Mod idea

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Hey guys! I was thinking about mine craft mods and was thinking we've got stuff from auto tree farms to particle accelerators from atomic science, now what don't we have is space...

All last night (about an hour) I made some notes (these are ported from my iPhone):

1 in 10,000 chance of a black hole spawning black holes suck blocks in roughly one layer per 10 minutes requires a mffs force field to stop blocks being sucked in. Random space stations appear with testificates with space gear on that sell space rock
Space rock compressed makes cores. core surrounded by lapotron crystals makes unstable core. Unstable core put in a stabilizer made by an advanced machine block two advanced circuits a compressor and a generator, creates a stabilized core which can be put into a generator which produces enough eu to fill 2 gravy suits.
Rocket requires a rail craft tank filled with build-craft fuel, tank is 3x5 with valve on outside. Rocket to. E made from pressurized aluminium reinforced metal made by an iron block surrounded by xycraft aluminium surrounded by pipe waterproofing. This makes 20 blocks.
Liquidisers used for liquidizing food for spaceship
Space sits crafted by hazmat suit with a circuit and some ic2 iron
Sorry for different fonts.
I can think of how to get to space and what would be in space but not why you'd want to go to space, any suggestions wouldn't go amiss and hopefully with help I can find a coder and some textures to make this idea become reality

I was thinking to make the spaceship that is really complicated there'd be a machine that acts like an auto builder that it tells you what resources you require and it give is to you. The blocks I used would be made from an iron block 4 aluminium and 4 water proofing this'd made 64 blocks


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd suggest learning to spell first, and then come back with an idea that doesn't randomly spawn world destroying entities that generates soul crushing lag while it's at it.

Also, where the heck are the rockets supposed to go? layer 255?

This is poorly thought out, horribly imbalanced, and poorly written.

Scrap it all, then try again.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where are you from America or England? I speak English there are no spelling mistakes, maybe some from me being a very bad typer on an iPhone

Rockets ares supposed to go to another dimension, I know its hardly thought out, what do you expect I said it was idea, I have spent 30 minutes on it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see you've edited you post.

And I'd spend a bit more time than 30 minutes on a mod idea, because right now, all you've got is a 'Wouldn't it be cool?' type of idea.

Nobodies going to code and texture for you with something this poorly thought out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Shame on you for sharing an Idea! /dripping sarcasm

Cool ideas, just keep fleshing them out :D

Jay Cee

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see you've edited you post.

And I'd spend a bit more time than 30 minutes on a mod idea, because right now, all you've got is a 'Wouldn't it be cool?' type of idea.

Nobodies going to code and texture for you with something this poorly thought out.

What's wrong with a "Wouldn't it be cool?" idea? he's asking for suggestions and soemtimes the best ideas can be found by bouncing ideas off of others.

I'm assuming that "Space" would be a separate dimension? It would almost have to be as I can't see the block height increasing further.

In saying that (and I know, I know, there are a lot of other 'multi-dimension' mods out there) if you had it so you could set up a telescope/something-more-appropriate to 'search' the sky and locate other planets (which would, of course be a different dimension) which you could then transcribe to a starmap which would then allow travel to these 'planets' depending on whether your spaceship was upgraded enaough (fuel space, air, etc) to allow travel to the further out reaching places.

As to what should make it worth travelling, well that would require some thought :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"You know, how about a box made out of blue Thaumcraft warded blocks with a light on top and a button inside, and once your inside and press the button, you go to space!"

That's basically the same damn thing here.

His idea is a rocket that can't fly, but transports you to an (implied, but not actually stated) space dimension that is nothing more than a void dimension from mystcraft, and all made from a visually clashing mishmash of other mods blocks and machines.

And let's not forget the randomly spawning world destroying entity that can never be eliminated.

Oh, here's another idea, how about a 1 in 10,000 chance that every step you take kills you!

That's just as good as this idea.

