Whitelist Server M's FTB V2.0 [FTB ULTIMATE] [Hard] [Whitelisted] [18+]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Server IP:
About the Server:
This is the second incarnation of the Server since our old Admin Plopf stopped playing, our good friend Kauzo took matters in his own hands and rented a 4 GB ram 3 CPU core Creeperhost Server to keep our small but very friendly community together.​
Modpack: FTB ULTIMATE. The difficulty is set to Hard. Slots: 20. Whitelisted.
Playstyle: Nothing special, just vanilla Minecraft Survival with Mods. You can do whatever you want.
We have Mystcraft installed for a dedicated public Mining/Quarry Age. Otherwise Mystcraft is NOT enabled for personal Age creation. ATTENTION! We update to FTB Ultimate today so the server is no longer on the Mindcrack Pack.
Server Admin: Kauzo

Server Rules:
- Respect other Players
- No Griefing - we have no chunk or chest protection Mod installed so if we find out that you are doing bullshit you will get removed from the Whitelist.
- No Cheats, no hacked Clients, no X-Ray
- Dont kill other Players.
- Don't ruin the landscape (random dirt pillars, ...)
- Don't Quarry in the Overworld - thats what the Mystcraft age is for
- Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
- Don't build crazy stuff, that causes lag (too many world anchors/chunk loaders or a tier 5 mobspawner via soulshards if you don't know how to disable it)

Age (18+):
Do you agree to the rules?
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?):
Secret Password:
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?
Few sentences about yourself:
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:
Don't waste your time if you are not 18+ years old.
While the Server is free to play for everyone, the hosting costs 30€ per Month. To lower that burden on our Admin Kauzo we expect people do donate a small amount of money every now and then. For that Matter you should get in contact with Kauzo for details. Ofcourse we don't expect you to immideadly pay something, but in the long run everyone should spend one or two bucks a month so we can keep the server running.
If you have any questions or need further informations DO NOT pm me but rather Kauzo here on the Forum. He is our Admin, he decides who gets whitelisted and who doesn't.

We are currently looking for four new Members. while we will have a second look at the already submitted aplications again, please feel free to apply if you would like to play on the Server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey this sounds great but is the world now and or how long has the server been running ? (how far are you guys in tech)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Server is up for about 3 weeks now and people are at very different states in tech. Most people are still on very basic machinery setups. We got the spawn set with public machines up to the industrial blast furnance and several tier5 spawners. So it is not like everyrone is flying around with Gravity suits already :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi all, as my old server shut down this week caused by inactivity of the most members, i'm looking for a new server. I like the rules you guys have, especially the "don't ruin the overworld".

Here is my information and i hope you will take the aplications seriously.

IGN: mtsanchez
Age (18+): 27 and can validate this via skype or mumble
Location: The Netherlands
Do you agree to the rules? Yes and i like them very much
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I have experience with the most common mods like Buildcraft/IC2/traincraft/computercraft/xycraft (looking forward for the update)/Redpower and my favourite mod is forestry
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: You can compare me to Arkas/BdoubleO with a keen sense on detail, loving the microblocks :) I'm not a player who goes for IC2 and make the quantum armor and aesu's and shit ASAP.. never made quantum armor, just go for the builds.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): arround 6 hrs a day
Secret Password: "Hamsterjelly" i guess?
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I could be a supporting member, giving help & advice. I see multiplayer as a community. If you want to keep everything for yourself, plz go play smp in other words. I like having fun and if i prank, it won't be the anoying ones with the alarms but more like filling your hole house with sheep. One thing i was busy on but couldn't complete on my previous server was a bee hotel.. i was making a place with al the machines in place in different "hotel rooms" with automated bee setups, in case you wanted something from bees but didn't like to go the whole way and spend ages of time to get the right bees.. you'd simply would go over to the hotel, get some bees you want, get the stuff out of it and make the stuff you want like the coloured glass, cherry trees etc..
Few sentences about yourself: just an ordinary Dutch cheesyhead pro gamer who wants to have fun and build the most epic things. I'm a chemical engineer in real life and feed the beast gives me the option to build the crazy process lines and chemical reactors within the most beautifull buildings.

(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: Wish i could do that but the server i played on isn't online anymore and an early made smp world is deleted due to an update of the game.

