GamerwithnoGame Over-Achiever Jan 29, 2015 2,808 1,507 224 Nov 22, 2019 #53,691 392. Struggling to stay alert a bit. I should go back to washing glassware...
J Jobs2k New Member Nov 23, 2019 0 0 1 Nov 23, 2019 #53,697 398 EDIT: Wait, is there no search here after the move from Twitch, or is it because I'm now a 'new member'?
398 EDIT: Wait, is there no search here after the move from Twitch, or is it because I'm now a 'new member'?
GamerwithnoGame Over-Achiever Jan 29, 2015 2,808 1,507 224 Nov 23, 2019 #53,699 400. I think I saw someone else mentioning issues with searching; I don’t know why unfortunately!
duckfan77 Popular Member Mar 18, 2013 80 683 118 Nov 24, 2019 #53,700 401 I don't see a search bar, but I don't search the forums much anyways