Modular Powersuits out of fashion?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I noticed nobody seems to use the powersuits on Forgecraft anymore. I'm wondering if people quit using them because they made every other armor option obsolete or what's the deal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A lot of players finds that MPS is too good at what it does, so for those who craves for harder gameplay would opt to leave that mod out. No matter how you tweak the recipes, once the suit is complete, it will trivialise a lot of contents.

Personally, I love it for it's modularity and capability. I especially like how it look by default and you can even tweak the looks for something more personalised.
But mpsa by Andrew isn't updated for 1.6.4 and that might have affect the number of users as well.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What did MPSA bring to the table that's so important? I use MPS and don't feel like anything's lacking - except for perhaps a working magnet module.

Regarding the suit itself being "too good".. I definitely agree that no matter what you make it cost, once its done it will overshadow everything else. However... my solution to that is to MASSIVELY increase its energy consumption. Like 100x more. This would make the suit impractical until the late game, giving incentive for other armor options prior to that time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What did MPSA bring to the table that's so important? I use MPS and don't feel like anything's lacking - except for perhaps a working magnet module.

Regarding the suit itself being "too good".. I definitely agree that no matter what you make it cost, once its done it will overshadow everything else. However... my solution to that is to MASSIVELY increase its energy consumption. Like 100x more. This would make the suit impractical until the late game, giving incentive for other armor options prior to that time.
Kinetic Generator, Solar Generator, Thermal Generator, Auto-Feeder, EU-Reader, Leaf Blower, Ore Scanner, TE Multimeter, Torch Placer, Treetap, and Water Tank to name a few modules.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mpsa has the solar panel upgrade for the helm and the kinetic generator for the leggings, those 2 basically ensure that you do not have to recharge them, ever.
And there's the auto feeder module for those whom frequently starve to death because they keep forgetting to eat. More of a QoL upgrade that is.
Making it take 100x more power isn't going to deter people much. By the time people can make Ion Thrusters for MPS, they are able to craft Resonant Energy Cells, which mps can draw energy from.
Using cross mods interaction, one could easily just make a auto recharging station using ender pouch, ender chest, Energetic Infuser and itemducts with servos installed, uaing the NBT and meta options enabled to make it extract empty cells from the ender chests into the infuser and extract full cells from the infuser back into the ender chest which you can retrieve from your ender pouch.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You don't need armor when you have Morph.
MPS with night vision module, sprint assist modile, shock absorber module, energy shields on all pieces, water breathing module (if no squid form), swim boost module while in bat/squid form.

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BIG mac

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now that I've been using MPS, I about can't play the game without it. The movement boosts are just so freaking nice and I don't have to spend hardly any time at all running from place to place. I also have an easier time building using the MPS jetpack than I do with the IC jetpack.

I kind of want the ore scanner removed from MPSA though. It reminds me too much of the Divining Rod......


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MPS with night vision module, sprint assist modile, shock absorber module, energy shields on all pieces, water breathing module (if no squid form), swim boost module while in bat/squid form.

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I'd rather use an ars magica 2 spell for night vision. Kills two birds with one stone, gives you night vision and gives you am2 exp points. Only time I use nightvision is to see through water anyhow which let's admit, is a bit of an exploit.
Sprint assist is another spell, haste 3 on a pair of iron boots, or boots of the traveler. But hey, since I'm flying everywhere I don't find my walk/run speed that important. :p
Shock absorber isn't needed, everything that can fly/jump high also seems immune to fall damage.
Energy shields? What hits you when you're flying 50m above it? Wither? Poor fellow got killed 100+ times by a turtle I made out of glass, stone, iron and redstone last time I saw him.
The most dangerous thing in all of Minecraft in my experience is lava. Oh hey, free fire immunity with Morph. I can swim in lava now.

Not to say all of those things aren't nice to have in one package, but with morph flight my need/desire for most of those things fades in priority. I'm not going to put all those recipes into AE just so I don't have to eat manually.

The only thing I ever built MPS for was near-creative mode flight. Morph does it better, easier, and about 5 minutes after worldgen. In direwolf20's new Forgecraft series I noticed in either episode 1 or 2 one of the players was already flying around all the time as a bat.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think that the big point is that MPS is a method for doing a number of things, and there was a time that it was massively in vogue. There's been a bit of backlash over balance, but, to be honest, there's new stuff that does it, and there's more entertainment to be gained from exploring that.

MPS is decent, but the biggest aspect of it (i.e. flying armour with charging capabilities) is also in gravisuite, and, in my view is a little better balanced.

Also, WRT the ForgeCraft lot, there was a fair amount of time that MPS was simply not viable, due to a lack of either IC2 or TE for charging.

Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Morph really isn't finished - apparently it's beta, but it looks like alpha to me with it's "next to no difficulty at all" relative to the "here have unlimited powers" thing. I don't get why it's going into main packs. It makes me scratch my head, like DartCraft did with the previous set.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
I had major server crashing problems with Morph on the DW20 pack (it's why I migrated to Monster).

Any spider / zombie / mob impaling itself onto an iron spike would crash out the server for me - and I don't like having it to be honest. Flight within 20 mins of world gen? No thank you.

Flight is something I have to work for with jetpacks and whatnot, and not just kill a bat with my bare handds, for which I don't even need a weapon. That is, of course my personal opinion.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't use them because of too-many-keybinds, and a really uncomfortable mechanisim for toggling flight on and off.
And capacitors being lost when I tinkered.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the thing is, everyone used it when it came out, okay, pretty much everyone. and just like how it went with things like compact solars and draining the nether, at one point it's been done so much, that people get bored of it and will look for other ways of doing things
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Morph really isn't finished - apparently it's beta, but it looks like alpha to me with it's "next to no difficulty at all" relative to the "here have unlimited powers" thing. I don't get why it's going into main packs. It makes me scratch my head, like DartCraft did with the previous set.

As far as beta and "finished" go I don't think those terms have any value whatsoever when talking about mods---mainly because those terms mean whatever the developer in question wants them to mean, not specifically what you or I or anybody else think they should mean. Mods are either in active development or they're not. I don't expect Morph to ever be balanced because that would take all the fun out of it and ichun doesn't seem to be somebody interested in making mods that aren't fun. :)

Morph isn't in the main packs. It is in direwolf20 because direwolf20 decides what goes in his pack. Dartcraft, on the other hand should be in Monster but isn't for some unknown reason that we'll most likely never know because explaining it would end up creating a 50-page thread that would just upset people when they found out the decisions were based on old data or were simply arbitrary.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012

I still use it, but the lack of MPSA, and also the ridiculous IC2 recipes make it far less useful.

I tried by all means to enable the TE recipes and it doenst work :(
We use another mod on our server to make TE style recipes for MPS. Works great.