I was busy on several projects on the server:
- zombie power reactor (centrifuge flesh to methane and power gasturbines) 4 centrifuge stages and 4 gasturbine stages.. each stage got 4 centrifuges or 4 turbines, every stage was remotely controlled.
- rubber supply via slime beetles
- an awesome tower, you had to see it...
- The bee hotel, whereas a biomass setup was covered by a casing looking like a huge apiary (30*30*30 blocks) with the bee hotel as a rice-field leveled building with different bee lines on each level.

contineous improvement on the spawn area; i was responsible for making spawn a place which was worth it to stay there.. after the start of the server, everyone went lonewulf or made teams here and there on the map.. i re-did the area making it pretty which was the solid base for everyone to come back and start to make community based buildings like a witherboss automated turtleplacing setup at bedrock with the warded glass. Several XP/mobdrop farms and some other crazy buildings. The dragon egg syphon powered everything we needed at spawn.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Ithz
Age (18+): 18
Location: Norway
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Probably tried about every mod there is including tekkit and many other minor mods but FtB is the only one iv been staying with for a longer amount of time D:
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: from a scale of 1-10 i would say about 6 or 5 not extremly creative but i like to make big things that works and just sti back and look at it work :p xD
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): Depends probably about 2-3 hours a day some times more and some times less
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly :O
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? If you add me to your whitelist we can go on adventures in the twilight forest :O D:
Few sentences about yourself: as i already said im 18 and from Norway im currently attending school only 50% cause of illness and im a generally happy person D: (and yes i do use those smileys alot D:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi I would just like to add that I am a friend of sanchez's and I was a admin on the server on which we both played on.
Age (18+):18(Can be validated through mumble/skype)
Location:Currently living in Austria.
Do you agree to the rules?On top of agreeing to the rules I find them to be quite well balanced. I was always very picky with what people would do our server so that we could negate any lag machines from being made.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :Well I had tested out some of the more now popular mods back in the day before even tekkit came out. So I played tekkit and Feed the Beast pretty much from launch. My favorite mod would have to be IC2 or computercraft. Also have been playing minecraft since around indev.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:If I really put a lot of effort in what I'm building they can turn out quite breath taking. I was working on a new main base which had a Black Mesa theme and it had turned out really well. I consider myself pretty good at using microblocks all together and I amaze myself even when I start building with the,.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?):I usually play anywhere from 4-8 hours a day. This may vary due to either school or girlfriend.
Secret Password: HamsterJelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I tend to be really funny and get a lot of laughs out of people. I love to give out presents maybe from inside jokes that happened on the server or if anyone is in dire need of something. I love to give out a ton of tips if people are just starting a new mod. Really the question should be really why not whitelist me. :)
Few sentences about yourself:
Well my name is Chris, I'm 18 years old. I was born in Austria however I have spent almost my entire life in Arizona in the states. I just moved back about 2 years ago to Austria.

I speak 3 languages which are English,German,Romanian. (Planning to learn Spanish next year)

I am a active Lucid Dreamer.(Basically means I can control my own dreams and do whatever I want in them) I'd be more than happy to teach/tell the experiences that I've had with it and how it literally changed my life.

I like to study Bodylanguage,physics(About to start reading books from Sir Isaac Newton) Astronomy. Also currently learning how to play Flamenco on my guitar along with some Tango dancing in my spare free time.

I guess thanks for reading my wall'o text.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Age (18+):


Do you agree to the rules?
Yes. I like the quarry rule and the "no ruining the landscape" in particular.

Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :
I got a good amount of experience with many of the mods included in the Mindcrack mod-pack. I used some of the individual mods before i discovered Feed the Beast, and i also played tekkit.
My favorite mods at the moment are railcraft and extrabees. But i try to use as many mods as possible, and attempt to combine them i various ways to make things work.

How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:
I find it hard to rate myself on a creativity scale, but i try to focus as much as posible on my builds looking good. This can be challenging when using so many mods, since you have to map out your build with every single machine you want in that particular room. This is a challenge i enjoy alot.
I also find myself switching in and out of my creative world trying to find the best solutions alot.

Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?):
I play about 2-3 hours aday.

Secret Password:

Why should we add your name to the whitelist?
I would be a good addition to your society. I like helping other people out with just about anything, whether they're in need of resources, or need help getting some setup working. I also dont mind donating monthly to keep the server running.

Few sentences about yourself:
My name is Andreas and i am 20 years old. I grew up on the country side, but i am living in the third biggest city in Norway at the moment.
Whenever im not playing minecraft i work or study.

Im adding a picture of one of my planned builds. I have not made this in survival yet, but if i get accepted it will be created on the server. (Posted picture is made in creative.)

The idea has to do with bees. Basically i want to create these artificial enviorments for the different branches of bees.
These are spheres with a diameter of 14 blocks, and i imagine having about 6 of these floating over my main base.
On the second picture you get a closer look at my industrious filthy branch who creates all my fuel.



Also like to add that i played on the same server as sanchez and ihasfire a short period before it got shut down.

