Title Movement Glitch In all Packs
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack all
Modpack version 1.10
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file game doesnt crash
Details of the issue You might get the glitch RARELY or used to where if you press space bar once it jumps non stop. On my new laptop, if I press any "movement" key then it would keep making me move. IE if I press W it would keep going forward until I press esc. Works on all 1.10 modpacks. I have reinstalled twitch three times (deleting all its files manually) and reinstalling all of the packs several times and I dont get this glitch on my main computer.
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack all
Modpack version 1.10
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file game doesnt crash
Details of the issue You might get the glitch RARELY or used to where if you press space bar once it jumps non stop. On my new laptop, if I press any "movement" key then it would keep making me move. IE if I press W it would keep going forward until I press esc. Works on all 1.10 modpacks. I have reinstalled twitch three times (deleting all its files manually) and reinstalling all of the packs several times and I dont get this glitch on my main computer.