lenscas Over-Achiever Jul 31, 2013 2,015 1,801 248 May 11, 2015 #29,268 83 you still need to update your siggy though
Someone Else 37 Forum Addict Feb 10, 2013 1,876 1,440 168 May 11, 2015 #29,269 84 You're right; I'll go fix that right now.
lenscas Over-Achiever Jul 31, 2013 2,015 1,801 248 May 11, 2015 #29,270 85 and you fixed it, until I steal another triangle that is.
S sgbros1 New Member Jul 29, 2019 952 -6 0 May 11, 2015 #29,271 86 Nu. I steal it. *grabs a triangle*
lenscas Over-Achiever Jul 31, 2013 2,015 1,801 248 May 11, 2015 #29,272 87 @Someone Else 37 it looks like you need to update your avatar again *burns another triangle*
S sgbros1 New Member Jul 29, 2019 952 -6 0 May 11, 2015 #29,273 88 *grabs the last triangle* Now @Someone Else 37 doesn't need an avatar
lenscas Over-Achiever Jul 31, 2013 2,015 1,801 248 May 11, 2015 #29,274 89 Code: /give [USER=30638]@Someone Else 37[/USER] math:phi
Someone Else 37 Forum Addict Feb 10, 2013 1,876 1,440 168 May 11, 2015 #29,277 92 No, I am not changing my avatar again. Edit: Also, I take your phi and chuck it into the furnace.
lenscas Over-Achiever Jul 31, 2013 2,015 1,801 248 May 11, 2015 #29,279 94 I am sure he will, I am sure of that {insert creepy and possible insane laugh here}.
S sgbros1 New Member Jul 29, 2019 952 -6 0 May 11, 2015 #29,280 95 Hanging around the Corrupt A Wish thread too much, Lenny?