Mo Creatures and your "server" experience...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm starting a fresh world with a few close friends. We'll be using DW20's mod pack, but will be adding Balkon's Weapon mod and possibly Mo Creatures. I'm a huge fan of Mo Creatures, but have yet to experience it on a server with others. We're discussing if it's worth adding, which I'm a big proponent off. I just want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row before doing so. I also need a little help convincing everyone else haha.

I'm very curious to know folks experiences with this on their server. Please share your thoughts =).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love Mo'Creatures, but I've never liked the 1.8 spawn mechanic. The issues I have is with all the creatures spawning on any grass/dirt tile which wreaks havoc on crops and anywhere you haven't put cobble. If I were you I'd just disable all the passive mobs and keep the aggressive ones. This is all just my own opinion ofc. Don't forget, if you want the passive mobs like what Mo'Creatures has, the Twilight Forest has them :)

bob marley

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tested Mo'Creatures for my server but I found a game breaking bug..... I could not get wither skeletons to spawn and that to me is game breaking since I have no access tot he wither boss. I would report it to DrZark but I dont know where.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mo' Creatures on a server is super fun! I enjoy the challenge it adds. Wraiths, golems, trolls ect. If you see a werewolf before you have armor, run! lol Its not for everyone tho, it can be frustrating the 3rd time an ogre smashes your house.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I stopped using Mo' Creatures mainly on account of the ogres. I do appreciate the extra challenge of the werewolves and even the ogres to some extent, but yeah... it gets really annoying when they pop out of nowhere and just break everything to bits.

The spawn rates were also out of control last time I tried it... I'm sure that's tweakable and so on, but on the whole I decided to do without it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, so some interesting experiences here! Thanks for sharing. I noticed that you don't need the GUIapi for a server, but it creates an extensive config file with a lot of options. I remember reading that something needs to be turned off so that Thaumcraft zombie spawns aren't over the top...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not meaning to resurrect an old thread, but it's a top google search result still, so I'll add to it:

Ogre smash ability is based on blast resistance of a block. Obsidian has 500 blast resistance. Ogres can't break obsidian, bedrock, ore blocks, or xycraft shield blocks.

Also, I set their range (and strength?) to zero once a long time ago and I'm 95% sure they would no longer smash anything. They still did the smash animation but my house wasn't being destroyed. I thought the setting was for the range of their smash, but I've learned that the range setting is actually for how far away the ogre can "smell" you.

I'll go play with ogres for awhile and see what I can find out with recent Mo' Creatures and stuff.

EDIT: OK now I see in the more recent Mo'C, there is:

# The block destruction radius of green Ogres

# The block destruction radius of Fire Ogres

# The block destruction radius of Cave Ogres

So it was the strength setting, not the range, that controls block-breaking. I set these to zero and tested it. Sure enough, ogres can't break my house. They will, however, still smash my face and kill me in 6 or 7 hits.