Most ridiculous power supply

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Haven't tested that, but I'd wager "yes" because they grow as tall as oak trees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What can I use to get the weirdest power supply. Last world I was using Sewage as fertilizer for my MFR farm, but now I want something completely ridiculous.

Dartcraft's new solar panels Mk. 2 probably counts in a number of ways. There effect goes up when surrounded by liquid force and work twice as well in the rain. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can bonemeal mushrooms, yes, but last I checked they had to be on Mycellum to actually grow.
Mushrooms planted using a MFR Planter can be MFR Fertilized (no idea about ones normally placed). I've done that to feed a max-efficiency Bioreactor, and both mushrooms were my biggest surplus by far. And I only planted one square of each mushroom in a 9x9 (Planter's internal filter to give each of the nine fuels a 3x3 to grow in), which required removing all squares around that one because mushrooms can be planted on stone as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dartcraft's new solar panels Mk. 2 probably counts in a number of ways. There effect goes up when surrounded by liquid force and work twice as well in the rain. :D

Wow.. the only panels that works best when it's raining. Rainmaker on auto anyone?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm finishing up automating my assembly machines currently, and once that is done, I will be working on strange and wonderful GT fuels. I don't have sugar coke in my mod pack, but I do have sugar charcoal from MFR. Using the GT distillation tower has given me lots and lots of extra plantballs to use. I think I will create a mini AE system to specifically produce IC2 Biofuel to burn in diesel generators. I have plans for all kinds of methane producing centrifuges. Basically, everything but fish, since that isn't net positive.

The downside to this though, is I have no idea what I will spend all the energy on. I already have a decent supply of UU-matter, and all my other machines run directly off steam or MJ.

I have about 3k mercury cells that will be converted into quicksilver and burned in a magic energy converter, (although I do have to fight the wither first), and a ton of magic wax from my bees.


Hmm. As far as ridiculousness goes, I think I should have my IC2 biofuel production automated by golems. Using AE almost makes it too easy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This playthrough, I'm shooting for Bituminous Peat . I've done pretty much all other forms of MJ and EU power and while basic Peat is easy enough, the Propolis requirement makes this not an early-game power. You can't mass-produce Propolis until you have a good number of Apiaries with a decent piping system, yet the output per engine is only 2MJ/t.

I've done Peat many times before, but have always moved up to something more powerful mid-game and late-game, such as lava, solar, or steam fed by a wide variety of sources/fuels.

But, it's time for something different ;-)

For later-game 6MJ/t per engine, I'm thinking Combustion fed with fuel refined from oil extracted from Traincraft ores. Need BC lasers to make gates to automate Combustions, though.

Has anyone done primary power with Energetic Bees and do they charge TE RECs ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm planning on using my old standby power supply; souls.

You need to have Netherstuffs installed and Harken Scythe(optional, but highly recommended), and you need to do some legwork to get started, but the result? The souls of those who I have slain serve me in death... for a little bit, at least. Then, they are no more.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone done primary power with Energetic Bees and do they charge TE RECs ?

That's on my list to test. I have the effect in serum, just need to apply it to some bees.

I have also been building up my supply of bituminous peat. I've been generating peat from my sludge boiler and propolis from my bees. Once I get a little more situated with my primary power and AE network, I have plans on expanding by using honey in bio-engines and bituminous peat in peat engines to power my MFR laser drill.

I don't have any good sources of oil near me, but I've thought about centrifuging soul sand for the oil and saltpeter.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We need a mod dev to add a hamster wheel generator. Different mobs in the wheel could give you different power outputs.
1mj per tick for zombie skelly and spider. 5mj per tic for endermen and ghasts 10mj per tic for baby angry xombie villager with speed potion


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just tested it and they do. It's like 1 MJ a minute with 8 queens working nearby. It definitely qualifies as ridiculous if you can get that to power anything.

Great info and thanks for sharing that.

