Casual Server Moonpie|FTB Unleashed (v1.1.3)|White List|Mature|5 - 10 Slots|Survival

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really don't like the big community servers and prefer a more close nit type of play.
Server is brand new and running with the 1.1.2 version of unleashed.
Difficulty is set at hard.

Please test your ping before you apply: Hosted in Atlanta

All mods are enabled, please make sure you enable them in your pack. Zombie package:
Ram: 2048MB
HD: 35GB
CPU: 2 Cores, I have no idea at what speed.

1. Be respectful
2. Use common sense
3. Pranking is different than greifing, don't be malicious.
4. You must be at least 18 years old. Sorry but I won't make exceptions on this.
6. The use of quarry's and other world destruction mechanics are limited to the mining age.
7. Be reasonable with chunk loaders and mystcraft ages.

White list application:
I personally hate these so I'll keep it short.
0. What is your minecraft username?
1. Are you over 18?
2. Do you have a mic/mumble (
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it?
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why?

Note: 5 and Higher are optional but give me a better idea of what kind of player you are.

5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general?
6. How long is your average minecraft play session?
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos?

Post your applications below and I'll respond via pm.
0. sscards55
1. I am.
2. Yes
3. I have not.
4. If I have been, i have no knowledge of it.
5. I know much but not everything.
6. About 2 hours
7. No
0. What is your minecraft username? letariodemaus
1. Are you over 18? Yes, 19
2. Do you have a mic/mumble? I have a mic, and I can get mumble, but I do have teamspeak and skype, skype name is letariodemaus
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? You skipped number 5 in the rules list
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? No I have not
5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I have been playing with mods that are in FTB sense Tekkit, and then the initial release of FTB
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? 1-4 hours, does vary
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? No, but I do plan on making a channel for vids, but finding a good server is so difficult, because they are overcomplicated with plugins and it ruins the experience, and I personally enjoy simple servers where plugins aren't needed and griefing is non-existent. I hope this server is like that, and I can trust players on the server and not worry about griefing or any overcomplicated plugins. And I have a question, will this server update to 1.1.3 with Biomes' O' plenty.
We are already running BOP so once 1.1.3 is promoted to recommended I have no problem updating to it. I'm already missing AE v12 myself.[DOUBLEPOST=1376582284][/DOUBLEPOST]
0. What is your minecraft username? letariodemaus
1. Are you over 18? Yes, 19
2. Do you have a mic/mumble? I have a mic, and I can get mumble, but I do have teamspeak and skype, skype name is letariodemaus
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? You skipped number 5 in the rules list
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? No I have not
5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I have been playing with mods that are in FTB sense Tekkit, and then the initial release of FTB
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? 1-4 hours, does vary
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? No, but I do plan on making a channel for vids, but finding a good server is so difficult, because they are overcomplicated with plugins and it ruins the experience, and I personally enjoy simple servers where plugins aren't needed and griefing is non-existent. I hope this server is like that, and I can trust players on the server and not worry about griefing or any overcomplicated plugins. And I have a question, will this server update to 1.1.3 with Biomes' O' plenty.

0. What is your minecraft username? lelders
1. Are you over 18? yes I am 18
2. Do you have a mic/mumble ( I don't but will do if it is required
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? no as I respect rules
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? no
5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I played tekkit for over a year before I heard about ftb and have been playing ftb for about 9 months so I have plenty of experience and I know a lot about most of the mods
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? it ranges from an hour to about 12 hours
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? no
0. What is your minecraft username? lelders
1. Are you over 18? yes I am 18
2. Do you have a mic/mumble ( I don't but will do if it is required
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? no as I respect rules
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? no
5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I played tekkit for over a year before I heard about ftb and have been playing ftb for about 9 months so I have plenty of experience and I know a lot about most of the mods
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? it ranges from an hour to about 12 hours
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? no

0. What is your minecraft username? kr990
1. Are you over 18? Yes, I'm 23.
2. Do you have a mic/mumble ( Yes
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? You skipped #5
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? No
5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I've been playing FTB for almost an entire year now so I know quite a bit about it.
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? Usually a few hours a day
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? No but considering it.
0. What is your minecraft username? kr990
1. Are you over 18? Yes, I'm 23.
2. Do you have a mic/mumble ( Yes
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? You skipped #5
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? No
5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I've been playing FTB for almost an entire year now so I know quite a bit about it.
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? Usually a few hours a day
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? No but considering it.

