88 Ah. I'm the one guy who is a dirtbag and all the smart people hate because I didn't study and still beat them, then I rub it it there faces
101 That explains so much!!!!! I wish I had this sooner!!!!! (because trig is over in my course for now)99 I actually find trig pretty fun. This is a great example of how intriguing it is. Also happens to be one of my favorite channels on Youtube
That said, I did find a gold vein in my search for places to put my Excavator next. I've got lapis coming out of my ears right now. Metaphorically, not literally; that would require an urgent trip to the doctor's. I think that will simultaneously solve my incipient copper issues at the same time. Plus I've got a galena vein and a platinum vein to get after that!100. Kept my time on Beyond fairly short and sweet tonight. Didn't do everything I'd planned but got a few things done. I'm finding that throwing all my iron through an AA double crusher is definitely a more reliable source of gold than actually finding gold, so far.
105 Glad I could be of assistance.101 That explains so much!!!!! I wish I had this sooner!!!!! (because trig is over in my course for now)