Sorry, that's me being obscure - a meant I went out for a bit of a run. Jogging is... well, to use the Google def, as it describes better than I could:25.
No clue on what 'jog' is, as long you enjoy it(yogurt maybe)
2 hours more and the work day is over.
Sorry, that's me being obscure - a meant I went out for a bit of a run. Jogging is... well, to use the Google def, as it describes better than I could:
"the activity of running at a steady, gentle pace as a form of physical exercise."
I don't mind at all - I can't blame you!27
Not a native English speaker, but now you mentioned it, yeah to jog, I know that word.
Well if you don't mind, I will forget this encounter (with that word) as quickly as possible.
Otherwise my brain gets an exercise too. I can't have that on a Monday, especially on Mondays.