Haha I like that!65
In Dutch we have a saying "you don't have all 7 in a row"
My standard reply is "I do, but they work in time shifts"
:: What have you done now, sir"to come in for a little chat"
Thanks chap. They say they like to get their customers in once a year to see if the financial products they're currently using are all suitable and if they can offer anything better. Given that I spend most of my time broke, I worry its more going to be a:: What have you done now, sir
= I paid for my groceries with cash
:: Next time use your bank card, so we can track what you do with our money.
= Excuse me! "your" money. (ends up for 1 day in jail for being unreasonable)
Just kidding, hope all goes well.
Yeah, things have been... difficult. We never seem to quite have enough, so we're often needing help from family - who are very good to us - for things. Having children, while it has been wonderful, has meant that there's only been one consistent earner, as my wife has only been able to work intermittently75
Was once 1 year unemployed (living on my savings rather then holding my hand up at the government [which has some nasty requirements] or parents).
Although loads of freedom, in the end it was not really a wise choice since it took so long to get a job again.
I had to get a loan (luckily paid off 3 years later). Around the same time crashed my car into an other one (thank you black ice [Imgur] ), my parents decided to chip in for a new car (paid them back later too, when my financial situation was stabilized).
I still shudder, how though things can become without "enough" money (and slightly grateful for this experience too).
and getting a job that paid about £3k less than I was earning before!
HehThat hurts and children are apparently quite expensive I've heard but also "fun" to have.
Not the Dwarf Fortress kind of fun, mind you.
meanwhile, I got a new mobile.
To be honest though, it was needed unless you think that having your phone discharge while it is in the charger is normal.
It is also a cheap model, not even 90 euro.
HehYeah, they're good kids. Drive me nuts sometimes mind you, but that's the way it goes.
Didn't matter80
Was it charging through USB or outlet? the latter only works for my mobile at home (not at work thou) I think my USB port got borked.