But you guys are all 'Good Idea, but I'm not going to think about it, because then it's terribleness will be revealed! And that would lead to criticism, which is forbidden because all I want to be is a hug box for everyone, no matter how bad their ideas are'.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"You know, how about a box made out of blue Thaumcraft warded blocks with a light on top and a button inside, and once your inside and press the button, you go to space!"

That's basically the same @#!*% thing here.

His idea is a rocket that can't fly, but transports you to an (implied, but not actually stated) space dimension that is nothing more than a void dimension from mystcraft, and all made from a visually clashing mishmash of other mods blocks and machines.

And let's not forget the randomly spawning world destroying entity that can never be eliminated.

Oh, here's another idea, how about a 1 in 10,000 chance that every step you take kills you!

That's just as good as this idea.

But you guys are all 'Good Idea, but I'm not going to think about it, because then it's terribleness will be revealed! And that would lead to criticism, which is forbidden because all I want to be is a hug box for everyone, no matter how bad their ideas are'.
Thanks for the constructive criticism, it's a big help! :)

I actually support this, as long as it isn't laggy. Also, it'd be nice if it fits well with the other mods. I mean, we have Mystcraft, Nether, AND Twilight Forest. Honestly I'd rather have a cool moon dimension rather than TW or Mystcraft, but that's just me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What he needs to do is go back, and define this idea.

Right now, the idea is 'Rocket ship built with other mods machines'.

What does the rocketship do?

Why are we building it?

Does it have any purpose?

What is it's balance? Beginning game, mid game, end game?

'Rocket ship' doesn't say anything, other than the OP thinks rocket ships are cool.

This mod idea doesn't do anything but let you build a crappy rocketship out of mismatching machines.

What's the point?

And why in gods name would you have a randomly spawning black hole that destroys the world if you want to make rocket ships?

Anything good this thread has spawned has been from people other than the OP. Even the space/moon dimension idea for the rocket to go to came from other posters, not OP.

This is the laziest, most disingenuous, OP I've read in years.

OP wants a mod, but is to lazy to do anything, and wants other people to to do all the work, even coming up with the ideas about what the mod should be about, beyond "Rocket Ship".

Of course, in the wildly unlikely scenario that he actually gets somebody else to design, code, and texture the mod, I'm sure OP will be proud of 'his' mod.

Hell, I can do the same damn thing.

How about a mod that let's you make an aquarium with Railcraft tanks, and uses other mod's machines to feed the squids.

Why people would ever want this mod? Hey, I'm just an idea man, you guys come up with all the ideas for why this mod should exist, oh, and can you guys code and texture it for me too? That'd be great, thanks!

I'll be sure to mention you guys somewhere when I post my mod for download.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...I can understand you not liking the idea of the mod, that's perfectly fine.

But why bash it so much? It's like you hate the very idea of someone coming up with an abstract idea. Maybe before he puts in tons of effort, he'd like to see the general thoughts of people to see if they like it.

I like the idea of some of it, but I don't like some ideas. FTB's about machines. What about, instead of books, portals made of obsidian, or lightning strikes that occur when you throw a diamond into a pool, something logical, like a space ship that requires food and fuel.

It also adds cross mod comparability. One of the things I like about this mod pack is multiple ways to get to somewhere. You can macerate, pulverize, rock-crush, do anything. Buildcraft, Xycraft, Thermal Expansion, and Railcraft holds fuel. Extrabees adds tons of bees, useful for all the mods. This mod will allow you to bring things together, it could be very cool if done correctly.

Of course, this is a lot of multiblock, so it may end up being laggy. In addition, there are Tungensteel blocks and Iridium-reinforced Tungensteel blocks, which seem better suited for spaceship mechanics. Maybe the idea has not been finished, he just had a bit of time and threw what he could onto his iPhone.

And, personally, I like the idea of making an aquarium with Railcraft tanks, and using macerators and compressors to press fish food into flakes. This allows for drops of Ink Sacs, and maybe they could drop it in other colors, so it'd be a breeding mod.

Let him have an idea, it could get somewhere (you could help refine it), or it could stay here on the forums (in which case you don't need to constantly bash it or be sarcastic).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's because it's not a real idea.

