Casual Server Modded Skyblock Map|2.0.3 Agrarian Skies |whitelist|North American Server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys Im look for 2-4 players to do an Agrarian Skies map with me. It looks like in exciting map but I tried it single player and found it a little boring. So I am looking for 2-4 to come play with me. I will maintain the server and pay for it. So all you have to do is join me and play. Submit Applications below.
Any questions? Contact me on skype : ekobko.ekobko


How long have you been playing modded mc?:
Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?:
Why should I pick you for this map?:
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Skype: Bigman52796

Age: 17

How long have you been playing modded mc?: Around 3-4 years

Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?: I've always been a fan of skyblock, but i find it hard to play MC without mods anymore. When i found out about Sky Den, i absolutely loved the fact that it not only had mods, but in-game quests. So when Agrarian Skies added the Hardcore Questing Mode mod, it was like a dream come true.

Why should I pick you for this map?: I want to join you for the same reason you want people to play with. I love Agrarian Skies, but single player can get a bit boring no matter what you do. Although it is fun for a while, and I think it would just be so much better than it already is to do this with a team of players.

Thanks for taking the time to look over my app., and i look forward to playing with you :).

Thanks for applying! What is your skype?
Skype:added you
How long have you been playing modded mc?:since 1.2.5
Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?: I love modded objective maps and the quest mod makes that possible and fun!
Why should I pick you for this map?: I have alot of time to play and am a lot of fun :D
Name: Ghiojo
Age: 15
Skype: Ghioje
Timezone: Dont know it well, but i ussually play on weekends the most part of the day so i think ill be fine
How long have you been playing modded mc?: Since Alpha
Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?: Beacuse its a good challenge, love having to do difficult stuff and proof myself i can beat this Hardcore quests
Why should I pick you for this map?: Beacuse i know basically how to survive in this modpack/map, you wont need to help me and i ussually help others
Name: Braydon
Age: 18, almost 19
Skype: bmp-20
Timezone: Central
How long have you been playing modded mc?: since 1.2.3 (aether)
Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?: I have played sky factory and am now at the point where i can autocraft almost anything at will and am looking for a bot more of a challange
Why should I pick you for this map?: I have played similar packs and am familiar with almost all of the mods and i love to play minecraft.
Name: coy , aka wahya_spirit
Skype: wahya_coy
Timezone: central
How long have you been playing modded mc?: 1 year 1/2
Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?: i love skyblock but agrarian skies allows you to get almost everything in the game.
Why should I pick you for this map?: im an easy going guy that can bring tips or any type of help to the group if we play on one island or separate. x3 and over all i just want to play some agrarian skies with a group of people that might turn into a friendship.
Name: commandergeneral
Skype: will give if accepted
Timezone: east coast us
How long have you been playing modded mc?: since the original ftb map
Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?: is alot of fun and is a much harder challenge then normal modded
Why should I pick you for this map?: been looking for some people to play it with single player gets boring very quickly
Name: Bourbonarms
Age: 19
Skype: Bourbonbeta
Timezone: EST (GMT -4)
How long have you been playing modded mc?: Slightly over 2 years
Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?: It feels great creating everything around you, instead of harvesting it.
Why should I pick you for this map?: I'm good with technical mods and love meeting new people, especially over a game.
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Name: iwillpwnu1234 (I don't like my name either, but I based it off of my friend's old account I used to use)
Age: 13
Skype: pwngames
Timezone: Pacific
How long have you been playing modded mc?: Pretty long, I believe at least a year
Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?: Well if you're talking about your server in paticular, its because whitelisted servers have much less drama, also they are GREAT to record on. But if you're talking about agrarian skies, its because I prefer playing games that have quests and such so that you can improve. Also its sort of a fun concept that everything around you started with a frickin tree lol.
Why should I pick you for this map?: Well I generally don't cause much trouble and although you may have already discarded this app cause I'm young (you may not have but if you did), I'm not immature...hopefully. Anyway, I own my own vanilla server so I understand what its like trying to sort through the griefers/hackers and I assure you, I am neither.
Skype:[email protected] (type that in and it should work)
Timezone: GMT + 10:00
How long have you been playing modded mc?:Around about 3-4 years.

Why do you want to play Agrarian Skies?: I love the concept of being "stranded" over the void with little to no land having to survive with little fault. plus the added fact that most of these mods I've played with before but not in this fashion.

Why should I pick you for this map?:I've played agrarian skies so many times but have never finished (on single player), mainly because I've always gotten bored and just restarted but when I'm with others there's always something that makes you go on, I've played this map so many times and its just something I love to do.

I hope you can take me into consideration,
