Modpack updates: The weakest link?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, you guys apparently have a crew behind the pack to ensure that updates go without flaws?

However, 2 times now, there have been updates that have been "broken", one with config changes and one with mod updates (v2?). Some of us run servers 24/7, to ensure that players at ALL times have access to the latest pack. We update the server ASAP when a new version is out.

What's the weak link? What's making this happened now 2 times?

We have an "unhealthy" active community, and with last update the amount of stuff "lost" was rather large. I know, I know, it's a game, we will all survive, but that's not the point. We take FTB as being the leading pack, where stuff like this shouldn't have happened. A config error? It's like a newspaper writing "Today u and I", right? It`s acceptable to some extent, but for those that really are way too dedicated? It's more than just annoying.

So, will measures to prevent this be taken in the future?​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have to agree, I hope more testing goes into the new ModPack updates in the future. I took a backup of course, but it's still unnecessary burden and confusion on users end.

I appreciate everyone at the FTB team and hope these issues are better handled in the future.

Thanks for your time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's unreasonable to expect updates to be perfect - but I would at least expect the pack to have been tested as an update at least once!

Forge gives a nice big ID warning to you if you try to start. It's obvious that no-one tried to load up a v4 world. :(

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only packs to update recently are 3rd party packs. Those 3rd parties have 100% control over what goes into them, and when they update afaik. Since these 3rd parties are streamers and youtubers, who really just want their fans to be able to "play along" so to speak, they can play it loose with the testing. That is why they are out early, while the mods still have significant bugs that can crash worlds, and that is why they are able to update more quickly (but with possible problems). If you don't want to deal with that, then don't use 3rd party and beta packs. I assume since you are all complaining about these problems you are all running the magic world or retro packs right? The *only* non-beta official FTB packs to be released thus far?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only packs to update recently are 3rd party packs. Those 3rd parties have 100% control over what goes into them, and when they update afaik. Since these 3rd parties are streamers and youtubers, who really just want their fans to be able to "play along" so to speak, they can play it loose with the testing. That is why they are out early, while the mods still have significant bugs that can crash worlds, and that is why they are able to update more quickly (but with possible problems). If you don't want to deal with that, then don't use 3rd party and beta packs. I assume since you are all complaining about these problems you are all running the magic world or retro packs right? The *only* non-beta official FTB packs to be released thus far?

The mindcrack and dw20 packs are not third-party packs, look in the launcher.


Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your point?

Always wait at least a week after an update unless you WANT to be the one doing the bug testing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your point?

Always wait at least a week after an update unless you WANT to be the one doing the bug testing.
This is not the "FTB Beta" mod pack, it's the "mindcrack" pack. It's not marked as beta anywhere. The launcher has support for multiple versions as well, I would love to have public testing with test versions. I even work on the launcher, we've had support for multiple modpack versions for a long time.

If a release is untested, it should not be made the default installed version. Simple!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is why I just use multiMC to play. I pull the instance from the launcher so I can update on my own terms and not deal with all these issues. The concern I have is the fact that updating the packs deletes all other mods I add to it. Such as if I add extra bees to the Direwolf20 pack and then I update it like today, extrabees is suddenly not in the mod folder at all, completely deleted. And even with back up config selected they replace the configs that are there. I turn off a lot of the extrabiomesxl biomes because I don't like all the extra generation but it still allows me to find them in mystcraft ages, giving me more exploration options, but updating also reverts all of those settings to default.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In this case, it may actually be a bug/non-backwards-compatible update in one of the mods and not a config mistake - the only changes to forestry/extrabees configs since v6 are additions. Odd.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi all, I'm new around here. My server just made the decision to move from Tekkit to FTB. (Tekkit really seems to be shooting itself in the foot). We got started last night and played for about an hour or so, then the launcher updated and now we all get mod incompatibility issues. Is this what you guys are talking about? Has it been a recurring issue? Just trying to figure out how to resolve or if we need to wait for a fix. I actually submitted a question in the support forum as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't remember if Forestry was among the affected mods. I remember for certain Steve's Carts and maybe 6 or 7 others were the ones that were affected. This is a DW20 server. Regardless it's good to know. I'll advise my servlets to wait a while before accepting the next launcher update. Thanks for the info.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As someone who has done modding in the past and actively studying game development this is something you can never guarentee and never implement measures for. Even Mojang brings out patches with bugs, heck, I dare you to name 1 game development company in the world that releases games/patches without bugs, I'm pretty sure they can be counted on 1 hand if not no hands at all.

Even things that are known to cause problems and are usually checked for can sometimes slip through the cracks, we're all only human. And these particular humans aren't even doing this as their job, they're doing this in their spare time when they might be a bit sleepy or done long hard days of work while trying to get an update ready for you. Do you honestly think they sent out broken/bugged stuff on purpose? Of course they don't, they just didn't see or notice it, which is something that can happen to anyone.