How in any shape and form is that balanced against the Refined Bee ? In my current/previous world, 1 Alveary of 'Fastest Worker' Refined Bee with 6x Impregnated Frames was providing enough oil and fuel propolis (when the oil was refined to fuel) to keep approximately five(5) 36HP boilers running, i.e. over 700 MJ/t. I could have gotten more with 7 frames, but I use 6 because it's a cleaner build (I can fit all AE bus/piping directly beneath Alveary).

1 Queen. 700+ MJ/t.

I started out with 3x Alvearies of fully upgraded Refined, but I started building up thousands of propolis, so I went down to 2 and finally 1. Tree farms are bad enough, but this was another OP step beyond even an MFR Oak Tree farm. It took a lot of the challenge (i.e. "engineering fun") out of my world, but at least it was server-friendly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another good suggestion would be MFR meat. You can burn that in generators I believe
I tried doing meat power, but it's incredibly impractical. i had 6 tier 5 soul shard pig spawners, which wasn't enough to keep 128 biomass engines running. And even when they were that's a max of 128mj/tick. It'd only be practical for early game, except for the huge am mount of bronze needed to make the engines.

My new plan is to have skeletal bees making bonemeal, which gets used on grass by a turtle to mass harvest flowers to turn into biofuel with the bio reactor. Flower power!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried doing meat power, but it's incredibly impractical. i had 6 tier 5 soul shard pig spawners, which wasn't enough to keep 128 biomass engines running. And even when they were that's a max of 128mj/tick. It'd only be practical for early game, except for the huge am mount of bronze needed to make the engines.

My new plan is to have skeletal bees making bonemeal, which gets used on grass by a turtle to mass harvest flowers to turn into biofuel with the bio reactor. Flower power!

Flower Power ! I like it !


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried doing meat power, but it's incredibly impractical. i had 6 tier 5 soul shard pig spawners, which wasn't enough to keep 128 biomass engines running. And even when they were that's a max of 128mj/tick. It'd only be practical for early game, except for the huge am mount of bronze needed to make the engines.

My new plan is to have skeletal bees making bonemeal, which gets used on grass by a turtle to mass harvest flowers to turn into biofuel with the bio reactor. Flower power!

you could also use another way of getting flowers. set up a field of apiaries with bees that have a large territory and are a fast worker. I think these combinations should make it so the bees quickly produce flowers around the apiaries. you could then use a turtle for example to harvest those flowers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Biomes O Plenty rosester (the red rooster) drops red dye instead of eggs. Successive minium stone uses can convert the dye to other colors (red > green > purple > cyan > light grey > grey > pink > lime > yellow). Use those nine dyes as inputs for MFR's bioreactor.

It's not practical, fast, or incredibly efficient (since you need to replace minium stones to make it work); but it is ridiculous.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you could also use another way of getting flowers. set up a field of apiaries with bees that have a large territory and are a fast worker. I think these combinations should make it so the bees quickly produce flowers around the apiaries. you could then use a turtle for example to harvest those flowers.
Steve Carts 2 also has a lawnmower attachment now to collect flowers and grass ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you could also use another way of getting flowers. set up a field of apiaries with bees that have a large territory and are a fast worker. I think these combinations should make it so the bees quickly produce flowers around the apiaries. you could then use a turtle for example to harvest those flowers.

According to, "gui.maximum" pollination bees have a 99% chance to plant a new flower. I assume that's per bee tick (27.5 (?) seconds). But since Aura Bees are kind of "end gamey" you'd probably only have a 25% chance (from Industrious bees) at best (I would always breed Aura bees before any of the relatively useless bees that have between "Fast" and "Maximum" Pollination, except Windy obviously, but you could pick up Rural or Monastic for a slight boost fairly easily I guess). The "Fast" speed should give about 1 flower every ~110 seconds per working queen.

What I would do is just throw down an upgraded Harvester. I assume flowers in pots are safe from it, but they still allow your bees to work. I might actually try this some time. If it works alright I can spend less time on early power generation and more time on bees. :)

Hm. Now I have a question. Is there anything that can autocraft in a 1x1 pattern anything that goes into it? Or will I need to use either an extractor, or an autocrafter for each dye?