It's a word.

Rocket Ship.

And then he wants everyone else to do all the work for him.

Hell, he hasn't even posted since he fixed his spelling mistakes.

How would you like it if I came up to you and told that I have an idea for a book. It has a rocket ship in it, but needed you to come up with the plot, characters, and all the ideas for it, then write it, print it, and sell it for me?

And what the hell are you talking about FTB bringing mods together?

That has absolutely nothing to do with this mod, or this discussion.

But I suppose if you want to do all the work for this guy so he can have 'his' mod, then go right ahead.

Put your money where your mouth is.

Start coding.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cross mod compatibility? You don't want your mods interacting? Like gregtech's magic generators? Extrabees? Items from Steve's Carts having aspects?
Guess it's just a personal opinion. But I'm not really in the mood to argue, so you may continue with the hijacking of this thread or whatever you would like to do.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're the one hijacking the thread with this crazy talk about mod compatibility. FTB already has mod compatibility.

It has nothing to do with the discussion of this mod idea.

You're the one of ranting about other mods.

We're talking about this one. Which doesn't have cross mod utilization, as it just uses items from different mods for a multi-block structure rocket ship. That doesn't actually do anything in the OP's description.

The one about the rocket ship and how we're supposed to do everything else for the OP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Altho I sorta agree with GearS, putting all that aside, the fact that it needs multiple mods to work, means that anyone who does not like or want one of those mods will not be using the mod.

Why put months of effort to make a complex full mod that depends upon multiple mods and if any of those are missing, it turns useless?

Don't get me wrong, its a good "concept," it has lots of potential and I'm sure if you keep working on it, keep refining it, it may turn up great, or may end up as the base for a completely different, really awesome mod, but as is right now, there's not really much to it.

I mean, say this mod IS made for some reason, what would motivate players to play?
Why go through all that effort to make a world that could just collapse and be destroyed along with anything you've built there, by something controlled by chance, and/ or if you don't happen to have a force field, if your force field fails, or if there's a glitch,.

It could even destroy your way back to the overworld, thus basically rendering that save useless, there's also always the chance an unforeseen hole spawns, that its 1 in 10,000 chance to spawn, does not mean there can't be two, or ten, or 500, plus they could as easily spawn already inside a force field.
At this point unfortunately, this concept is no more than an unstable Mystcraft dimension.
(Don't build anything permanent, get all you can, and get out before it gets destroyed.)

When making a mod (or thinking of one), you always have to keep in mind many things, such as motive, usefulness, balance, how difficult it'd be to make, would it actually be fun to play?

Why do you think there's so many mods that just add some stuff, and so few "Twilight Forest"-like mods?
Not because people can't think of awesome ideas, but rather, because of what it takes to make them.

Even mods that seem to be "just for fun" have lots of thought put behind them, so altho it may seem like a good idea "in theory" it does not necessarily mean it'd make a good mod in Minecraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My biggest problem with OP's idea is the sheer ballsy lazyness.

He basically said 'Rocketships', then wants us to come up with all the ideas for it, then he wants us to do all the coding, all the textures, all the testing.

OP isn't going to make this, all of us are supposed to do that for him, all so he can have 'His' mod.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
GearSB, I've looked through what I see here, and no where can I find where the OP stated they expected you or anyone to do anything with this mod idea. Sometimes, people just have ideas and like them - and as such they feel compelled to share them. You seem very angry and upset - but I would venture to guess it is not with what is happening here but with a different, albeit similar situation in the past. If you make these kinds of assumptions, and become visibly angry at them, that is no good for any kind of discourse.

Relax a little. Step back from the embittered edge of the internet. You don't like the idea? Fine. Go ahead and tell him so. But try not to be as rude about it as you have been.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Johnathan, I just saw this on reddit. I don't know if you wanted to make the mod yourself, but someone beat ya. Seems very much in beta, but it seems to fit your guidelines. Doesn't seem too bad, and I think the traveling portion could use a facelift.
Sorry to bring the bad news, or good news, depending on how you look at it.