We just went public with Infinity 1.3.1
We use towny to protect and have a dedicated mining world.
Come play with us over at play.modvortex.com
ModVortex server rules and guidelines.
Chat rules:
- Be respectful and act civil. Bullying and racism is not allowed.
- Keep swearing to a minimum and don't swear at players. (example: "Fuck I lost..", not "Fuck you Mitch".)
- Do not harass people.
- Don't spam or flood the chat.
- Don't all-caps messages, it looks stupid.
- We speak English in all global chats.
- Do not post links sensitive material.
- Do not advertise other servers, it is extremely rude.
- Do not ask for ranks/positions, apply using the correct format which can be found HERE
- If you're asking for assistance state the full issue, don't just shout the name of a staff member.
- Chat rules apply apart from the "English only" rule.
- Do not constantly bug staff members using this system.
- Do not spam /tpa requests
- If you happen to find any bugs or glitches on the server be sure to report them to us.
- Abusing a bug or glitch and not reporting it will get you banned.
The staff reserve the right to apply the rules as they see fit, if you don't agree with a staff members judgement contact a higher-up staff member and explain thoroughly what happened and why you disagree. Trying to discuss this in a global chat will result in an increased punishment
We just went public with Infinity 1.3.1
We use towny to protect and have a dedicated mining world.
Come play with us over at play.modvortex.com