Title Modern Skyblock 3 Departed Crash after Equivalent Exchange
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack Modern Skyblock 3 Departed
Modpack version 3.4.2
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file https://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/5aff5adb
Details of the issue After i began with Equivalent Exchange my Game crashed. I already made EMC Storage up to 6 or 7 and autocrafted to the next step while i tried to set up the Network on another Place with AE2 and Quantum Relays. I set everything up put the Tome in the Assembler and everything worked. I also saved a Recipe and it worked. Then i got some Red Matter and while i was running to my EMC "Interface" it crashed so i guess it was because of the Storage Cell. Its not the Cell with housing just the cell. so i had nothing set up to store emc already. i just put up an assembler and an (i guess its a deconstructor) both on ultimate and the table. nothing else. after that it crashed and i cant start my singleplayer world again. it crashes. but a new one works.
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack Modern Skyblock 3 Departed
Modpack version 3.4.2
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file https://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/5aff5adb
Details of the issue After i began with Equivalent Exchange my Game crashed. I already made EMC Storage up to 6 or 7 and autocrafted to the next step while i tried to set up the Network on another Place with AE2 and Quantum Relays. I set everything up put the Tome in the Assembler and everything worked. I also saved a Recipe and it worked. Then i got some Red Matter and while i was running to my EMC "Interface" it crashed so i guess it was because of the Storage Cell. Its not the Cell with housing just the cell. so i had nothing set up to store emc already. i just put up an assembler and an (i guess its a deconstructor) both on ultimate and the table. nothing else. after that it crashed and i cant start my singleplayer world again. it crashes. but a new one works.
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