Whitelist Server Monster v1.0.11 | Whitelist | Small Community | Vanilla | 24/7 | Mature | 16+ |

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, this is a vanilla FTB server meant for mature people and just people who maybe want to have fun and just stream or make some youtube videos. This is a white-list only server and we only have few rules but have no banned items or anything like that. Also pranks are allowed as long as they do not damage anything in a players base and if you do damage something you are to replace the damaged items.

1)No griefing
2)No stealing
3)No cheating
4)No client hacks (xray)
5)No PvP unless you both agree to a duel or something
6)No advertising
7)Please don't mess up the terrain near spawn
8)Respect everyone equally as you would want to be!
9) If you are found breaking any of these rules you will be banned on the spot

We also have RaidCall if you do not know what it is it is basically like teamspeak and i would like if our members of the server can interact with each other through it but no one is being forced to.

Server Info:
3.5gb of ram (will upgrade if needed)
12 slots available
Hard Difficulty

Must Enable the following mods:
Lycanites Mobs
Special Mobs
blood magic
biomes o plenty
Thaumic Tinkerer KAMI

To enable mods select the modpack in the FTB Launcher and click edit modpack at the top a bit and selct the mods listed and click enable in the middle one by one

WhiteList Application:
1) IGN
2) Age
3) Youtube Link (If you make videos)
4) Twitch link (If you livestream)
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also)
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.)
7) Timezone
8) What makes you interested in this server?
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above?

Please follow the twitter at https://twitter.com/McGamess to get all the latest news about the server, this is somewhat a requirement just in-case the ip or something changes we will not lose contact with the members but it will not be enforced. I will pm you the IP and ID of the RaidCall if you are accepted into the server.
Last edited:
Age 16
3/4 sorry nope
Pervious experience ultimate/unleashed/direwolf20 packs
Play style magician bees engineer
Interested in the server ? I just recently left a monster server ( Constructioncraft using resonant rise pack now )
And wanted to find a new monster server yours had all the mods I like
Do you agree to the rules ? Yes
Time zone GMT
Age 16
3/4 sorry nope
Pervious experience ultimate/unleashed/direwolf20 packs
Play style magician bees engineer
Interested in the server ? I just recently left a monster server ( Constructioncraft using resonant rise pack now )
And wanted to find a new monster server yours had all the mods I like
Do you agree to the rules ? Yes
Time zone GMT
ok man you are in i will send over the ip of server na dthe id of raidcall please try and be active in the raidcall it isnt required but it is nice.
1) IGN - Robet24 and Nadiin
2) Age - Both 25
3) Youtube Link (If you make videos) - N/A
4) Twitch link (If you livestream) - N/A
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) - Play the DW20 modpack extensively and have full understanding with THOSE mods.
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.) - A base thats not particular amazing but functions fully together
7) Timezone - PST and GMT respectively
8) What makes you interested in this server? - Want to join a community server to come to after about a 2 month break
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? Yes
1) IGN - Robet24 and Nadiin
2) Age - Both 25
3) Youtube Link (If you make videos) - N/A
4) Twitch link (If you livestream) - N/A
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) - Play the DW20 modpack extensively and have full understanding with THOSE mods.
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.) - A base thats not particular amazing but functions fully together
7) Timezone - PST and whatever german timezone is
8) What makes you interested in this server? - Want to join a community server to come to after about a 2 month break
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? Yes

