Moderators: They make you lose count(Longest thread still alive!)

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Jul 31, 2013
*As Red gets out of the spaceship he looks around. He was brought here as he was chosen by the organization. No one knows why the organization take people away from their home.
The only thing that he and others know is that it happens, and if you are chosen to be taken away and try to fight back you either end up dead or still end up being captured.
The robots that brought him to this planet bring him to a room and tell him to wait for his new mentor.
A mentor? Red though, why would he need one?
The room is white and boring. It feels like ages before Red's mentor comes and while he waits a strange scent fills the room.
Finally someone enters the room.

Red suddenly gets an headache, he often had them as a child. As Red looks at the being he gets scared. Not only does Red see the front of the man, but his back at the same time. He also sees the parts of the room that normally wouldn't be visible as the person stands in the way. Red now realize that he sees behind himself as well. The headache becomes worse while his brain desperately tries to make sense of what his eyes see. Red doesn't notice what the being says.
Eventually he blacks out, the headache became too much.*


Jul 31, 2013
41 that was me trying to write down a piece of the thing that made me unable to sleep last night, gotta love those "random" world/story pop-up moments.
school is currently happening so....sorry can't write more down right now


Jul 31, 2013
53 *Eventually Red wakes up. He finds himself on a bed in a different room then before he blacked out. The same being he saw in that room is also in this room. Before Red could do anything this being says: "It is right that your vision changed in some way, causing a headache and eventually a blackout right?". Red answers yes, although his headache is now gone he has trouble thinking straight as he can't understand what happened luckily for him the being gives him the answers he needs: "You probably want to know what happened, why you are here and who I am right? Well, lets start with the answering the simplest question. You can call me Wilfred. What you just experienced was only the top of the ice-berg of what you can do and that is why you and many others are here."
Wilfred has some questions of his own:
"It is correct that you are 18 years old?" yes.
"Your name is red, right?" yes.
"Describe how your vision changed"
Red describes how he saw everything in the room, even the things he shouldn't be able to see like the back of Wilfred.
As Red tells about it Wilfred asks questions Red couldn't know the answer too unless he saw it, like for example the letter printed on the back of Wilfreds lab coat which Red had correct by answering with a "G".
When Red is done its Wilfred's turn to explain more.
You remember the smell right? Red nods. That comes from a special chemical that if inhaled by people like you can reveal some of their powers.
Your body is somehow able to see light in a very different way then others and don't worry. You are here together with many others to learn how to use it reliable without the use of that chemical and without the side effects like that headache.
Wilfred gives Red a small container with some pills.
"These contain a similar chemical like the one you experienced earlier, however the difference is that this only helps you get it to work where as that other chemical forces it. The headache should also be a lot less with these"
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