Hoping for positive feedback, and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: andrew_stultz
Age (18+):
Do you agree to the rules? yse
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : large amount
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:eek:ut of ten i would be a 6
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 8
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? becuse i want to be on a sever where i can talk to people and have a nice minecraft life
Few sentences about yourself: i am in marching band
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Legend270
Age (18+):18
Location: USA
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Well I have played a bit of tekkit but I have never really tried FTB, but thaumcraft looks pretty sick.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I consider myself pretty creative and i'm a perfectionist so everything must be perfect 9/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 2-5
Secret Password: HamsterJelly :)
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? You should add my name to the whitelist because I am a very cool person to talk to and I love hanging out with people on MC.
Few sentences about yourself: I have been playing MC since beta and had a bit of experience with tekkit 4 or so months ago. I like to play with other people because minecraft looses it appeal by yourself. I also suck at art or anything with my hands so I express myself through MC.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:
[/URL][/IMG] I don't know if these work, sorry If they don't.
Thanks for your time!

Elliot Briggs

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Zeadd
Age (18+): Yes
Location: Phoenix Arizona, United States
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :I have a great amount of experience with the mods, my specialty being thaumcraft
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: On a scale of 1-10 i am about an 8
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 12+ (on account of i am currently restricted to bed rest)
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I am a very helpful person, and will often make potions and food and other equipment that everyone can use. I don't build gaudy buildings, and am very experienced with Thaumcraft. I have recording software if anybody wants to make videos (im game for anything, since i live in bed now), although that is not my priority. I am very fascinated with nearly every mod in the pack.
Few sentences about yourself: I am a 19 year old male afflicted with stomach cancer, i like long walks on the beach and warhammer 40k.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:
Don't waste your time if you are not 18+ years old.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: brobostigon
Age (18+): 21
Location: Germany
Do you agree to the rules? : Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Bees, RP2, TE, I have a good overview of most of the mods.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I am creative when it comes to designing processing systems and my base.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 2-3 hours on average, sometimes more, sometimes less.
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?: I'm friendly, helpful and mostly stick to myself on a server, although I do contribute to public builds. I'm fairly proficient with all the mods and know how to design complex systems. I also love bee breeding.
Few sentences about yourself: I'm a student from germany, and have been plying minecraft for almost two years now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age (18+):18
Do you agree to the rules?yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :yes since i watched sw20 series from season 2
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:hmmm 7/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?):3-4 hrs
Secret Password:Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? and Few sentences about myself: because i am a hmmm well i am a decent and honest person (i cant say myself u hav to see me but tis is how i think abt myself).i am searching for a small yet friendly community,and here i am .......i am a engg student been playing minecraft since alpha stage.....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Fuzzion_gamer
Age (18+):18
Location: UK
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : humm.... Little Blocks
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 6/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 5-8 hours a day
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I am a very active play but im not someone who knows the game alot but i will develop at a reasonable speed but also i will feed the community with ideas and other great thing too
Few sentences about yourself: im a game since wow came out in 05, iv play minecraft since Alpha, i am a shy person but when i get to know people im more outgoing, iv just been laid off my work so im hoping to run in to a good you tube career i had a YouTube channel before when i got on YouTube but that was about a year ago www.youtube.com/user/nelskinquantum.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We are open for applications again since we cleaned up our whitelist and have opened 4 slots. While we will have a look at the already submitted applications again, please feel free to post here if you'd like to play on the server.
Also we have upgraded to FTB Ultimate so if you still want to play the Mindcrack pack you will have to look some other place.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age (18+):18
Do you agree to the rules?yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :yes since i watched sw20 series from season 2
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:hmmm 7/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?):3-4 hrs
Secret Password:Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? and Few sentences about myself: because i am a hmmm well i am a decent and honest person (i cant say myself u hav to see me but tis is how i think abt myself).i am searching for a small yet friendly community,and here i am .......i am a engg student been playing minecraft since alpha stage.....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age (18+): 22
Location: UK
Do you agree to the rules? yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I'm pretty good with the "direwolf20 mods" and not so much with the rest of the ultimate pack but that's why I want to play on an ultimate server to learn. My favourite mod is forestry (with extra bees) I guess, I'm studying Zoology and I love the bee breeding :D
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Not a pro designer but neither a square cobble house builder if you know what I mean. I would rate myself with 7/10 I guess
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): At least a couple of hours a day and more when I don't have work
Secret Password: hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? Looking for a professional and fun with cool people and your server looks it has everything I want.
Few sentences about yourself: Im a Zoology student in London. I don't really know what you want to know, but just ask me if you wanna know stuff


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: iTeddd
Age: 18
Location: USA
Experience with mods: I played Tekkit for a while and also played FTB mindcrack for about 2 months now. Im pretty much familar with mods.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 8/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): Weekends:(8-9 hours) weekdays:(5-6 hours)
Secret Password: Hamsterjelly
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?
I should get whitelisted because I have been browsing around for a stable FTB server and I want to have a server with the standard settings and nothing too out of control , and obviously no griefing/stealing.The 18+ age limit is also appealing to me and it brings a maturity to servers. Having nothing disabled on hard seems the right way to play in my opinion
Few sentences about yourself: I'm a nice person, I don't grief and I don't start problems with others