0. Carrott_cake
1. Yes
2. Aye i use skype and have teamspeak, except currently figuring out why VAC(Virtual audio cables) crashes my mic but my skype is das.konigreich
3. Number five's gone
4. Nope
5. Not much with FTB in general, but a good amount with most of the mods.
6. Varies between friends, ussually a couple of hours or more.
7. Not of minecraft, Mostly i just stream single-player games for friends to watch
0. Carrott_cake
1. Yes
2. Aye i use skype and have teamspeak, except currently figuring out why VAC(Virtual audio cables) crashes my mic but my skype is das.konigreich
3. Number five's gone
4. Nope
5. Not much with FTB in general, but a good amount with most of the mods.
6. Varies between friends, ussually a couple of hours or more.
7. Not of minecraft, Mostly i just stream single-player games for friends to watch

Skype: don't have one, if need ill get one
MC: dtbarnes7
Age: 23
Are you a boy or girl?: boy
Location ?: So Cali
Do you have a youtube account?If so state your youtube name and we will make videos of the server. hardcorecod4, if you want me to i will​
When did you start playing minecraft?: When it was still in beta
How much eperiance with mods/ftb? I've been playing with ftb for about 5 mouths now, i have a good idea on how they are work.
Will you be nice to the other players?: Yes, never been banned for a server
What makes you feel like you should be added to this community?: I'm a great teammate, i can help out if need be. I'd really just want to find another player and start and base with that person.
0. ohlookiforgot
1. Are you over 18? Yes, I'm 20
2. Do you have a mic/mumble ( I do have a mic & mumble installed.
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? There isnt a #5 rule.
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? Nope never banned.

5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I'm experienced with most of the mods on the FTB Unleashed
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? Less than 10hrs, more than 5
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? I don't do either.
0. Shambling
1. Yes, 23
2. Indeed i do
3. skipped 5
4. Nope
5. A pretty good understanding, been using mods for quite awhile. AE being my fav
6. Depending if I'm playing with someone,3~7 hours.
7. No
. What is your minecraft username? Skrubs123
1. Are you over 18? yes, 33
2. Do you have a mic/mumble ( yes
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? Number 5 is missing
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? no

Note: 5 and Higher are optional but give me a better idea of what kind of player you are.

5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I have good understanding of all the mods, except for tinkers contruct. I just started using it when unleashed came out.
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? depends 4-5hrs
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? No, but I have always thought about doing a series for Hardcore Mode. Generally I play HC single player.
. What is your minecraft username? Skrubs123
1. Are you over 18? yes, 33
2. Do you have a mic/mumble ( yes
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? Number 5 is missing
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? no

Note: 5 and Higher are optional but give me a better idea of what kind of player you are.

5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I have good understanding of all the mods, except for tinkers contruct. I just started using it when unleashed came out.
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? depends 4-5hrs
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? No, but I have always thought about doing a series for Hardcore Mode. Generally I play HC single player.

0. Shambling
1. Yes, 23
2. Indeed i do
3. skipped 5
4. Nope
5. A pretty good understanding, been using mods for quite awhile. AE being my fav
6. Depending if I'm playing with someone,3~7 hours.
7. No

0. ohlookiforgot
1. Are you over 18? Yes, I'm 20
2. Do you have a mic/mumble ( I do have a mic & mumble installed.
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? There isnt a #5 rule.
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? Nope never banned.

5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? I'm experienced with most of the mods on the FTB Unleashed
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? Less than 10hrs, more than 5
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? I don't do either.

White list application:
I personally hate these so I'll keep it short.
0. What is your minecraft username? Rexxae
1. Are you over 18? Not yet, one month and I will be.
2. Do you have a mic/mumble ( I do have a mic, but no mumble.
3. I've intentionally made a mistake in the rules list, what is it? I read it and didnt notice, took me some time :D you missed a number.
4. Have you ever been banned before, if so why? Nope, proud of it too

5. How much of an understanding do you have with FTB and mods in general? Quite big, although the recent additions I do not know except TT and AE
6. How long is your average minecraft play session? depends on how much I would like to play, if I really want to I could play all day.
7. Do you do any streaming or youtube videos? No, sorry
8. Extra: I really like living close to each other.