You are in, I shall PM you the IP of the server and the ID of RaidCall.
1) IGN ItzMexihulkBruh
2) Age 18
3 and 4 i dont make videos or stream
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) direwolf 1.4.7 ultimate and unleashed and now Monster
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.) im more of a machines guy but i go through each mod one by one after i establish myself a bit.
7) Timezone Central time zone USA
8) What makes you interested in this server? I really like the no banned items because i like to explore all the mods to their fullest and i like doing it on a server so i can help with big builds with the community
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? i agree with the rules
1) IGN ItzMexihulkBruh
2) Age 18
3 and 4 i dont make videos or stream
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) direwolf 1.4.7 ultimate and unleashed and now Monster
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.) im more of a machines guy but i go through each mod one by one after i establish myself a bit.
7) Timezone Central time zone USA
8) What makes you interested in this server? I really like the no banned items because i like to explore all the mods to their fullest and i like doing it on a server so i can help with big builds with the community
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? i agree with the rules
you are in man i will pm you the info
1) IGN: Esriel123
2) Age: 24
3) Youtube Link (If you make videos): None
4) Twitch link (If you livestream): Rarely
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) I have played almost all FTB packs since 1.4.6 and have a good understanding on how not to break a server ;)
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.): I like to automate as much as possible with as little resource as possible(tickrate) and I also try to build as pretty as possible.
7) Timezone: Germany
8) What makes you interested in this server?: I want a mature server with a nice community to have fun with
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above?: YES!
1) IGN Ch1pt20
2) Age 16
3) Youtube Link (If you make videos) N/A
4) Twitch link (If you livestream) N/A
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) I played the mindcrack pack for awhile and I also played the FTb ultimate pack. I have been palying FTb for almost a year now though.
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.) As this is my first time with the monster pack I don't really know what I want to do but I like to work with bees and making big factories.
7) Timezone Atlantic Standard Time
8) What makes you interested in this server? I am looking to find a server to start fresh with many other players.
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? Yes I agree with all of the Rules above.
1) IGN Eisregen04
2) Age 25
3/4 N/A
5) Self modded/ftb unleashed mindcrack ultimate since 1.2.5
6) What is your play style? Machines,Bees and now try to build more fancy
7) Timezone : Central European Time
8) I like to play on a small community where every on is friendly and helpful
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? Yes I agree
WhiteList Application:
1) IGN: Schnauzer23
2) Age: 19
3) Youtube Link (If you make videos): I do not make videos, awful upload speed :(
4) Twitch link (If you livestream): I do not livestream, awful upload speed :(
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also): Uff, mindcrack, Direwolf20, Ampz, and some technic when it was the only one :P
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.): I try to do a bit of all, I try to change my objective on every new map. Usually I always end up with (what i think are) cool machines and nice buildings
7) Timezone: GMT -3
8) What makes you interested in this server? I played a lot of Vanilla MC and modded MC in Singleplayer and it ends up boring me, singleplayer does not have that appealing tone anymore, and I think a whitelisted server is a good change, almost like in SP but with people :)
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above?: Yes, otherwise I would not be applying
1) IGN: Mrknowitall94441
2) Age 15
3) Youtube Link (If you make videos) sometimes i stream more offen
4) Twitch link (If you livestream) yes
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) i've been playing ftb sence before 1.4.7
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.) im very good with machines and thaumcraft
7) Timezone est
8) What makes you interested in this server? i've been in a great community for a while but the d20 mod pack is getting kind of stale so i was looking to spice it up a pit
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? yes i agree 100% and think thay are all fair
1) IGN: hads17
2) Age: 16
3) Youtube link: none
4) Twitch link: none
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also): unleashed, mindcrack, monster, magic farm, and ultimate. Ive played FTB for about 1 year and a half now
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.): Machines, and automatic sorting systems
7) Timezone: MST
8) What makes you interested in this server?: a fair amount of people. and mature people my age that won't be annoying.
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above?: I agree with every rule in this post.
1) IGN TommyDiamonds
2) Age 24
3 and 4 i dont have either
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) direwolf 1.4.7 ultimate and unleashed and now Monster
6) What is your play style? (building, machines, automation)
7) Timezone Pacific time zone USA
8) What makes you interested in this server? It's new, with mature people and there are no banned items.
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? i agree
1) IGN Eisregen04
2) Age 25
3/4 N/A
5) Self modded/ftb unleashed mindcrack ultimate since 1.2.5
6) What is your play style? Machines,Bees and now try to build more fancy
7) Timezone : Central European Time
8) I like to play on a small community where every on is friendly and helpful
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? Yes I agree
you are in I will pm you the details[DOUBLEPOST=1393825039][/DOUBLEPOST]
1) IGN TommyDiamonds
2) Age 24
3 and 4 i dont have either
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) direwolf 1.4.7 ultimate and unleashed and now Monster
6) What is your play style? (building, machines, automation)
7) Timezone Pacific time zone USA
8) What makes you interested in this server? It's new, with mature people and there are no banned items.
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? i agree
you are in I will pm you the details
1) IGN - Unyieldingvenom
2) Age - 25
3) Youtube Link (If you make videos) - N/A
4) Twitch link (If you livestream) - N/A
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also) - I have played FTB mod packs since the first challenge map was released, I have also modded my own game long before FTB
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.) - Some building, some machines and some magic
7) Timezone - GMT
8) What makes you interested in this server? I enjoy playing on small, mature servers and I like the list of enabled mods.
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above? Yeah
1) IGN: Ryan784
2) Age: 17 years of age.
3) Youtube Link (If you make videos): Negative.
4) Twitch link (If you livestream): I do not Twitch or Youtube.
5) Previous experience with FTB (List modpack also): I have been playing FTB since the pack first came out (not the maps, necessarily, but before the FTB Modpack I played Tekkit/Technic). If you need an exact date, it would be around when I first made this account. So, I have probably played Modded Minecraft for around two years now. I have experience with most mods, and those I do not I pick up fast. I tend to like the technical mods more over the magical ones (I'm looking at you, Thuamcraft), though I'll occasionally dabble in all the Mods.
6) What is your play style? (awesome buildings, machines, bees, etc.): I am a terrible builder - aesthetically at least - so lately I have been trying to not only make complex machines and technical builds, but I have been trying to make it look nice in the process. So right now, my play style is extremely technical, but I try to make the buildings look nice, and try to plan stuff out before actually building (what I want in each room, etc).
7) Timezone: United States, East Coast.
8) What makes you interested in this server?: This is the only whitelisted Server that is up to date. Two of the things I'm looking for - whitelist because the communities tend to be more friendly, and up to date just because I prefer to play with the most up to date version of Mods we have available. Not only that though, this Server does look to be a lot of fun to play on.
9) Do you agree to all the rules listed above?: Yes, I do.

Thanks for reading,