i wanna play on a server where ppl are online and Active and having fun.
Few sentences about yourself: I really need an Active server to play on cause else it´s like playing single player and it kills the game.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:
Don't waste your time if you are not 18+ years old.
Age (18+): 24
Location: Middle East
Do you agree to the rules? Yes, I do.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :I have a good experience with mod, and I like Thermal Expansion and other stuff.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I would say 8/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): Alot
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I'm looking for a small and fun server, i like the server rules, and that what i'm looking for.
Few sentences about yourself: I'm simple person, like to chat and enjoying everyday life =D
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: N/a
I would like to join the server, I was accepted by you, but I had trouble getting into the server. I believe it works perfectly fine now, hope you re-accept me.